
The Last Of Her Kind

A thousand years ago a god created the last of a species of shifters that he named Kitsune who are fox shifters with special abilities. Lotus has lived in the solitude forests all across the world watching over the creatures she was created for for her entire immortal life, she knows nothing about the other supernaturals in the world and not much about the human world making her too naïve for her own good. Damon Light has never saw or even heard of a Kitsune before so when he stumbles upon Lotus fighting in the woods he wants nothing more than to put her under his protection. What happens when Lotus comes across a group of supernatural hunters for the first time? What happens when Damon Light comes to her rescue?

NicoleClouse · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 22


Where the fuck am I? I think as I take notice that I'm standing on a small gray platform surrounded by endless blackness. Squinting my eyes I try to see if I can spot anything in the vast dark but unfortunately nothing can be seen, it seems as if I'm all alone here. Remembering being shot with arrows I'm hit with the sad realization that I'm dead and this has to be place is either hell or purgatory. A snort leaves me at the thought of my own personal hell being me all alone in the dark, in my life I finally made friends and life seemed brighter so it's ironic it's all ripped away for me to suffer loneliness once again. Letting out a exasperated sigh I sit down on the platform pulling my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around my legs to hold them close, feeling uncomfortable like I'm sitting on something I frown then turn my head to look behind me to see what's under me. My eyes almost pop out of my head when I see my nine tails quickly my hands fly up to my head feeling the softness of my ears. At my happiness of having them back I squeal like a little girl and jump up and down all of tails wagging in sync, I may not know where the fuck I am but I know I'm back to my normal self. My celebration is cut short as a bright light shines down on me like a spotlight, then all around me several taller platforms like the one I'm on appear with lights shining down on each one individually.

Confused I turn in slow circles wondering what's going on, what looks like a small pillar of smoke appears on each platform figures slowly materializing from it til they are perfectly clear figures. Gasping my eyes roam over the tall gorgeous beings surrounding me, the all have a certain glow to them as I admire their beauty some give me gentle caring smiles while others look at me in disgust. My ears flatten when I notice most have looks of disgust making me a little frightened. Thinking back to the books I've read a lot of these beings register in my mind as gods, I've saw countless drawings of most of them here. Not sure how to act in this unexpected situation I quickly kneel down onto the hard stone platform and deeply bow my head showing utmost respect to the creators of all creatures roaming the earth. I'm incredibly shocked and baffled as to why I'm in the presence of such mighty beings but I don't say anything, I just wait for them to address me.

"Please raise your head Kitsune." A beautiful goddess with dark blue hair, silver eyes and skin as dark as the night sky says in a gentle voice with a motherly smile, from her appearance I believe she is the moon goddess that shifters worship. I do as she says and rise up from my kneeling position.

"Lotus the kitsune fox shifter you have been summoned by the gods of the supernatural for your trial." The booming voice belongs to a large man wearing an ancient toga who has tan skin and white hair, he must be Zeus the god Kevin loves so much.

My face twists in confusion and worry as to why I would be summoned for a trial, as far as I know I haven't done anything that violates supernatural laws to the point of having a trial by the gods and for so many to be here to conduct the trial means this is very serious manor that will most likely end in death for me. Panic and fear washes over me knowing that whatever this trial is about there's a low almost nonexistent chance of leaving alive and from what little I learned about these trials their death penalty isn't something simple like beheading you, they cruelly torture you to death. Trying to keep my fear from showing on my face is pointless because my ears lay flat and tails tuck between my legs by themselves, a small whimper escapes my lips as a shiver at the thought of what they might do to me goes through my mind.

"Kitsune are you aware that your god created you for his own selfish purposes due to a forbidden love with a high ranking demon?" Maat the Egyptian god gives me a disgusted look as the words leave her mouth.

Mustering up as much courage as possible I stand up straight and hold my head up high. "I know the reason I was created, the day I died as a human the god informed me of why he created my kind."

"We have been searching for your kind ever since we found out about your creation two thousand years ago, every one of you abominations have been put on trial and sentenced to death but you were a lot harder to find than the rest, took us several hundred years to find you." Sneers Apollo the creator of vampires, sweat starts to form on my forehead.

All of my brethren have been put to trial? Is that how they all died? Sorrow consumes me at the thought of how they all died for no reason at all, it's not our fault our god created us, and the fact that it was these gods all around me who did it makes my heart swell with rage. These gods killed off my kind just because basically we weren't meant to exist, not because we committed any crimes, and they call my god that created me selfish? They are the selfish ones wanting the innocent kitsune dead.

"Dear Lotus I understand your anger that's over shadowed by fear for us but please give us a few reasons as to why we should let you live." The moon goddess sadly smiles like she strongly disagrees with the extermination of my kind.

"She shouldn't live just like the rest of her kind! They were created from a grave sin between a god and demon with no real purpose to life, protecting human animals isn't a reason for a whole race to exist!" Maat shouts in outrage.

Ignoring her I look into the motherly eyes of the moon goddess and answer her question. "I have several reasons to live but I'm not sure whether they are good enough for me to evade the death penalty. "When I was human I sacrificed my life to save a wounded fox from human hunters, that fox turned out to be my god so he made me into what I am to continue protecting foxes." I take a deep breath before continuing. "For over a thousand years I've spent my life secluded in the forests and jungles all around the world protecting the foxes and being the leader of countless packs I created, the foxes have been my sole reason for living but a few months ago I met the supernatural Protector Damon Light, for some reason I felt an immediate attraction to him to which I learned was because I imprinted on him. I want and need to live to protect foxes and Damon Light and I are madly in love, I can't leave him all by himself."

Gasps and murmurs erupted from all the gods and goddesses at what they just heard. Guess my fellow kitsune brethren never imprinted or if they did never mentioned it to the gods when they were on trial. The gods and goddesses soon start yelling at each other and gesturing wildly at me arguing about what they should do about this situation.

"Did you say Protector Damon Light?" Apollo yells out in shock, his voice over powering the others making them quiet down, to which I just reply with a nod and simple yes.

"Tell us about the imprint." A god I don't recognize demands as he intensely glares at me.

Clearing my throat I bravely face him. "Damon along with another protector found out about the imprint the first night we were together, I had no idea about it because I'm still naive to the ways of most supernaturals. When I learned of the imprinting he admitted that I had in fact somehow imprinted on him, in the following days my god came to Damon and I telling us that he was dying and we were chosen for each other. Damon has gladly accepted the bond promising to spend his immortal life with me. We have completed the imprinting and are now mates" I state.

"Hell this is the most interesting thing we've heard from your kind." Zeus muses.

"Damon Light was sent from heaven by the highest ranking god, this is a lot more complicated than we thought." Maat whispers to the ghostly looking god next to her who gives a grave nod as he purses his lips.

"Do you have any proof of any such relationship with Damon Light?" Apollo laughs obviously not believing me.

My brows furrow as I try to think of a way to prove such a relationship existing, a lot of supernaturals have physical proof somewhere on their bodies they are mated but we don't have anything like that. After a few moments in deep thought I remember something, reaching into the front of the black shirt I was wearing when I was shot with the arrows I pull out a copy of one of the pictures Damon and I took together at the photo shoot, Damon and I always have a picture of the both of us on us at all times. Narrowing his eyes Zeus snaps his fingers and the picture flies out of my hand and into his. Looking at the picture his mouth falls open seeing the intimate moment of a sweet passionate kiss between my mate and I, a small blush creeps up my neck remembering that day, the picture is quickly ripped out of Zeus' hand by Apollo who looks pissed off and shocked at the same time. One by one each god and goddess passes the picture around, some in shock some with a warm smile seeing the true love we have for each other while others look enraged for some reason.

"We can't get rid of the mate of Damon Light there could be serious consequences from the highest god if we do such a thing." One of them whispers with a worried tone.

The moon goddess steps off her platform and appears in front of me handing the picture back to me which I place back in the front of my shirt. She takes both of my small hands in hers giving me a motherly smile, warmth and love radiate off the goddess in strong waves, I understand why shifters love her so much now. Out of all the gods and goddesses here she is by far the kindest and most caring.

"Lotus you are the first of your kind that has imprinted before which means your life isn't yours alone anymore and you have imprinted and been accepted by the most powerful and respected being alive. You have been blessed not only by your deceased god but also by the supreme god, if two different species are to have mates of any kind the match has to be made by both gods even when it comes to imprinting mates which is a one sided love at first." She strokes one of my ears as she speaks making calmness flood through my body.

"Well fuck this is one short trial and a waste of our time! Due to the supreme god this abomination can't be killed by trial." Apollo angrily spats as he glares daggers at me.

The moon goddess acts as if she didn't hear him and continues to speak to me. "Lovely fox shifter since you are indeed a shifter and your god has passed away I will consider you as one of my own children and will become the god to watch over you, all beings must have a god." She says in a motherly tone making tears come to my eyes at her loving attitude.

A loud bang sounds out catching my attention. "This trial isn't over yet! Moon goddess you are over stepping your bounds! Just because this abomination is mated to Damon Light doesn't mean she should be given immunity to live, she needs to die like the rest of them did" A goddess with flaming red hair angrily shouts.

"Damon was sent from heaven to start and lead the Protectors by the supreme god, if his mate dies he could possibly fall into insanity and become a killing machine or completely abandon his duties oh and don't forget the most likely thing to happen is he will kill himself. That's almost always what happens to mates when the other dies." The moon goddess shouts back her once smiling face contorts into one of rage.

"We can in no way intervene on the mission the supreme god has sent Damon Light to do, there will be dire consequences for us and killing his mate is hugely intervening because it could lead to Damon's death." Apollo sighs in frustration.

"Since you were given a mate agreed upon by your god and the supreme god you now actually have a real purpose to live. Even though I would prefer you to be dead we have to let you live, this trial is now deemed unnecessary and you are free to go." Zeus booms out in his powerful voice.

The moon goddess wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a tight embrace, a small smile graces my lips at her affection, I gladly return her hug. Peeking over her shoulder I take in the different emotions showing on all the god's faces a little happy that some look relieved that I get to live and I want so badly to taunt those that openly display their hatred for but think better of it. Ending the embrace the moon goddess softly caresses one of my cheeks. "Goodbye my child." Before I have a chance to reply I feel an invisible force tug on my body, looking down my eyes widen at my quickly vanishing body. In a matter of seconds I'm pulled away from the trial room.