
The Last Chapter

Madeline opened the box and saw a small blue colored butterfly flying outside. She was taken aback by its sudden movement. There was a blank book inside it with a blue colored pen. She opened the book, hoping to read something. But to her surprise, it was blank. Soon, her eyes fell on a folded note. She carefully unfolded it and saw RULES written on the top. 1. There can be only 29 chapters in this story. 2. Each chapter ends at midnight. 3. Once you start, you cannot go back. Madeline had a confused expression. She read the rules twice, thrice to make sense of the meaning. Just then, she remembered the words of her mother: ‘Write your own story!’ Madeline’s heartbeat raced. ‘Will it be true?’ She panicked. She did not know if she was excited, or it was just another dream. She needed to give it a try. Madeline was a big fan of fairy tales. As a child, she would escape reality by reading the stories of the Princesses. She wanted a life like Cinderella's or Snow White’s. She did not know that her tragic life was about to change.

Manaam_Fatima · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Heart'o Clock

Madeline reached Central Park one hour before the time. She wanted to be sure what she had planned was perfect. After all, who would have thought that an ordinary girl like Madeline could cross paths with a Prince. At that moment when Madeline waited for him to come, she thought she was dreaming. Three days had passed by. And it all still felt like a dream. She kept looking at her watch whose strap had become decolorized. It was 10 minutes past 10.

Her heart sank and she finally said to herself, 'who was I kidding? I must be foolish to wait for a man who is just a figment of my imagination.'

She tied a big basket on the backseat of her bicycle. She began to ride it forward when she saw a shadow of a man behind her.

She smiled ecstatically and hastily turned back.

From the shadow, she could make out that it was him.

'You're late!' was the first thing she said to him.

He had a serious expression. He did not smile. He was dressed in striped pants and a ruffled top. It was majestic like his persona.

He could not look into her eyes; he was so shy. On the other hand, Madeline tried to steal his gaze because she was so desperate to look into those blue eyes and feel the butterflies twitch in her tummy.

'Umh…so what are we doing tonight?'

Madeline gleefully pointed at another bicycle that leaned against the tree beside them.

He stared at it with awe. Madeline finally cleared his confusion.

'You are so majestic. You only ride on horses and in lorries. I thought we could ride on bicycles together under the night sky.'

He looked stupefied. From his confused expression, Madeline asked.

'I hope you know how to ride a bicycle?'

He hastily raised his head and replied in hesitation. 'Oh…ofcourse…why would i not?' He chuckled. But the confusion did not go from his expression.

'Are you sure? If you don't know, then I can add four wheels to your bike.'

Her words embarrassed the man who haughtily sat on the seat and got ready to pedal forward. Madeline stood beside him.

'Let us ho.' She said.

'Yeah, you go first.' He stammered.

Madeline bit her lips and rode forward. She turned back to see if he was coming. He stood where he was with his bike, staring at it as if he wanted to figure out how it worked.

'Are you sure you know how to ride a bicycle?' She yelled from a little afar.

He lied again. 'Yes, of course. You go ahead.'

Madeline did not want to embarrass him further. She turned forward and began pedaling slowly. Suddenly, she heard a thud. Madeline suddenly turned back to see him on the ground.

She ran toward him.

'Oh my god, are you okay?' She pulled the bike up. He still did not want to accept his mistake. 'I slipped. Nothing else.'

Madeline suppressed her laugh and spoke. 'Okay. I believe you. Why don't you ride forward.'

She stood there watching him. He stared at her with an awkward countenance.

He finally put his foot on the right pedal. Just as he raised his left foot to put on the other pedal, he lost his balance and fell again.

It was then that Madeline burst into childish laughter. 'You are so big and still don't know how to ride a bike.'

The man made a grumpy face. He got up and moved his fingers in the air. 'Shut up. Can you do this?'

When he snapped, the cloud above them showered flower petals. Madeline was stunned when she saw the rain of petals.

He haughtily yelled. 'Can you do that? Huh? Shall I laugh at you?'

Madeline was still quiet. She stared at the cloud showering rose petals on them. When he put his hand down, the rain of petals stopped.

Madeline was taken aback. She was speechless. Now the ball was in the man's court.

'Shall i laugh at you now?'

Madeline looked at him, still dazed.

'Who are you? Are you a magician?' She asked.

He shook his head angrily and pulled his bike up. 'Come on, teach me how to ride a bike.'

Madeline was still zipped. She held the bike from the back and guided him how to pivot after keeping both his feet on the pedals. She tightly held the bike in place so that he did not fall.

He learned easily.

'Pedal!' She ordered.

He kept jabbering. 'Keep holding it from the back. Don't leave. Okay? Don't leave…' what he did not realise was that Madeline had already left the bike. He was riding without her support. But soon, when he realised she was not behind him, he slipped and fell again.

Madeline ran toward him, laughing all the way.

'I told you not to leave!' He shouted.

Madeline laughed and softly added. 'You were really good this time. You are a fast learner.'

'Don't try to win me over..'

He got up, leaving the bike on the ground.

'I don't like your surprise!' He humphed.

'But it is fun to ride under the starry night sky.' She added.

'I have another idea!' He said.


He bent to pick up the bike and gave it to her. 'You ride. I shall sit behind you.'

'Okay. Sounds like a plan!' She sat in the front seat and waited for him to sit behind her. The seat was a little small for him. So, when she rode, he kept his hands on her shoulders.

Madeline's heart raced. Under the silent sky, she felt embarrassed because she was sure that he could hear her heartbeat from such a close quarter.

They were alone in Central Park as they rode around.

'So, what is your name?' She finally asked.


Madeline hastily pulled the brakes, and he fell again. This time, since he was holding her, she fell with him too. But they did not injure themselves as they landed on the soft lush grass.

They did not get up. Madeline stared deeply into his eyes and asked, 'Mozewalt? Are you a witch?' She giggled.

Mozewalt humphed again. 'Are you making fun of me?'

Madeline tried to suppress her laughter but could not. He got up angrily. But Madeline held his hand quickly.

The grip was so sudden that the moment froze for them. He was pulled down, close to her face.

They stared deeply into each other's eyes.

Madeline asked, 'who are you? Why does it feel like i know you?'

Mozewalt's heartbeat intensified. She was still holding his hand. She could feel his pulse rate aggravate. He was nervous. She needed to hear the answer.

'Tell me!' She repeated.

Just as he began to speak, he disappeared.

Madeline looked around and tried to find him until her eyes fell on her watch.

12' o clock!