
The last Marigold

A romantic love story turned into a murder mystery. A girl. A boy. The perfect love story...Right?

FrogsWearTopHats · ファンタジー
4 Chs


It was Oliver. Why was Oliver here? Was this his house? Why am I here? Did he take me? I had so many questions. But I wasn't going to wait to find out. So I woke him up.

"Hey Oliver wake up!"

He didn't wake up, he just laid there. Still. I tried again. Nothing.

"Boo!" He screeched

"You're not funny Oliver! I was worried!"

"So were you worried about me? Huh?" He said

"No I wasn't! Anyway, what are we doing here? And who's house is this?" I said. He could clearly see that I was upset.

"Well this is my house!" He said

I was suspicious of him because if his whole family was this rich then why did his uncle live in my hometown? The poorest town in Philadelphia. Why did he live there instead of a nice and big house? But then I woke up. I was dreaming and he was still right next to me sleeping. I still had questions though so I woke him up.

"Oliver! Wake up!" I yelled

"What!" He yelled

"I have a question. Where do you live anyway?" I said

"Why?" he asked

"I just need to know. Okay?"

"Okay fine but we will have to walk there because my horse is there"

"That's fine, let's just go!" I yelled

So we got there and it was exactly how I had imagined. It was the house in my dream. The same wallpaper. The same detailed carvings in the wood. The same chandelier in the living room. The same everything. But one thing was different. There was a door.

"Oliver, what does that door lead to?" I said but I immediately regretted that decision because he looked at me with a face of fear


"Oh yeah sorry that's the basement door." He said

"Would you like to see the basement?" He said with a smirk that got bigger by the second.

I had a bad feeling but I went anyway. As I was walking down the steps to the basement I noticed that it wasn't as clean as the upstairs of the house. The walls were sticky. The floor was a mess of red paint. The walls were covered in dark red paint splattered all over the wall. Or at least he said it was paint. It smelled like metal in the basement especially when we got to the last few steps. When we got to the basement I was immediately surprised because it was like a whole other house down there but the smell was still there and there was a room with a closed door that it was coming from I wasn't worried about it at the time but then he said

"Hey I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back. Oh and also one more thing please don't go into that room. I'll be back."

"Why can't I go into that room Oliver? What's in that room?" I said but I felt like I had said too much because he got a worried and also upset look on his face.

"What do you mean? Wait, why are you asking me so many questions?" He questioned

We sat down and he started inching closer and closer to me. Then he whispered something in my ear. I was terrified of what he said. So I ran. I ran home. I ran and I didn't look back. I didn't look back because he had said it again but louder this time. I really thought he had changed. I thought that he was different but it looks like I was wrong. Since kidnapping me he has been on very thin ice with me but when he said

"Hey I wonder where your aunt is…Maybe she with your mother" Then he laughed

When he said that, The ice was broken.