

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · ファンタジー
59 Chs


...Work out all settled

"Am so tired". Saucy said, wiping off sweat from her face

"Am so hungry". Juliana added, that look

"You know, if you were normal, and you don't have such lovely shape, and you definitely you eat so much, you would be the world's fattest woman, no! world fattest child, cause you are not up to a 13". .... She walked away

"You too, we both don't know our age, so insult me and I insult you, now am left with this juice".

.... Came out of the washroom

"Your phone, it's previd". Anita hand it over

"Hey, Mr. cute".

"Sup, are you free".

"No!". both staring at each other

"What are you doing".


"Seriously! I want to take you out, let's go swimming together".


"You get exposed first". Anita teased


"Are you bringing your friends".

"Yeah sure, why?".

"I would be in the midst of 17 dumb ass".

"Including me, wow! Fine your friends can come with".

"Okay, we would all get ready".


"Just like that, no, I.... love you!".

"No, I love you, bye". She ends the call

"You guys are weird".

"Mm, go downstairs and tell them, we are going out, while I get our things ready".

"Alright". She hurried downstairs

... Already at the venue, make their entrance, gorgeous, caught everyone's attention

"Sometimes I wonder if they are actually middle class, they are glowing". Jamaine said, so lost in their beauty

"Focus guys, they are all the same".

"But you like melody".

"Am just being nice". Richard added

"So that's what you tell yourself, cause that's a big lie".


"Sup boys". Pricilla said

"She's always the first to talk". Richard whispered to David.

"Hey!". Looking at melody


"She's blushing". Pricilla said rudely, sat next to David

"Are we here to swim or not". Saucy said, keep calm, looking at Meyan and Mariana as they all took off their scalf threw it on Juliana's face, dive into the pool.

"What was that". Confused state

"Slim waist, big thighs". They said unison, and laughed

"Juliana ain't you going in?". Anita asked

"No am cold". She said looking at Justin


"She's shy, shy girl, why are you shy? Is it because your crush is staring at you, or should I use your words, supreme crush". Anita and Pricilla laughed

"No, am not shy, am hungry". Juliana yelled, the whole place was calm, staring at Juliana

"You are not serious, why do you like food this much". David said

"Don't you eat, Pricilla likes food more than me". She said, her friends' gaps, Justin started laughing

"What! Why are you laughing". She hissed

"All these stupid friends of mine". She added

"So, you haven't eaten this morning".

"No, juice is not food, it's just sweet liquid to entertain your mouth". She said, and they all burst to laughter

"You are a clown; you always make me laugh. Come on let's go get you something to eat okay". Helped her up and they walked away

"Look at her big ass". Scarlet teased

"Are you.... Never mind".

"Come on Anita, let's show this water no mercy". Pricilla said, they both dive in

"See Richard she's your complete spec, slim waist, thick, round, big boobs". David teased, Richard hits him

"You are a big fool".

Later they all came out of the pool, sitted on the relaxing bench

"This... is what I call relaxation". Meyan said

"Yeah, you can say that again". Juliana added

"I have an idea guy, come on". Pricilla said

.... They all followed her, but melody refused, she clings to Richard, while Anita and Richard were taken unaware.

"What is wrong with her? melody". they called her whispering

"Now, I think she's really being annoying, you want to set the both of them up right". Saucy said

"Right, she's making me pissed, we would get into a fight". Pricilla said, went to where they were sitting

"Melody!". She yelled

"Why did you yell my name like that, what is it this".

"You are so annoying".

"See am not in the mood, you've been barking for weeks now, and I've tolerated enough, not anymore, you're not the only one pissed, your attitude is choking me get it, he doesn't like her so".

"You are such a Dum skull".

"How dare you?".

"Enough, what is wrong with the both of you, I've heard enough, stop fighting. Okay fight, kill yourself".

"She can't fight me; I would beat her up there is a difference".

"Really, fine, but I would warn you girls once, if you fight, or hurt each other, I-read my lips, I would cut all ties with you, and I would move to Annabel's room".

"Great! I lose, you lose, we are all okay".

"You are so childish and I won't want to waste time and energy on you".

"Really, me childish, I don't blame".

"It's not a matter of blame it's a matter of facts, even your so-called best friend knows it, that's why there is always a limit to everything she shares with you. When it comes to the childish stuff, she feels like you can handle that, but not everything, you don't know, they are a lot you don't know".

"What is she talking about?". Pricilla asked really curious. At this point she felt like her tongue got stock, in her throat

"Mm, n-n-nnnn-n....".

"Don't even think about lying, cause you don't know how too. I share everything with you, but you- you don't share, you share with your mature friend. You know that thing you said, about moving to Annabel's room, I would be the one to move, the rest of you, can settle yourself". She picked her pulse walking away

"Green witch, the key". Saucy threw it the key

"Where are you going to now". Anita asked

"Home to arrange my thing, and move". She walked away

"Great, why did you tell her, now what, huh".


"Ain't you a girl too". David asked

"No, am a woman man".

"Very true". Meyan added

...Walked in, shedding tears, acting like a drunk, till David's car drove in. he came down

"Sup, baby". That look

"Am not a baby'.

"Whatever, the key please". He opens the door, she pushed him and walked away

"I don't blame you

"You don't have to".

"Where are you hurrying off to".

"Arrange my things, why!".


"Oh, since you are here you can help me to arrange"

"Me, you must be mad, I don't do such work".

"I see is it easy to be rich".

"No, it's not, because we work for it".


"Am leaving, sure".

.... He left.

"Silly boy".

... Two weeks up, last days, walking to the garage

"You want to go home or...".

"His wearing this jacket, and Anita has her own, I must take it". She said within

"Ain't you going to answer me at least".

"No, I don't want to go home, take me out one last time".

"Okay, get in

... On a cool drive, acting abnormal, itching all over, she took her shirt off, he pulls to a quick stop

"Pricilla, what's wrong with you?".

"Huh, me, nothing, it stuffy in here so, that's why".

"You took... gosh, it's not stuffy, the AC is on, what kind of girl are you".

"Why are you yelling, huh, isn't my body uh, it's my body, why are you getting angry".

"You, you are a woman, and, not just any, you tend to".

"To, to what, make your thing come alive".

"You know what, you can even take your bra off I don't care".

"Mm, mouth watery, it's not food, get it".

"Just shut up". Started driving again

"What would I do now, ice-cream shop". She said within

"Heyy, I need ice-cream, am craving for it so, stop, stop, stop". She hurried down and rushed in

"Gosh, she doesn't even have money, she's crazy". He came down, walked into the store ...everyone was staring, like zombies

"Are they going to eat us, why". Pricilla's confused state

"Maybe, because...". Looked at her really closely

"They don't want to eat us you fool, they are staring at you.". He took off his jacket and helped her to cover her body


"Ohh, how sweet, okay". She kissed in on his chick and left the store

"Weird, she left without her ice-cream".

..... minutes later, he came out, into the car, saw her smiling, handed over the ice-cream

"Why are you smiling?".

"Nothing, I won".

"Won what?".

"Your jacket. You know your friend has his own, and he gave it to Anita, which she keeps in a very safe place, but now I have yours".

"I didn't".


"Wait so you did this intentionally".

"Yup, am a bad ass". She was about to lick her ice-cream, he pressed it on her face, and they both laughed hard

.... Got home


"Yeah. Hey Pricilla, I had fun, thanks".

"Anytime, see you, when I see you". she hurried in

... Her friends staring at her

"What!". She asked

"Finally, two weeks, after wrecking him dry".

"Oh please, I didn't wreck him dry".



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