
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · 若者
46 Chs

Chapter 39

[ !!!Another small change!!! 😭I made Vinter the second oldest instead of Bibiran!!! ]


"ya 'iilahi, 'aet sadiqi almufadal aladhi 'amami himayatik min alruwh alshiriyra"

said Paz who was clasping her palms together with her eyes closed as Bibi stood infront of her wondering what Paz was saying.

[ Supposed to mean ' Oh God, give my best friend in front of me your protection from the evil spirit ' ]

After Paz was down with the prayer, she looked at Bibi before saying it's her turn to bless her.

"Eh? Why? I don't even know what you were saying."

"You dumbo, I was praying"


"What so? I did it for YOU my water supply."

"Thank you Paz, I know I'm just too good...! but because of yesterday...?"

"Yea, now it's your turn so go stand infront of me."

"Hahah, okk"

Bibi said before she thought of what to say before she got.

"Abu Thrünphüh, eyo meyamrü ke nünü pennag"

"Hah? what language is that, it's not a language I know."

"Oh right! I didn't tell you about my first language did I?"

"*gasp!* y-you... I'm your bestfriend and you didn't even tell me what your first language, I-! I'm commentless!"

"You're overreacting Paz...! my memory isn't good, you already know that."

"Yea yea... Anyways what language is that? New York Language?"

The door slided open as Enzo entered, both Bibi and Paz stared at him with an expression that said 'where did you come from'

"uh, sorry if I interrupted your conversation."

"Enzo! Bibi is not Bibi-ing!"

Paz said as she ran to Enzo and pulled his bag telling him, even he didn't know what Paz meant so he just tried to make Paz calm to explain clearly, and than he turned to Bibi.

"Hi~! my cute pookie wookie boyfrien- auughk!"

Toro threw Vivi's shoe at Bibi to make her quite. He walked towards a seat near the window and sat down and soon after Toro came, Vivi came too, hoping on one leg.

"My shoe Toro."

Vivi told to Toro but he just turned to Bibi who is still stuck in her place with the shoe stuck to her face.

"oh- Here it is"

Vivi hopped towards Bibi, he put all his strength and pulled his shoe out, unstucking it from Bibi's face and he put on the shoe.

While that was happening, Paz was complaining to Enzo about how Bibi didn't tell her anything about her native language or anything.

Bibi suddenly started crying, the crying echoed through the whole school as she cried, Paz and Enzo tried to call her down by trying to give her sweets and juice but like always it didn't work.

"...Tell Toro to apologise...!"

Bibi cried as she demanded an apology from Toro, Enzo tried to make Toro apologize but he refused and Bibi threw a tantrum demanding the apology at all cost.

"I'll give you photos of hot Oppas."

Paz told Bibi with the roblox woman face, making Bibi quite as she slowly turned to Paz with the roblox man smirk.


Vivi clapped as Paz successfully made Bibi stop crying, it who knows if it will always work.

"It's called Hot Oppa man power."

Bibi said as she sniffed her snot up... disgusting.




"Paz, do you know why Donald Trump can't go to the White House?"

"... Why?"

"Cuz! It is For Biden"




Paz took some time to process before she got the joke, she did laugh, SOMEWHAT did, but it wasn't that funny...

"Your brain is so slow Pizza"

Bibi said with a smile as she patted Paz's head, she was actually making fun of Paz by patting her head to say she is short and small.

Paz smiled, annoyed and pulled out her knife and threatened Bibi that if she doesn't move her hand away right now she will stab it making sure Bibi can never user her right hand again.

Bibi immediately let go, she also maintained some distance between the two of them and just stared at eachother, it wasn't a staring contest because they blinked, it was just staring at eachother.

"Weather is good, let's go to the rooftop."

Paz grabbed on Bibi's wrist and pulled her as the two of them climbed the stairs leading to the rooftop.

"I thought you'll be exhausted cuz you were crawling on the stairs yesterday."

Bibi said to Paz as she opened the door, and they were greeted with a cool breeze making Paz and Bibi think they reached heaven.


"I- am I in heaven...?"

Paz asked herself as she opened her mouth wide to eat a little bit of the breeze because she believes that even the air has taste and can fill out stomach when too hungry.


Bibi looked at Paz before she too, opened her mouth wide and ate the breeze like Paz.

"You two look like hippos when they open their mouth and look up."

Vivi laughed while pointing at the two of them as he took a photo OF PAZ.

the two of them immediately closed their mouths, suddenly Paz had her knife in her hands

She stood behind Vivi while pointing the knife at his waist because she wasn't tall enough to reach his neck and told that if he doesn't delete the picture right now she will stab him.

Vivi found it adorable so he smiled and said no.

" 'NO' ? did you just say 'NO' ?'


Vivi nodded as he turned to Paz still behind him with the knife pointing at his waist.

Paz swinged her knife at Vivi but of course he dodged it because he believes he is the main character and the main character can never die (Kim Dokja...?)


Bibi gasped as she covered her mouth while smiling, she saw heaven when Vivi dodged the knife... 'ah... his waist...' Bibi thought in her mind as she started giggling and she soon started kicking and punching the air.

Paz kept on trying to get Vivi's phone because he dodged all her attacks, but she was NOT successful as she was TOO SHORT for Vivi...


Paz shouted as she leaned in the air

'Bruce-Lee jump' is what she called it.


Vivi just looked confused at Paz, he has never seen that attack of Paz...

"coconut tree attack... pulling hair"

Paz already had her hands prepared to grab on Vivi's hair and pull him to make him bald but...


Enzo came for Vivi's rescue! He caught Paz by the hand which was not what he was expecting because he was actually just going to stop Paz by telling her that he bought her food...

"Good afternoon my darlin~!"

Bibi said as she ran to Enzo while taking a video of Paz and Vivi.


Toro came infront of Bibi making her hit his head and fall to the ground and if course she cried her eyes out.