

Shantal always wondering why her mother forbid her from searching her father in the province of Bicol where he came from.Since young,he never saw her father even in pictures.Her mother always got mad when she asked something about her father.So,she grew up without knowing her father's name and how he looks like. After her mother died from a serious illness,Shantal decided to search her father in Bicol.She's attacked by a group of people wearing black clothes the first day she arrived in her father's hometown.Fortunately,she was saved by Lestan.A mysterious handsome man who always appears and helped her everytime her life is in danger. Lestan accompany her to Brgy.San Nicolas.A village that she's been looking for.She never thought that her entire life will change the moment she set her feet in that village.She discovered many secrets from people around her.She also discovered the real identity of her parents and also her own identity.And she finally knew the reason why her mother forbid her from searching her father. How can Shantal accept the truth about their family's true identity?What about Lestan?Is he really her savior or he is also one of the people who after her life to get her precious blood?Is she willing to sacrifice her life for her new found love?

MATECA_87 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


After a very tiring and long drive,Shantal finally arrived at her father's hometown in Bicol.She's very exhausted from a long drive and since it's already past six in the evening she decided to look for an inn where she will rest for a night.She's lucky to found a simple inn near the gasoline station where she asked a gasoline boy.Even though the inn was small but it's sorroundings is clean and very affordable.It's really good for a tourist who search a place to stay for a night.

After she took a bath she decided to walk outside and eat for dinner.She already felt hungry.The last time she ate was six hours ago.And she only ate cup noodles and one bread from a small canteen that she saw along the road.Actually,the inn that she's checking in has a free food.But she want to eat the food from the restaurant she saw nearby the inn.

While walking beside the road she noticed the beautiful christmas lights from houses and establishment.She's really lucky that the place where she is was not totally in a remote area of Bicol.There still some establishment and some inns to sleep.She suddenly felt sad.Christmas day is only a few days away.And it's the first christmas day that she will celebrate without her mother.Her mother Alicia died a month ago from a liver cancer.She hid her illness from her.And she's already uncurrable when she already knew about her illness.After many months of battling from liver cancer her mother died.

Shantal's mother left her a trust fund so that she can still study after she passed away.She also left her a big amount of money in a bank.More than enough for her to spend her daily needs.After her mother died she found a small wooden box in her mother's room while cleaning.She found it under the bedroom.The box was very old and full of dust.It's indicates that the box was never opened since her mother hid it under her bed.She opened it easily,since the box was very old.She was surprised what she saw inside the wooden box.An old picture of her mother and father holding their hands while sitting to each other.They looked happy in the picture.That's why she can't understand why they separated when they seemed like they loved each other deeply.And when she flipped the picture she saw her mother's hand writing at the back of the picture.It was her father's name and address where he lived.

Shantal already knew where is her father's hometown long ago.Her mother accidentally told her in a fit of anger.But then,her mother always careful not to slipped her tongue again.So,the only thing that she know about her father was his hometown.


After Shantal satisfied her stomach she decided to go back to the inn.She's already full.The food that she ate was very delicious.She never thought that she will found a good restaurant in that place.She walked slowly to digest the food she ate.While walking,her thought is busy thinking about what will happen tomorrow.Will she easily find her father?She think she will not.What will she do after she saw her father?Is she gonna hug and cry in his arms?What if he doesn't want to see her?What words she gonna tell him?Will he accept her as his daughter?

Many question in her mind that only when she meet her father she could give an answer.Her mind is occupied by the thoughts of meeting her father that's why she didn't noticed the three men wearing black clothes and black hats following her since she came out from the restaurant.And when the three men suddenly blocked her way the first thing she thought is that they are a theft in that place.

"W-what do you want?"she asked.She felt scared but she manage to controlled her voice so the theft won't noticed that she's scared of them.But the truth is her heart wants to pop out in fear.

The men in black clothes didn't answered her.They just look to each other.And when they started to walk towards her she automatically step backwards.She looked around her.Hoping that she could see any people to asked for help.But to her dismayed,aside from her and this three men,there are no other people walking near her area.What an unlucky night for her,she thought.

Shantal scream at the top of her lungs when the three men grab her arms and forcefully drag her to a black car that parked beside the road.Her calmness totally disappear.She's totally in panic.She's very worried for her safety.Is she going to die without seing her father.

"Help!Someone help me!"she screamed loudly.Hoping that someone might hear her voice and help her.She strongly struggled from their grasp.But they holding her very tight that she could fell the pain in her bare skin.For sure,she will have many bruise and marks in her skin where the men hold her tightly."Help!Help me!"she continued to scream.She hope that someone will hear and notice that she's being kidnapped.

Though,no one can hear her scream she still didn't lose her hope.She bite the hand of the man that holding her right arm and give the other one a strong kick in his manhood.The two men scream in pain and released their hands on her.She thought she can finally get away from them but the other guy slap her face that almost make her out of breath.She felt the pain in her face.She also taste her salty blood coming out from her mouth.

"Damn you!Our leader told us not to hurt her if not necessary,"the man she bit angrily said to other man that gave her a slapped.

"It can't help.This girl is strong and brave,"the man that slapped her answered."We should go now.Our mission is complete.We already had the girl."

The three men hurriedly drag her again.But before they could push her inside the car, a strong arms stop them.All of them turn around and saw a handsome and tall man at their back.He had a pair of dark and deep eyes that looks fierce.His nose is pointed,not like an ordinary Filipino nose.Despite her situation she still noticed that he has a very sexy and sensual red lips.It makes her wanted to bite those kissable lips.And his scent makes her felt dizzy.Not beacuse she doesn't like it but because she really like his scent.She looks like a very delicious food to her.She suddenly felt hot and wants to eat him right at this moment.She doesn't know what's going on.Why she felt like that for him.It scare her.She never felt like that for any men in her entire life.She wants him.Right at this moment.Damn!How could she thought of this dirty things in this very dangerous and critical moment?She shake her head and force herself not to think of those dirty things and focus only her attention in her situation right now.

"What do you think you're doing?"the handsome man asked in a calm voice,though his face seem very angry.He look at her face intently.The way he looks at her makes her heart beats abnormally.

"None of your business!"one men in black clothes answered angrily.He suddenly show a knife from his belly and aim to the man who wants to help her.

"Be careful."Shantal coudn't help herself and warned him.

"Do you think you can harm me with that tiny weapon of yours?"he smirked at the man holding a knife.She can't see any trace of fear in his eyes.He looks very calm and determine.As if he scared nothing in this world.And she don't know why she felt secured because of his presence.

"What are you waiting for?Kill him!"the other men in black shouted his accomplish.The man holding the sharp knife starts to attack the handsome man.But the handsome man looks very expert in that kind of situation.He successfully caught the hand of the man that holding a knife and twisted her arm.The wicked man scream in pain.The other two men in black clothes help their accomplish and suddenly released her.

When Shantal finally free from the two men in black she hurriedly run fast as she can and never look back.When she's already sure that her kidnapper can't cath up with her she decided to stop running and look at her back.But when she turn around she didn't see any man fighting in the street.There is no men wearing black clothes,black hats and also no handsome and tall man in the street that are fighting to death.It's peaceful like there is no attempted kidnapping that happened beside that road where she run off.

"What the heck?Where did they go?"she asked herself.Or is she just dreaming earlier?Or maybe they already left when they noticed that I already escaped?She slightly shake her head.Still couldn't believed what happened to her earlier.

Shantal took a glance again at the road where she is almost kidnapped by mysterious people.She took a deep breath to calm her mind and look around if there is people secretly looking at her.Though she found no one looking at her she could felt that there is someone watching her from afar.She felt goosebumps so she decided to go back to her inn and tend to her swollen face.


Shantal can't sleep.Her mind is busy thinking about what happened to her an hour ago.There is a lot of question in her mind that she doesn't know where to get an answer.Why those men in black clothes want to kidnapped her.She just arrived in this place and she doesn't have enemy.So what's the motived of those people for kidnapping her?She's also not some kind of a rich heir because she's not rich.Finding her father is not easy just like she thought.And what about that handsome man?Why she felt like that for him?She felt like her blood became hot the moment she laid her eyes on him.She's like a hungry woman and ready to eat a handsome guy.Since when did she became a lustful woman?Oh God!She thinks she's crazy.