
The last battle lll

World war 3 is in making, African Nations must be neutral on this very thing that is roaming now. The western power instigated problem which resulted war in Ukraine, in essence they fight indirect war with Russia; using Ukraine as a battleground but the war is not going in favour of the west, Russia is gaining ground by ceasing territories on daily basis. Immediately the war breaks out, they sanctioned Russia up to 6,000 sanctions without seeking the advice or presidents of Africa before taking their decision of the sanctions. As Time goes on, all the sanctions started going against the westerners who pronounce the sanctions against Russia, (that's the miracle work of God). After the failure of their evil plans, they started calling meetings every day and night; trying to build alliance against Russia and the China. On their last G7 meeting, they invited African Nations; trying to involve them in case if the war will become direct confrontation between NATO and Russia. On this point, Africans must be wise and stay clear from the Western countries who have enslaved them for years, exploited their resources and so many demonising treatment given to them by the same criminals. This is the time to stay away from the evil doers. Now they invited Africaans in G7's summit to gain support, but Africans must be wise because, before they give those sanction to Russia none of African nation were signaled before taking the decision of giving those sanction to Russia. As their sanctions is now affecting them; they are now looking for African support to be able to get out of the mess they put themselves in. African Nations must pool their reserves from American and European banks and back their currency with gold so that Africa will be independent, it is the measure that must be taken for survival of Africa in this 21st century. (This woRld is like a sNake' soft to t0uch,but full of veNom inside) By Wasif Malik

Wasif_Malik_3851 · 歴史
2 Chs

This woRld is like a sNake' soft to t0uch,but full of veNom inside.

World, stop this war!!!

Civilized people of the whole world, take to the streets and demand an end to the killing of the people of Ukraine! This is genocide!

Peaceful innocent people are being killed in the center of Europe every day! russia kills children! russia launched 3 rockets into the city center. There're NO military objects! russia used highly accurate rockets, they target civilians!

Today 20 people have already been found dead in the center of the peaceful city of Vinnytsia from the impact of rockets! We don't know how many victims there are! At least 3 children among them! More than 90 were injured!

Please, help Ukraine defend itself! ARM Ukraine NOW! #armukrainenow

We want to DEFEND our children!

We need the shield against russian terrorism! 🙏🏻

Don't be silent, if you don't want this to happen in your country, in your city, with your children! 😭

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