
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · ファンタジー
25 Chs

3 year's later

eve has gone through 3 birthdays

and each time Zero would have her brought to his office he would have have some quick tests for eve and at the same time have her stay out of her cell longer than she would normally be allowed him and Berclai woulf secretly take from a stash a few chocolate bars and do what they could to cheer eve up Normally however today was a different day the day Zero had promised Eve had come Zero had to temporarily leave the lab so Berclai took Eve to a hidden chamber made it clear that she can't leave the lighta and alarms will go off and you will hear explosions and alot of commosion when things calm down i or doctor Zero will come to retrieve you. if was Nervous but understood this is what they discussed countless times under the last few years. Eve decided to do her best. once Berclai saw eve was fine he began to leave but quickly turned around i wanted to give you this earlier eve Berclai handed eve a hairpin that has a beautifully decoraded purple winged butterfly decoration with a gold trim he smiled at her and said happy birthday. then left the room. Eve teared up a bit since she knew she was extremely lucky to have met Zero and Berclai if she had been with anyone else in her situation would she even be treated like a human being let alone have this chancd she highly doubts it especially if she ended up with some one like that creepy scientist old scientist Garic he was cold and calculating which means he anyone paired with him as a subject was doomed to a fate worse than death eve shuddered. yes she was extremely lucky and felt a ping of sadness for her fellow villagers and anyone who was taken by the Helix society. or any Shadow organizations like them. eve prepared herself for what she needed to do. she checked her stats other than a slight increase in stats only her energy based & energy manipulation abilties seemed to have have increased . so she generated her photn shield just as she had been told suddenly a bluish white energy seemed to coat Eve's body and expand into a round dome shape in the next moment huge explosions went off all over the labratory as the lights went off and turned back on red lights and sirens could be heard all over the lab and base a guards voice could be heard over a communication speaker repeating in a high pitch voice enemy attack i repeat we are under attack shortly after you could here what sounded like a shot of some sort a gurlging noice and then the coms went dead.....all if a sudden the sound of boots hittin the ground and guards fighting with another set of stomping suddenly garci came into the hidden room with a group of scientist's and augmented soldier's the same type thst had Raided Eve's village except this time there where some who had a projectile apparatus on there shoulders while others had some sort of retractible blades and shields. garci immediately started toward a hidden door eve was hiding in a corner of the room thst nethier garci or the other soldiers seemed to notice eve crouched down and decided right then and there garci would pay for all the villages and people he wronged regardless of the guards surrounding him eve had plenty of practice with her photon shot she had also gained photon beam she found ouf of she focuses her photons into her finger tips she can shoot an energy ball that can explode electicuting targets that are grouped together this combined with her photon beam attack which focuses her photons into a focal point between her palms allowing her to generate a narrow beam that can wipe out a group or penetrate armor which was condirmed by zero testing her with target dummies that are made from the same metal plating and armor as these augmented soldiers eve smiled as she over charged a photon ball in her palm she then threw it like she would when she played with her ball back in the village suddenly loud crackling burst was heard from the Chamber eve was hidden in as zero was making his way to her hidden chamber with his clansmen cleaning up the remnants of the Helix society he just found out mement ago thst garci has a hidden escape route that leads directy to Eve's hiding place whuch he only found out after extracting the info from Garci's personel comp unit panick and worry where a deadly combination on the battlefield zero knew this but he couldn't help but be afraid for Eve he promised her he would get her out that they would save her and. he was damn well going to keep his promise otherwise if garci laid a hand on her he would damn well know the meaning of a fate worse than death and endless suffering he. i beautfil woman wifh short scarlet hair one prostetic eye that glows blue and analysis mass amounts of data and the other a fury crimson eye and a tall lith form

fell in step with zero she specializes i. long ranged combat and martial arts that incorporates. guns she has two specially made pistols for this with a pair of combat knifes in two sheeths crossing eachother with an X shape on her lower back with two empty holsters resting on both sides of her hips she wearing a white button top witb a combat vest made of special alloy. a purple combat barret and skirt with gold trims she had a combat boots and leggings to match she looked at Zero we are going to save her no matter what don't worry you taught her how to defend herself right?... zero yess Elisa i did. but still garci is a cold calculating bastard i don't want to take any chances ... after eve stunned all the gaurds she quickly charged her photon beam and launched it with out a second thought the group of augmented soldierd where almost instantly reduced to scrap metal while one managed to survive it lost its left arm and could see cinche marks around its fleshthe augmented soldier immediately charged after eve bringing out its retractable blade it attempted to slash eve in two eve stepped back as fast as she could leaving an after image she then launched another photon ball ybe augmented soldier attempted to slash the photon ball only for its blade to snap in two and to be electricuted eve then shot a small beam from her finger tip that piered right through the augmented soldier that simply died and fell face first. garci who saw this was suprised what is that traitor zeroes lab pet doing here he backed away slowly and said look if your feeling sore about how i treated you a few years ago it was just a joke Eves eyes immediately narrowed and you could see the fury in her eyes she said when you raided all those villages not just mine and all those innocent people whom you tortured to death and experimented on i suppose that was a Joke..... garci barely got to say wait when eve shocked. him qith a none lethal energy ball until he passed out you could hear loud screams .....Zero ran straight through the hiddin concrete doorway only to see eve shocking garci repeatedly with nothing more than enough energy to taser his sorry ass into unconciousness Elisa came rushing in with a slightly injured Berclai in tow and a grouo if X clan Soldiers the sight of a Ten year old tasing one of the worste scientific criminals was a site they wouldn't forget zero was a bit shocked by this site while Elisa burst out laughing oh man Zero you really taught her well hahaha i think that horrible old man is foaming out the mouth Berclai whistled in appreciation at the damage eve did to thise agumented soldiers and was shocked at what he saw eve doing Berclai looked st zero you he pointed repeatedly. look at what you have done you corrupted her she was such a polite and quiet child zero just looked at Berclai what the hell you talking about i didn't even know she was capable.... after a bit eve stopped tasing garci and looked at zero and Berclai like a kid with her hand caught in a cookie jar she just blushed and said im sorry i just lost it for a bit she zero just smiled and said its ok while Elisa just snickered and seeing how Eve was actin couldn't help herself she rushed up to eve and hugged her you are just too cute its so good to finally meet you eve my brother lil Zero here never stopped talking about you eve was confused and alittle bewildered at the same time zero told Elisa to knock ut off before Eve gets traumatized. Elisa aww okay sorry eve your just so cute like a lil doll to think you could have that side to you ❤ zero simply sighed then smiled at Eve happy birthday and welcome Eve.