
The last Marigold

A romantic love story turned into a murder mystery. A girl. A boy. The perfect love story...Right?

FrogsWearTopHats · ファンタジー
4 Chs


I walked around more impatiently than ever. My aunt always comes home before dark. It would be too dangerous to walk to the city when the sun sets. I walked over to the window and looked out, a horse and a carriage coming towards the home. I have a teacup and am now standing outside, the person has a face I can recognize but not just right. It starts to get closer and I'm frightened. It pulls up right in front and a man gets out. He walked towards me.

" Would you like some company?" Oliver says.

"Depends, can you give me a ride into the city?" I ask, looking him in the eyes.

"Why do you need a ride isn't your Aunt home yet?" He asked, looking confused.

"She is not and I need to see if she is alright in the bakery," I say.

"Sure I can give you a ride, you need a coat it gets really cold fast,"

"I will be fine I don't own a coat anyways," I say but he looks at me really fast.

"What do you mean you don't own a coat?" He says quickly.

" I do not own a coat, I am not from Maine," I say.

"Where are you from then?" He said more engaged in the conversation.

"I am from Arizona, it is too hot down there to own a coat," I say smiling.

"Alright, we need to go now before the animals come out."

I get into the carriage. He goes very quickly down the path, it was silent. He did not say a word to me until we got to the city.

"Which bakery?" he asked.

"Verallia Bakery,'' I responded. I have never been there. I only know about it because of how much my aunt complains.

He parks, gets out, helps me down, and grabs the keys, he unlocked the door and walks in.

"Your aunt is not here," He says.

"What do you mean she is not here?" I say with worry in my voice.

"It is closed. Your aunt could not be here." He said.

"But I thought that the bakery didn't close for another hour!" I say.

We rode around in the carriage for hours but still couldn't find her. So I went home but I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep knowing that my aunt could be in danger. Or worse. I couldn't lose her too. I already lost my mother and my father without my Aunt Mable I had no one but myself. Then I heard something. Something strange. I heard footsteps coming toward my door. I hid because I didn't know who it was. I thought it could have been my aunt but I didn't hear the door open. I didn't hear her keys clinking together. I didn't hear her complaining about her job to herself.

"Aunt Mable?" I say even though I'm terrified.

No answer.

