
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · ファンタジー
174 Chs

1.6: Sinister hymn

*Meanwhile Blackburn County Hospital; located next to Legon City.*


Sasha, Konami, and the rest of her family were situated to recover. After the catastrophe in their home, this was their only place to stay. Yuri finally came to, as she glanced around and saw her entire family on hospital beds. She held her hands before her face, still feeling her bruises. How could one complication lead to so much disaster...she asked herself.

Izanami came by to comfort her, even though she was just as exhausted. Konami and Sasha were still senseless, but the expression on their faces showed it all. Giyora only stood up from his bed in sorrow as they told him what happened.

"…T…Tedashii, he…did all that…and..killed…"

They didn't want to admit it, but it was the truth. The impact bifurcated Sawashiki. Gaiyato used his spiritas to protect everything in the house without knowing he was still outside. But when Rebirth came to defeat Tedashii, Motoroshi was already gone.

"Honey, we should understand. He didn't have this circumstance in his hand. Don't you-"


He shouted on as it brought notoriety to them. One of the doctors came by to see what the conflict was about. "Mr. and Mrs. Katsuno. I'm glad you are all well-"

Giyora ran towards the doctor and held him on his collar.


"Mr. Katsuno, I would advise you to keep your hands to yourself. Your son was taken to the Calamity apprehension, so his whereabouts are unknown to all of us."

Giyora let him go. "My son? My…son." He looked around and saw all the patients staring at him. What was he thinking, he asked himself. He then sat down and sighed. "Yeah, you're right. Izanami I-"

He wanted to apologize, but she left the room after hearing the news. Konami woke up and hugged her father to calm him down.

Izanami made it to the reception table. "Sorry, Miss. Do you know where the Calamity apprehension is being held?!"

"Ma'am, are you lost?" The lady didn't know what she was talking about, but she at least offered her a map. Izanami realized they didn't speak the same language, so she looked at the nurse, then the map, and ended up taking it. She ran out of the hospital and tried to look for her phone, which was still in the room. She did not feel like arguing with Giyora after what he said, but her options were out. So she walked back to the room. Giyora tried again to speak to her, but she just ran past him, took her phone, and made a call.


*Meanwhile, at Quarts A Calamity apprehension*


"Tell me, Gaiyato. Who do you put your money on for this apprehension?" Martin asked him as they sat inside the control room while the countdown was close to 5 minutes 30 seconds.

"Oh, come on~. Every year we bet, the person I bet on ALWAYS dies (because I suck at betting). …But if I'd have to go with my mind, I say Tedashii."

"Don't you have any idea where they are right now? The Viability Forest is where S-ranked predators are the only food source. They aren't adversaries to reckon with. And for a survival gig, you pick Tedashii?"

"Don't be sad when he does survive. I believe in him, after all. He is the only person with an immortal-"

"Who told you that?" Martin said with a smile.

"Wait, someone else also has an Immortal?"

"Of course, and it's non-other than-"


Gaiyato's phone was ringing. He recognized the number and immediately stood up to answer it. "Excuse me, Martin. I have an urgent call."

"I'm not your father. I don't control who you talk to, or did I suddenly get that privilege?"

Gaiyato left laughing at Martin's joke. "Keep watch while I'm out, and don't do something behind my back…"

He said so in a deep tone and walked to the veranda. "Hey, Sis. How is everyone doing?"

"Hey, Brother, everyone is fine. Tell me, how is Tedashii doing?"

Gaiyato exhaled.

"He's doing alright. Don't worry; I'm keeping him safe while he is here. After all, I owe it to your husband."

She didn't utter a word after he said that. Giyora asked her what was the matter, but still no response. He then took the phone. "Hello, Gaiyato. Is that you?"

Hate and disappointment rebounded in his voice, he replied. "Why do you have the phone?! I want to speak to someone else?"

Giyora was shocked by his response. Then Konami and Yuri came by to speak as well.

"Uncle Gaiyato. How is Tedashii?!"

They both asked with concern that something might have happened to him.

"Hey, there, girls. Don't worry, he's just fine. You guys will get to meet him in four days, so hold on tight and smile, okay?"

They both cleaned their tears as they returned the phone to their mother.

"Izzy, how is Sasha doing?" Gaiyato asked out of concern.

"Oh, Gaiyato. I have no idea what happened to her. Her mother has been in the room with her since the incident, but she still hasn't woken up. And Sanji, how is he holding up?"

"WHITEHAIR? He is as strong as a bull. He didn't want us to treat his facial wound and just joined the apprehension out of free will." Suddenly, Gaiyato's tone changed. "Izzy, I hope you think a little more about what's to come."

"What are you talking about? Did you let Motoroshi flee on purpose-" She whispered to him.

"Motoroshi? So you DO remember him?! Is there something you're not telling me?"

"AH, NO. I mean, no..what did you want to say?"

"You saw Tedashii's sky too, didn't you? I saw it from my side. It's no surprise we might not be the only ones…someone else must have seen it too." 


He called off the phone. Konami held Yuri close, for they were worried about Tedashii. But Giyora could not understand why Gaiyato was so hostile towards him. Their relationship as in-laws has been that way since he married his sister. Still frozen in place, Izanami decided to sit down near her daughters. "Promise me that no matter what happens, you will always love each other like you always do."

The two girls were perplexed as to why she was saying so. "Mom, why would you ask something like that?" Konami asked.

"Don't worry, Konami. Everything will be fine."

She hugged them as they stayed like that for a while, with Giyora on the side as he watched his family bond without him. He smiled, but it faded fast when the doctor wanted to see him. He followed him to another room, where he saw the horror he hoped was invalid. He witnessed his father's body right before him, with a perfect cut through his lower stomach. He grinned in pain, for he couldn't believe this variable image.

("This is all your fault, TEDASHII!")