
127. Pride

With a twist of his hand, all the mages heads looked back at Mack, and horror could be seen on their faces, but life was no more, because their bodies were still in the same place as before, frozen in the same motion, trying to escape.

Mack looked at their crooked necks and the skin that covered the collar bones all convoluted as if the skin was just an expensive rubber that covered their fragile bodies, as Mack contemplated on the frail life of the mages, he also contemplated on his own, and realized that he had become very strong, not only strong but also resolute.

There was no battle to speak of. Mack overestimated the mages that had come, and the slaughter took less than the time he took to clean himself from the last real battle.

Pushing the useless thoughts to the back of his head, Mack looked at the distance and the black dot that was the next battleship was not a black dot anymore and the outline of the ship could already be seen.