
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · 若者
46 Chs

chapter 30


I made two changes in the Quintet !! The Quintet is grade 10 and their ages is also 15-16!! Right, Hyeon too, his age and class changed along with the Quintet!!


"Nioce performance boyfriend materials!"

Bibi gave a thumbs up at Enzo and Vinter.

"I know right? Since I'm so handsome there was more cheering and clapping than it was supposed to have!"

Vinter said proudly, making a pose that said he's extremely handsome.

Enzo said thank you, but also told Bibi to stop calling every boy she knows boyfriend materials because it's embarrassing and weird.

Bibi looked at Topaz before smirking, glad she didn't forget to bring the gift with her. Bibi grabbed Alastor and Enzo by their arm and started walking away so that Topaz and Vinter is alone.

"Hahahahha, come on my darlings!"

Bibi laughed as she continued pulling Enzo and Alastor away from Topaz and Vinter.

"They left us."

Vinter said as he looked at the three of them leave before turning to Topaz with a smile.

"Soooooo? I think they have a reason for leaving hm?"

Vinter thought for sometime what it could've been than gasped dramatically thinking Topaz was finally going to accept his proposal.

"Are you-!"

"This is for you."

Topaz sighed, handing Vinter the gift. Vinter was curious but said that he'll open it at his house, and the two of them soon caught up with the other's but only to see that Bibi wasn't there.

"She went to bathroom because she ate a little too much sweets."

Enzo said as he handed Topaz and Vinter some sweets that he bought for them.

"Thanks dad"

Topaz stopped as the three of them started at Topaz, thinking did she just call Enzo dad?

Topaz does see Enzo as a father but because she herself didn't except to say it out loud, she was embarrassed.

"I'm very touched Topaz."

Enzo said as he sniffed nodding. Topaz didn't know what to say so she just nodded.

Let's see what's with Bibi...

"Dang... Did I have stage 4 diarrhea?'

Bibi said to herself as she came out of the bathroom, it was stinking like a pigs house of her shitting. While going back she also stole some food. When she caught up with the rest, she was really curious why Topaz was quite than she normally is so she asked Alastor about it.

"She called Enzo 'dad' "

Alastor whispered, and now Bibi for a reason to tease Topaz.




"Today, all the students and teachers are here to celebrate the graduation of the 12th graders. These senior students has given a good impression of both the students and the teacher. And bla bla bla."

The principal kept on yapping for some quite a long time... but thankfully it ended.

The 12th graders, wearing their graduation uniform and hat, did what everyone will do if they were graduating, throw their hats in the air.

The other members of the student council walked up to Hyeon, Rover whispered something in his ear making Hyeon blush and step back.

"But, we'll keep in touch."

Hana said, popping out of no where.

'Hyeon, Will you still be a member of the student council?'

The student president asked as she walked up towards Hyeon, and Hyeon replied by saying that he doesn't think he'll be a member anymore, as he finds it kind of difficult to focus on being a student council and being in the football club, but than says that he wants to focus more on his club.

Rover gives a hard smack on Hyeon's back, and no it wasn't because he was mad but rather like, when you feel kind of happy that your friend decided not to date the ugly and black flag girl/boy!

"Ow ow."

Hyeon as he got up from the ground...

"Aulia, Rover, Hana, we should go now."

The student vice-president walked towards them and said as the student council members said their goodbyes and left.

Soon after that, every student went back to their own Houses.

"I'll be going to the hospital so you guys can go."

Enzo said, without waiting for a reply he left, Alastor and Vinter knew why but Bibi and Topaz didn't.

"Well damn, he left without any answer."

Topaz said before shrugging and walking back with her other friends.

Bibi was the third to go as she needed to pick Effe up, she didn't wanna tell the other's about it because what if they try to steal Effe! She's being delusional...

"And there she goes too, I guess it's just the both of us."

Vinter said before walking besides Topaz and talking with her. Oh right, Alastor was actually the second to go because his house is quite far.

Enzo is currently sitting next to his mother, cutting apples for her while her mother reads a book.

"Her health has become better than it was... but her memories..."

Enzo thought before he sighed and continued cutting apples for his mother.

"It's cold isn't it dear? the city, it's all covered in snow..."

Dahlia said as she looked out the window.

"Yes madam..."

"It's a very beautiful season, the winter. But the spring may even be more beautiful than this... Today, I heard from the nurses that all the flowers bloom in the month of spring."

Enzo nodded, he smiled happy that his mother health is slightly better, and that at least she can remember what happened a few hours ago.

"Say dear, if you were to describe the spring, how will you describe it?"

"Ah... I'll say it's a very beautiful and wonderful season as all the flowers and tress bloom during that season."

Enzo said before he slided the apples that are in a small plate to the table right next to the bed.

"Oh Madam, shall I open the curtains wider?"

Enzo asked as he slightly tilted his head, his mother smiled and nodded so Enzo slided the curtains wider so that his mother can see the city more clearly.

"Madam... I"

There was a sudden knock on the door, and it was a nurse that came to bring Enzo out because the visiting is over. Enzo bowed his head and left as his mother waved at him as he left.

The mother kept her book and leaned down as she started to fall asleep and soon she was deep asleep.

'Young Master'


Enzo looked behind him, just to see his bodyguard which his father told to keep by his side whenever he is going out.

But anyways!! Enzo got in the car that came to pick him up and went home as he visited his mother.




"Vinter, did you enjoy today?"

Vinter's mother asked as she turned to him.

"yea, my crush gave me a gift too, I wonder what it is."

Vinter replied as he looked at the gift Topaz gave to him.

"Oh, I'll go up and open it but don't overwork yourself.".

Vinter said before he went up the stairs and to his room.