
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · 若者
46 Chs

Chapter- 15

"Thank you very much for dropping us Uncle.'

Enzo said as he bowed his head, with Vinter and Bibi behind Enzo whispering.

"It's alright boy, and take care you three."

Topaz's father said as he rolled the window up, and left as Topaz waved at the three of them.

"I wonder why Alastor chose to not be dropped by such a wonderful car"

Vinter said out loud which made Bibi curious too.

"Yea yea! I wonder why too."

Enzo kept quiet before he did a soft smack on both of their backs,

"Come on it's already late, you two should head back home"


Bibi said as she said goodbye and ran, Vinter did the same too, giving Enzo a handshake before patting his back and going home, of course Enzo went back home too.




'So Vinter... how did your hang out go?'

A woman's voice came from the living room.

"It was fun, especially when Topaz got angry."

Vinter laughed a little as he went up the stairs.

"Oh, it's no need to make my dinner, I already ate."

'Ok, good night Vinter. Sleep tight."

The same voice replied.

"And don't overwork yourself. But anyways, goodnight mom."


Vinter's mother replied back as she continued her work.

In the morning Vinter went down to the kitchen to tell his mother that school will not be there because of a problem in the school, he did notice his mother wasn't in the kitchen so he went to the living room.

"Mom? you there...?"

Vinter paused realising his mother had fallen asleep while working, because it was somewhat cold, he bought a blanket and wrapped her in the blanket, making her look like a borito...

Vinter sighed as he thought of something.

"It's been a long time ever since dad passed away... oh right... his death anniversary is near..."

He sighed again as he went up to his room to get his phone, he pulled the phone case out and pulled out five thousand

"I think I'll only need two thousand for some flowers"

Vinter mumbled as he took the two thousand and kept the three thousand back into the phone case.

Vinter quietly headed back down, opened the back door and left the house and walked towards the floral store. While walking to the floral store Vinter sneezed,

"I'm not cold or anything..."

He gasped

"Topaz must be missing me!!" Vinter thought as he smiled, which was obviously not true...

All of a sudden he bend down and fell to the ground, knee first, and when he looked behind him he saw Enzo and Bibi, and it was obviously Bibi who did it because she was smiling brightly.

"Damn, I don't think this is how you greet friends."

Vinter said with a smile as he got back up and dusted his pants,

"You didn't scrap your knee or anything right...?" Enoz aske quite worried because he knows that Bibi is very rough—maybe sometimes she's careful but still.

"Nah man, I didn't feel anything."

"If you say so"

"Anyways, were you going somewhere? like to buy something, you're carrying money."

Bibi said as she held some money in her hands.

"Ah right, I was... was..."

Vinter noticed the money in Bibi's hands, it was his!

"It was on the ground, you should keep it in your pocket and not hold it openly."

Enzo said as he took the money from Bibi and gave it to Vinter.

"*sigh...!* But anyways... I was going to the floral store, wanna join me?"

"Ohoo!! a flower shop huh! I don't have anything to buy but, I'll tag along."

Bibi said as she gave Vinter a high ten.

"What about you Enzo, will you come?"

Enzo nodded at Vinter's request.

"Why not, there's a book store right next the floral store."

"Ooh right!! That was you were going!"

Bibi said, she putting her hands in her pocket as the three of them continued walking while talking because if you don't talk while walking where is the fun, right?

[ Enzo, Vinter, and Bibi is the Tall trio, Alastor and Topaz is the short duo ]

"I'll go first."

Enzo said as he went to the bookstore, and Vinter and Bibi going to the Floral store.

"Hm, help me find some white or light and bright colour flowers."

Vinter told Bibi as she nodded and got to work, and so did Vinter. Bibi didn't bother asking him why he was going to buy flowers because she just knows that he always goes to the floral store to buy flowers for either his mother, late father, or for Topaz.

"Vinter! Is this flower good enough? like it's very pretty on top of that, Just Like Me-"

"The flower is but not you. I prefer Topaz if you forgot already."

"Bro I know that, I was just saying I'm pretty. buttcheeks."

Bibi grumbled as she handed the flowers to the counter with few more flowers.

"Aw, you two are such a cute couple!"

The cashier said as she scanned the flowers.

"Awww! if course!! my boyfriend material and I matchhh!"

Bibi said, as she felt happy and wiggled around like a worm while Vinter cleared the misunderstanding to the cashier, saying that she is actually mentally ill and she just got released from the mental asylum.

Bibi left the store, as she pulled out her phone waiting for Enzo to come out, and after some time Enzo came out holding some books which he probably borrowed.

"Shall we go?"


Bibi said as she put her hands behind her back. Enzo saw her off and he went back home too, he is the friend that walks back home after dropping his friends.




"Long time no see... Ran"

A women said as crossed her arms and stared at Bibi as if she was an outcast in her own house, and Bibi wasn't happy, when the women scoffed, Bibi didn't feel comfortable or happy when she was with that woman, she never felt comfortable or close with her. Bibi clenched her fist, she was about to say something but ended up not saying.

Jun came to her a patted her shoulder slightly and shook his head telling her to calm down.

"I'm going upstairs, I need to arrange my room."

Bibi said as she ignored the women, the women was annoyed too.

The women had long black hair with hazel eye colour, just by looking they'll know that the women is young, maybe in thirties but not late tthirties oh right, that women's name is Areum.

"Auntie, shall I make lunch for you? I think that you're very tried because of the long distance between the houses."

"Yes yes, now go and do it."

Areum said as she just scoffed and walked away, rolling her eyes thinking of Bibi.

"I wonder how Bibi managed to stay with Auntie..."

Jun thought, he too was slightly irritated...

before he went to the kitchen and started cooking for the women.

Bibi just sat in the window stool, extremely irritated and the irritating was very clear in her face.