
The last dragon:Origin

The world was once a place of magic and wonder where dragons soared through skies and stood at the peak of all existence. An unexpected betrayal by it's subordinate clans brings the dragons' long age of ruling to an end. In an era where numerous clans rule the land the sole survivor of the dragon clan is born unaware of the dangers lurking in the shadows.

Mistle_tain · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Meeting King Aelarion

Watching Raph's dumbfounded expression, Freya felt a sense of pride well up inside her heart.

She walked forward and beckoned Raph to follow. " Come on, let's not keep father waiting"

Raph followed her through the winding pathway, his eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. Back in the comfort of her home, Freya seemed to have gained a graceful gait that made her seem to float rather than walk. Her pointed ears twitched at every sound. Her long, silver hair shimmered, illuminated by the fireflies that swarmed around the world tree. The fireflies were like tiny stars, creating a dazzling spectacle of light and color. Freya seemed to glow brighter under the the natural light from the fireflies.

A gentle breeze brushed against her petite, alluring figure,causing her loose robes to cling closely to her curves, accentuating her hourglass figure. The sight made Raph gulp audibly, earning a light giggle from Eli. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, her hips swayed like a pendulum of seduction. At some unknown point the trio had walked up to a large staircase leading up to a double doors.


*Raph's POV

I had never seen anything like it before. The castle loomed over me, a towering mass of nature and wood. It looked ancient and majestic, but also intimidating and ominous. I felt a tingling excitement in my body as we approached massive wooden gate, guarded by two stern-faced soldiers.

They eyed me with suspicion as Freya and Eli walked up to them.

"Your majesties..." The guards acknowledged the two girls. "The king has been expecting you."

"Yes of course, we will be headed to the throne hall right away." Freya replied

"I see you have a guest" one of the guards responded as he swept his gaze over me,looking for any signs of hostility.

"I intend to introduce him to the king, he has a particular... Say ability I think father would be interested in."

The soldiers nodded and opened the double doors, letting us in. I followed behind the two girls who led me through the courtyard, where I saw more guards,maids, and banners. The castle was bustling with activity, but no one paid much attention to us, they casually bowed to us and carried on with their duties.

The walls were adorned with tapestries and paintings, depicting scenes of history and legend. The floor was covered with rich carpets and rugs, softening the sound of my footsteps. The ceiling was high and vaulted, with intricate carvings and gilded ornaments. The windows were stained glass, letting in the colorful rays of light that danced on the furniture and objects.

We walked through the corridors and halls, as I marveled at the variety and elegance of each room. There were chambers for sleeping, dining, entertaining, studying, cultivating, and more. Each one had its own style and theme, reflecting the personality and taste of the owner. There were fireplaces and chandeliers, statues and vases, books and instruments, jewels and weapons. Everything was arranged with care and harmony, creating a sense of comfort and luxury.

We stopped in front of another double doors. These, smaller than the last, but there was no one standing on guard duty. I wondered why that was, and as if reading my thoughts, Eli provided the answer to my thoughts.

"Father has no need for guards, anyone confident enough to attack him and think of putting up a good fight might as well destroy the whole city with a thought, he is a demigod after all."she said as a matter of fact.

" Father, we have returned " Freya spoke out loud. I noticed that her demeanor seemed shift to more serious and stern as she spoke.

" You may enter. " A deep voice came from the opposite side of the doors.

Freya pushed the doors open, took a breath and confidently walked into the hall, Eli right behind her.

I followed 5 feet behind them into the grand hall, where a long grey carpet stretched to a throne at the end. There, I saw the king, sitting in his regal green attire, with a crown on his head and a scepter in his hand. He looked stern and serious, but also wise and benevolent. He looked to be in his early thirties, but I'd know better than to judge and elf's age by their appearance. He had a long beard and a piercing gaze, which seemed to notice every subtle change to the air around him. His features features were sharp and handsome. His hair was a sliver blue color, tied at the back to a singular small ponytail.

He was sitting alone in the room.

He nodded and said, "You were late today my daughters he said, his tone becoming soft and caring, and I assume this boy has something to do with that."

He looked straight into my eyes with an accusing glint in his eyes. He looked and played the part of a wronged father.

Eli fell into a fit of giggles and approached her father." We found him wandering in the forest. He was lost but he helped us fight off the beasts."

She walked up the stairs leading to the throne and sat on her father's lap.

Freya continued Eli's explanation "He's looking for a place a place to settle, he has no family left still of this world"

This was the story we decided to go with. I'd play the part of a homeless orphan, leaving out the finer details of my past would incite the assumption that I did not want to bring up my painful past experiences.

I could see the King's brows raise, a hint of pity on his face. He looked at me and asked

"What is your name young man?" he asked, looking directly at me, he seemed to have come to have already come to a conclusion.


*Aelarion's Pov

'Should I send someone after them, they are late today' I stood up from my throne and approached one of the smaller windows in the throne room.

I leaned against the window sill, feeling the cool glass on my forehead. I gazed at the fading sky, streaked with orange and purple. It was already dark outside. The sun had set behind the distant tress, casting long shadows on the streets. The fireflies flickered on, one by one, creating pools of light in the darkening city. I watched the people walking about. They looked like ants, scurrying about their business, unaware of the beauty above them. I wondered what they were thinking, what they were feeling, what they were hoping for. I sighed and turned away from the window. I walked back to my throne, fighting off the urge to go looking for my lovely daughters.

I sat for half an hour before I sensed someone temporarily undo the concealment array on our city using one of the many checkpoints in the forest.

Feeling two familiar auras, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. A moment later I furrowed my brows as I a felt an unfamiliar presence walking behind my daughters. He looked to be in awe, amazed by the beauty around him. They slowly walked through the city, making their way towards the center where I reside.

They walked through the palace, towards the throne room. I heard Freya's voice through the doors moments later

"Father, we have returned" she spoke.

I cleared my throat and replied

" you may enter."

The doors creaked as Freya took the initiative to approach me. Eli a step behind.

My eyes were naturally drawn to the young man. I watched him closely as he entered the throne room, escorted by my daughters. He was tall and lean, with white gold hair and gold pupils. He wore a simple tunic and baggy pants, but they were clean and well-made. He bowed before me, but not too low. He looked me in the eye, but not too boldly. He was handsome beyond belief. My race is one known for it's beauty and I dare say this young man was beyond perfect. His features were sharp but gentle. His skin was a pale, creamy white color, his body, toned and well built.

I wondered silently, 'is he my daughter's secret lover'. The thought itself sounded ridiculous, and I wasn't too excited by the idea. In the end I shook my head and looked at Freya.

I questioned their being late, speaking my thoughts, of course assuming the boy was responsible.

I listened as Eli began explaining as she walked up to me and sat on my lap. I lifted my left hand and patted her small head looking back at Freya as she continued Eli's explanation.

"He's looking for a place a place to settle, he has no family left still of this world and has been wandering alone "

I looked back at the young man...

I felt a pang of pity, of regret, of nostalgia. Reminiscing about the past I had yet to completely forget, the pain of losing a loved one. I felt a surge of affection, of compassion as I looked at him again, and I wondered. Who was he? Where did he come from? What did he want? What did he have to offer?

" You can call me king Aelarion, what is your name young man?" I asked

"My name is Raphael" he spoke confidently. His voice sent ripples into the air. Like a gentle whisper, light and low but also strong and firm.

His presence on the other hand seemed to carry the will of the heavens. I raised my brows in surprise and probed his strength to detect his rank.

"A stage 9 saint..." I could barely believe my eyes.


Raph watched as the king was lost in own thoughts. The king's face softened and relaxed. He closed his eyes and nodded his head, as if coming to a decision.

"I'll give you a recommendation letter to enter Lycoris Academy. Freya is a third year in that school and Eli will also be starting as a first year in the new academic year. It is a prestigious school run by the six kingdoms. You will find all sorts of races attend the school. How old are you?"

"Fifteen, turning sixteen in four months"

Aelarion had a shocked look on his face as he continued to stare at Raph, he looked over at Freya inquisitively but she just shrugged her shoulders at him. You wouldn't blame him for being shocked though, he was lauded as a genius because he bacame a saint at the age of two hundred. Normally most people advance to the saint stage at around five hundred years of age. They'd spend a century at the peak of Emperor rank breaking the bottleneck to advance to the saint ranks. Only about 0.001% of people get the privilege to reach the saint rank. And here in front of him was a fifteen year old at peak of the the saint rank. Barely a fraction of his own age. Aelarion was well over 1600 years old at the moment. And he was stage 6 Demi-god. He could feel that he had reached the peak of his talent. He hadn't advance a single stage in two centuries.

With a thoughtful look on his face he spoke "I won't pry into your secrets but I'll still help you out young man. It's the least I could do for a friend of my daughters. Though it'd best if you wear a suppression artifact, unless of course you'd like to stand out."

"I'll wear a suppression artifact, standing out would be inconvenient" Raph said as he nodded in thanks to Aelarion who threw black steel bracelet at him.

"That will be all for today, if you need anything don't hesitate to approach me, I wouldn't mind a future powerhouse owing me a favour or two." he said, a scheming smirk on his face

Raph's lip twitched in annoyance 'this old man wants to use me' He thought.

Aelarion reached out into his spatial ring and took out a sack of gold . He tossed it to Raph and said, "Take this as a token of goodwill. And come back anytime you want. You are always welcome in my castle, we have an adventurers guild here where you can earn money but this should be enough to keep you till the academy opens. Freya, escort him to the guest rooms."

Raph caught the sack of gold and nodded to the king before turning toward the doors, Freya leading the way, the two walked into the passageway. They took the first left, towards the east wing of the castle. Raph had a light smile on his face.

'This is going to be a fun little excursion', he thought, thinking what his time in the elvin kingdom will be like, and his adventures in the academy in the near future.

'I hope this world doesn't disappoint me' he thought.