
The Last Heroes Child

In a remote castle, young Alexander grows up immersed in learning and training, oblivious to a well-guarded family secret. His life within the castle walls is marked by privilege and mystery. But beneath the royal family's regal façade, there lies a hidden truth, a secret with the power to alter the course of the world. As Alexander matures, the weight of this hidden knowledge becomes more palpable, leading him on a journey that will challenge his very understanding of his family's legacy and his place in the world. The secret, deeply woven into his very existence, beckons him to uncover a truth that could turn everything upside down.

mountainman · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Hello father, what do you have on your face?

I soon found myself awakening to an unfamiliar melody, a noise of such mystifying origin that it teased me from the secure embrace of slumber. I was nestled against the soft and comforting shoulder of my mother, a place where dreams were warm and reality seemed far away. The sudden noise sent ripples through my thoughts, and I was startled awake, my infant eyes opening to a world wholly unlike any I had known before.

I was in a place of vivid wonder and living beauty, where a vibrant and dynamic tapestry unfolded around us with each passing moment. High above me, a golden orb of warmth and light, an eye of the cosmos, hung suspended in the clear blue sky. It bathed the world below in a gentle and nurturing glow, casting a magical sheen over the verdant landscape that stretched out to the horizon. In the distance, something green swayed, dancing in a gentle breeze like seaweed in a tranquil ocean, while the distant sound of birdsong filled the air, an orchestral symphony of nature's finest melodies.

Then, the voice, as soft and delicate as my mother's own, yet imbued with an alien quality that made me turn, spoke up. "Hey, Alexander is awake," it said, sudden and straddling, pulling me further into this new world. My eyes met theirs, and in that instant, I was lifted, the giant's arms outstretched to pick me up and cradle me. "Is this how you do it?" they asked, their voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. My world flipped upside down, a disorienting and thrilling carnival ride, as my uncontrolled head fell back, my view of the universe momentarily awry.

"Ohh..." "Ohh…" My mother and this other giant intoned simultaneously, their voices a duet of realization and gentle amusement. "I guess it isn't how I'm supposed to hold him," the giant said, her voice now filled with knowing wisdom as she swiftly corrected her hold. Supporting my head with her gentle hand, she adjusted her grip, aligning my world once more. I felt safe and secure, enveloped in the tender embrace of these loving giants, my guardians in this mesmerizing new existence.

"Be careful, Mai," my mother advised, her voice a melodious caress, laced with maternal concern yet tinged with trust.


Suddenly, there it was again—the noise, mysterious and tantalizing, pulling at the strings of my infant curiosity. Where was it coming from? What secrets did it hold? I squiggled in the giant's hold, my tiny body wriggling with an uncontainable desire to investigate the sound, to uncover its hidden wonders.

Ching Ching

"Oh, you want to see your father spar?" the giant inquired, her voice filled with understanding and gentle encouragement. She turned her magnificent form, adjusting her stance so that I could peer into the source of the mysterious sounds. My eyes widened as a new spectacle unveiled itself before me.

There, in a clearing bathed in the shimmering light of the golden orb above, stood a figure even more massive, an even grander giant. He held something long and reflective within his powerful hands, a gleaming instrument of grace and strength that danced with the rhythm of his movements. With each swing, light flashed and reflected, sending radiant beams my way, a kaleidoscope of brilliance and might. He was swinging it at another giant, their forms engaged in a ballet of combat, a dance of discipline and skill.

"The one on the right is your father, Mark."

The air was filled with the ring of metal, the swish of expertly executed moves, and the subtle undercurrent of intensity that marked this as no mere game. My father, Mark, for so the giant had named him, moved with a poise and elegance that spoke of years of mastery, his every motion a symphony of control and power.

I was entranced, caught in the spell of this display. The clang of the swords, the movement of the giants, it wove together into a mesmerizing tapestry that spoke to something deep within me.

Ching! Ching!

The sound of clashing metal rang through the air as Father deflected the thrust with a graceful twist of his body. The two giants circled each other, their movements mirroring one another, a synchrony born of mutual respect and understanding.

Then, with a sudden explosion of energy, the tempo increased. Father lunged forward, his sword whistling through the air in a series of rapid strikes, each aimed with deadly precision. The other giant danced back, parrying and dodging, his movements a blur of agility and grace.

Ching! Ching! Ching!

The sound was a symphony, a rhythm that pulsed with the heartbeat of the spar. Father's attacks were relentless, but the other giant matched him move for move, his defenses a seamless blend of technique and instinct.

For a breathtaking moment, the two were locked in a stalemate, their swords crossed, their eyes locked, a silent conversation passing between them. The world seemed to hold its breath as the two giants pressed against each other, neither giving an inch.

Then, with a fluid motion, Father disengaged, spinning away and launching a flurry of strikes that seemed to come from all directions at once. The other giant responded with a dazzling display of his own, his blade a shimmering barrier that turned aside Father's assault.

The spar continued, a dance of feints and thrusts, parries and ripostes, each giant pushing the other to new heights of skill and creativity. The air was alive with the ring of steel and the grace of movement, a ballet of combat that was as beautiful as it was deadly. With a final, resounding Ching!, they both touched the tip of their swords to their opponent's chest, marking the end of the spar.

Both giants stepped back, the energy of the spar still vibrating through their powerful forms, their chests heaving in unison, drawing in the breath of victory and satisfaction. Their faces were flushed with the thrill of the dance, the exhilaration of a well-fought match, their eyes glowing with a shared understanding that transcended mere words. With a graceful bow, they acknowledged each other, a gesture of respect and admiration that sealed their bond as warriors and friends.

Then they turned to face us, their gaze shifting from the battlefield of honor to the intimate circle of family. They approached with a swagger that was tempered by tenderness, the air around them still humming with the echoes of clashing swords and disciplined movement.

My father, this giant of strength and skill, reached out to me, his hand a gentle giant itself as it patted my head. His touch was both firm and loving, a tactile connection that bridged the gap between the warrior and the father. His eyes, still alight with the spark of battle, softened as they met mine, a warmth spreading through them that reached into the very core of my being.

He moved on to my mother, his partner in life's intricate dance, and kissed her on the cheek, a simple yet profound gesture that spoke volumes of their love and partnership. His lips lingered for a moment, a silent promise shared between them, a reaffirmation of their unbreakable bond.

"Hey, little man," he addressed me, his voice a robust melody filled with the resonance of a seasoned warrior and the playfulness of an attentive father. His eyes sparkled with a mixture of pride and anticipation as they met mine, the connection between us deepening with each word. "I'm guessing you came to cheer me on as I spar. I guess you had to see something cool for your first time outside. Maybe when you get older, we could train together."

His words were a bridge, extending across the chasm of age and experience to reach me in my infancy. They were an invitation, a promise filled with the mysteries of the future, the excitement of growth, and the joy of shared endeavors.

Then, with a motion as fluid and powerful as the strikes he had executed during the spar, he reached out and picked me up, his strong arms lifting me into the sky as though I were weightless. The world around me shifted, the horizon expanding as I was raised higher and higher, until I was level with his smiling face. My eyes widened, and my heart danced to a rhythm of wonder and thrill.

He spun me around, and as I rotated, the landscape became a blur, a whirlpool of colors and shapes that mingled with the laughter bubbling from my father's throat. The sensation was intoxicating, a joyous celebration of life and connection, a dance that mirrored the choreography of the spar I had witnessed.

But then, without warning, my stomach began to churn, a sudden rebellion against the milk I had consumed from my mother. The world's spin took on a new, unsettling quality, a dissonance that clashed with the harmony of the moment.

In an instant, white milk erupted from my mouth, a fountain of surprise that shot out and splashed onto my father's face. Time seemed to freeze, the world holding its breath as the milk traced its path, a comical yet profound interruption to our shared reverie. My father's face, once a picture of joy and exuberance, was now a canvas of shock and disbelief, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.

Laughter filled the air, a rich and hearty symphony that began with my father and spread like a melodious wave to my mother and the other giant. It was a laughter that resonated with the deep, vibrant chords of family, echoing through the verdant landscape and mingling with the distant song of the birds.

The sun was now a golden ember on the horizon, its warmth softened by the approach of evening, casting a gentle, golden glow that seemed to dance upon the leaves and shimmer upon the waters. Shadows lengthened, their fingers reaching out to herald the coming night, and the world began to settle into a tranquil hush.

"Well, it's getting late, I guess we should retire for the day," my father said, his voice carrying the wisdom and gentle authority of the patriarch. His words were simple, yet they marked the end of an extraordinary day, a chapter in our lives that had been filled with joy, discovery, connection, and laughter.

He brought me down from the sky, the descent a graceful arc that mirrored the setting sun, and handed me over to my mother, the transition as smooth and loving as a well-rehearsed dance. Her arms wrapped around me, a sanctuary of warmth and tenderness, and I nestled into her embrace, contentment washing over me like a gentle wave.

As we turned to make our way, the serenity of the evening was interrupted by a sudden call. "Hey, guys, where is Cyrus? I need his elves to help me with cooking; they've got small enough arms to reach into that far part of the cabinet without knocking over the spices." The voice was new to me, full of energy and a tinge of urgency, and it belonged to a giant I hadn't seen yet. He emerged from the shadows of the castle, his eyes wide with purpose, his strides long and determined as he walked towards us.

The evening air, previously filled with the gentle hum of nature and the echoes of our laughter, now resonated with the melodies of life's daily responsibilities. This new giant's voice added a new layer to the symphony, a reminder that our existence was filled with tasks, large and small, that shaped our days and added texture to our lives.

"We will come inside and help you look for him," said the man my father had been sparring with, his voice smooth and reassuring, a bridge between the world of play and the world of work. His face was still flushed from the exertion of the spar, but his eyes were alight with the spirit of cooperation.

The search was brief, a short interlude in the rich tapestry of the evening. We soon found Uncle Cyrus, his elves at the ready, their nimble hands expertly navigating the intricate dance of culinary creation. The aromas that filled the castle's kitchen were a symphony of flavors, a melody of taste that promised a feast of love and nourishment.

And what a feast it was! My family gathered around the table, nine of us in total, each a unique note in the harmony of our existence. The table was laden with dishes that were as much a work of art as they were a testament to the bonds that connected us. Every bite was a celebration of life, a tribute to the hands that had prepared it, the love that had inspired it.

Laughter filled the air as we ate, a bubbling brook of joy that flowed from heart to heart, a river of connection that meandered through the landscape of our lives. Stories were shared, memories revisited, jokes told, each a sparkling gem in the treasure chest of our family's history.

After the meal, we retired to an elegant room, its decor a blend of beauty and comfort, a space that invited relaxation and reflection. The sun was setting, its last rays painting the sky with hues of gold and crimson, a masterpiece of nature that mirrored the richness of our shared experience.

As the evening wore on, the room became a theater of dreams, a stage upon which the stories of our lives played out. We sat together, our voices weaving a tapestry of memories, our laughter the golden thread that bound us together. The room was filled with the glow of lamps, their soft light dancing upon the faces of my loved ones, casting a gentle spell that seemed to suspend time and space.

And then it was time to retire, the day's adventure drawing to a close, the night's embrace beckoning us into its arms. My mother carried me to my room, her touch a gentle breeze that carried me towards the land of dreams.

The room was a sanctuary, a haven filled with the soft whispers of lullabies and the gentle caress of love. My bed was a nest of comfort, a cloud of warmth that invited me to let go of the waking world and drift into the landscape of sleep.

After a yawn and a couple of blinks, my eyes grew heavy, the weight of sleep a gentle pressure that guided me towards the realm of dreams. The images of the day danced in my mind, a parade of love and joy, laughter and connection, each a stepping stone on the path to slumber.

My mother's voice was the last sound I heard, a soft melody that sang me to sleep, a song of love that promised to watch over me as I journeyed into the night. And as I slipped into the embrace of dreams, I knew that I was cradled in the arms of family, nurtured by the love that had shaped my day, guided by the wisdom that would light my way.

The world outside faded away, the sounds and sensations of the day giving way to the gentle hush of sleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

mountainmancreators' thoughts