

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · ファンタジー
59 Chs


Mr. Dunne's house

"This holiday is going to be the best…. I've made a lot of preparation…... we are going to have a lot of fun. "Finally!". Annabel said aloud

"Anita is back". Nina added

"Hey! What happened to you?". Mariana asked

"It was a long story".

"One we would like to hear". Meyan added

"And what if am not telling".

"Then suit yourself". Naso added

"Good". Walked pass them

Susan at the mall about to leave

"Oh who is this crazy? Huh! All this beggars". She said

"Please help me!".

"Please don't irritate me. Here have this and get lost". She added walked away.

"Look at her, stupid". He continues running until he bumps into Anita. All her things fell on the ground

"Heyy! What is wrong with you can't you see". She said

"Please help me".

"Help you with what".

"They are after me".


"His here". Hiding behind Anita

"Him! His just one person, but his very big". She said within

"Hey what do you want from this kid, go away". While she scolds him continually, he flares up. Picked up a bottle and broke it on his head.

"Oh my! His a mad man". Anita yells, carried the boy on her arms, leaving her things lying on the floor. Kicked them. Continue the chase.

Looked for the quickest exit, the hide behind the door.

"Come on". They rushed they, squatting for a while, to catch their breath

...Pacing so hard

"That was a close on. Why was he even chasing you?". she asked


"Hmmm". Breathing hard

"Forget about him fuzzy butt".

"What! What did you just call me".

"Fuzzy butt!". He repeated. Finding it hard to process that

"Why did you help me".

"You asked me to help you silly. You still haven't answered my question. Where you trying to steal from him".

"Mm let's just put it like that". He added. She pulled his ear

"Silly! Stealing is not good. What did you steal from him".

"Gosh! your worst than my mom. Seriously".

"Whatever! So what is your name?".


"Who gave you that name?".

"Why! You're so dumb".


"What is heyy! Why are you asking stupid questions. Of course my parents gave me the name". he snaps at her

"You know we are the same, so don't scold me again".

"Am sorry".

"Well my name is Anita".

"So who gave you that name".

"I don't talk about her".

"Oh, sorry".

Moments later

"Where are you going to?".

"We can't stay here forever, fuzzy butt".

"I don't like that name". she yells

"Lets go and check if his still there. Stay behind me".

Walking down the street

"Because of you all the things I bought is ruined".

"Well I didn't ask you to leave them".

"Ingrate! That's all you have to say".

"Where are we even going?".

"To your house!".

"I don't have one".

"Oh I forgot that you are a beggar".

"Fuzzy butt".

"Okay you can come to my house".

"If you keep playing like this you would pass the test". Vert added

"What test!". She asked. Immediate he started cough

"Heyy why are you coughing now". She robs his back

"Are you okay now".


"Fine lets go".

"Thank God! I almost blow my cover".

Mr. Dunne's house

...Doorbell rings

"Am coming". Open the door

"Look who is here". Mariana said

"Who?". they asked

"It's me! am back".

"Since morning". Saucy said

"Who is…. That".

"This is my new friend Vert. Vert say hi".

"Wow pretty girls, and they are sexy too". Rather confused

"Vert!". she snaps

"Sup girls". He added. She cleared her throat

"So why is vert here".

"He doesn't anywhere to go, so I brought him here. There was a big man trying to kill us, very big".

"So you brought your tiny friends to someone else's house!". Saucy added

"Mr. Dunne would understand and besides we are the same".

"This boy does not look like a beggar". Mariana snaps

"Um- mm".

"He looks like a rich kid, he even sounds like them".

"Just because he said pretty girls come on".

"Whatever, where would stay?". Saucy asked

"Me and Vert would stay in Annabel's room, while she pairs with Pricilla. Please".


"Oh you are so sweet". Moving closer till Saucy stopped her

"We were doing something before you came".

"Uhm okay. Vert come on let's go and arrange our room".

"Why is she so happy".

"Don't know don't care". Saucy added.

"You're so cold". Aso said

About to sleep Vert turns off the light, but Anita on it back

"What do you think you are doing".

"Sleeping of course".

"Have you prayed?".

"Pray…. What! Do I look like a pastor".

"You little rascal. Close your eyes".

"Dear God as we sleep kill all our enemies. No don't kill them. Just change them. Give my dear Vert a sweet, sweet, sweet sleep. Protect him and we love you, thank you".

"Gees! You're a bad pastor".

"I ain't no pastor".

Next morning trying to clean up, while vert step on the bed. She throws pillows at him

"What are you doing, you know what, have this".

"What am I going to do with this".

"Clean of course".

Throwing things at each other, laughing really hard. Then to singing

"Stop!!!! You're killing me. your voice is terrible".

"I don't blame you".

.... Finish clean. Stretch out a little

"Heyy, mother and son". Niso said. Anita laughed

Next day take out the trash. Three cars in front of the house, two guards by the side of each car

"Damn, it's today. I forgot what I was here for". Rushed in

"Fuzzy butt come with me". he said. Her friends started laughing

"Who is that? You". they laughed even louder

"What do you want?". Anita asked

"Just come with me". dragged her outside

"Why are they here?".

"Just trust me".

"Okay!". She followed him

"Take us to the mall".

"Mall!". Surprised

"Yes boss". They said as the open the door for them

"Boss". Still very confused

Looking through the window

"Told you, that boy is rich".

"Yeah, thank God Anita treated him well". Juliana added

...Looking for a suitable dress for her

"Vert what is going on?".

"Here this is perfect, wear this".

"Whatever". She frowns.

….. minutes later

"Now your talk. Perfect lets go". They left the mall

"Girls you won't believe this".


"I got an invitation to Richard's house". Susan said

"It's a lie". So surprised

"You don't believe me, take a looked yourself". She shows them proof

"O.M.G this is real".

"Where are you taking me to".

"We are there already". They came down

"Wow!". Exclaims. Look beside her. "Selina!".

"Anita! What is going on here".

.... They entered the house. Both of them in the living room. While Anita admires the house, Selina wonders, what she was doing here.

"What are you doing here?".

"I invited her here?". Richard said as him and his family member came downstairs

"No you invited me". Selina said

"I know, I also invited her".

"What… why?".

"It's my house and my decision". Looking at her angrily

"I hate you". was about to leave

"Heyy wait. Don't you even care to know why we called you here". Andy added

"No! as long as this dirty middle class is here. She has corrupted everything".

"Well you can't leave. And point of correction, this middle class is far better than you, in everything, including being you". Havana added

"What!". Selina felt bad

"What is going on. Richard's mother is complimenting me". Anita said within

"Before you leave, do you know this boy?". Fredi asked. Vert came out

"What! So my friends where right, you little rascal. You lied to me".

"Am sorry!".

"Keep your sorry to yourself".

"It was all part of the game".

"Game! I see. Well I don't blame you".

"Don't be angry with him alright. He had to. We instructed him to".

"Its fine, come here you". she hugged him

"So why is she here".

"She failed the test. You thought he was a beggar didn't you

"Yeah. And take your change, stupid". Vert throws her money at her

"Now you can leave". Mena added. Guards walked her out

"Join us to have breakfast". Elena asked

"Me! breakfast…... sure". She joined to eat.

.... Later that day they drove her home.

"Bye!". With a smiling face

...She entered the house. Standing in front of the door.

"You guys where right!..... his a rich kid". She laughs calmly

"Stupid". Saucy said and they all laugh. Talking about their holiday.