
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 15. Battle of the Werewolves.

Before Dante left the safety of the room he was in he quickly used the 20 status points he got from leveling up twice. He put 5 into strength and 5 into agility and then decided to put 10 into endurance. Now his status looked like this whenever he opened up his system.

Dante level 9. 74,500xp out of 80,000

Strength 35 (+15)

Endurance 35 (+20)

Agility 35 (+15)

Intelligence 25

Charms 15

Luck 15 (+10)

Health 180 (+50)

Mana 180 (+50)

All lvl F skills cost -5MP, all lvl D skills cost -10MP

Skills- Strength booster lvl F, Eye inspection lvl D, Fireball lvl D, Goblins regeneration lvl F, Wolfs speed lvl F, Alpha claw lvl D, Lightning bolt lvl D, Mages Mana Regeneration lvl D, Water Lance lvl D, Water bullet lvl F, Ice bullet lvl F, Earth bullet lvl F, Air bullet lvl F, Thunder bullet lvl F, Fire tornado lvl D, Tornado lvl D, Ice Tornado lvl D, Lightning Tornado lvl D, Earth Lance lvl D, Fire Lance lvl D, Ice Lance lvl D, Air Lance lvl D, Teleportation lvl D(50 feet radius), Levitation lvl D, Transformation lvl C.

Passive Skills- Soul Devourer, Alpha Pup Summon lvl D, Beast rider lvl D, Hard Bones lvl F 20% damage reduction, Storage bag lvl D, Five Headed Elemental Baby Dragon Summon lvl B

Summon levels

Alpha Pup lvl 4. 1,600xp out of 5,000

Baby Dragon lvl 0. 0xp out 500

Seeing this growth Dante couldn't help but feel excited. The sounds of fighting in the garage have gotten louder the snarling and howling was almost ear splitting. He slowly crept out of the room with his two summons following closely. When he made it to the garage he saw something he had only seen in horror movies and read about in books. The room was full of werewolves about 10 normal brown furred werewolves with 1 huge alpha and they were battling 10 black furred werewolves and 1 huge alpha. The alphas were battling each other while the small ones fought each other.

Dante tried to creep closer and accidentally stepped on some glass from a broken bottle. Every werewolf head automatically turned towards him. They saw something most of them hadn't seen in years, a human. They all suddenly stopped fighting and started to howl and ran at him. Dante wasn't about to let them get closer. He started firing off 4 fire tornados in different directions towards the werewolves. The smaller ones were actually picked up and sucked inside of the tornados. We managed to kill about half of the normal werewolves with this.

Seeing that the normal ones weren't that strong he let his summons go forward to get some kills while he watched their backs. The baby dragon simply overpowered most of them with elemental spell after elemental spell. The two alphas upon seeing most of their packs being slaughtered had enough of it and charged ahead at the same time towards Dante. The brown furred alpha was a little smaller so he aimed for that one first. He sent two Fire Lances at its head thinking that would be enough. The werewolf didn't stop even though it's skull was showing so Dante decided to finish it off with a Hammer Heel Kick. The kick completely destroyed the rest of its head.

Before Dante could celebrate the other alpha was on him. It snatched his leg that had not landed yet with its mouth crunching the bones in his lower leg and throwing him hard. That one hit took -60HP and when he hit the wall it took another -40HP. Dante did the only thing he could do and tried to stand on one leg he again fired off 2 Fire Lances but they missed the fast creature. Seeing that the werewolf was almost upon him he got an Alpha Claw ready and when the werewolf was close enough he went for the head. The werewolf has seen this attack coming and leaned back.

The attack had missed its head and managed to cut deep into its neck and shoulder. It howled again making Dante cover his ears because he thought they would burst. The werewolf took this time to grab onto one his arms that were up. He once again latched on with his mouth but this time he shook Dante from side to side like a rabid dog. He could feel his arm snapping in more then one place -80HP. He tried to hit the werewolf with his other hand and once he had landed a few blows on its head it stopped shaking him.

It slammed him on the ground in front of it -40HP. Dante knew he was on the verge of death the blood flowed out of his wounds and poured out of his mouth at this point. Knowing this might be his last chance he fired off Fire Lances and Lightning Bolts as fast he could aiming for the head. Most of them missed but a few hit the werewolf and Dante didn't stop until it finally died. He tried to look around and saw his summons were finishing off the last 2 normal werewolves. He cast Goblins regeneration and drug his body back to the little library and close himself in before he passed out from the pain.