
The Cloaked Ruined House

A black veil covers a beaten relatively old house, but the force of the veil causes the house to crumble under its own weight.

A Man, named Digul Dogiston, is playing cards with two of his friends at a friend's place while his dog is sleeping under the table, when he gets a call on his walkie-talkie.

"Flames' Residence seems to be covered by a dark veil. Back up requested. Over." Digul's walkie-talkie reported.

An officer and friend on Digul's right named Jim gets up and begins to walk while saying, "We should go. That veil has been spotted in both District 3 and District 4." Jim says getting up and begins walking towards the hanger's door. What Jim said made Digul's hair to stand on end as he remembered a report that came in a few days ago that said that, whenever that dark veil disappeared, officers' bodies were left littered across the ground, their blood soaking into the dirt.

Digul gets up and begins hurrying after Jim as he says into his walkie Talkie, "Back up coming. Code Purple. Over."

The one to his left named Mat gets up hurrying after Jim and Digul to the door to the hanger. They bust open the door as they hurry to the jet with a plaque that says, The Private Jet of the King of Firecha. Mat hurriedly jumps into the pilot's seat and snaps his fingers near a small tube. Embers fly from his fingertips and those quickly fly into the tube. The Jet flares to life as Digul and Jim jump in and strap in. The hanger door opens as the jet flies out of the hanger and flies into the sky. There they see a house covered by a dark dome. The dome showed through the darkness like it was shining but it was the opposite it was pulling in all light in the town, consuming it, turning it into something.

They land by the dome, near where the house's entrance would be. Digul and Mat grabbed flashlights on the way out. As Digul exits the jet a breeze blows by him. The cold air touches his nose, his dog nose. He probably would have pondered his life if he wasn't in the middle of something. Digul shines his flashlight at the dome but the light could not penetrate the dome's darkness. He also noticed that the battery life of his flashlight was going down quicker than normal.

Mat was about to walk into the dome before Jim put his arm in front of him, Jim then reached into the dark dome.

Jim's arm just passed right through the dome prompting him to say, "Just as I thought. Since I have darkness mana I can pass right through while you won't."

Just to test, Digul tried to pass his hand through the dome but it was as if the dome was a regular wall for Digul, the wall.

"Maybe if I hold onto you two, you guys can pass though like how my clothes do," Jim said. So, he grabbed onto the two of them, all three passing through easily.

For a second all Digul could see was darkness before he saw a field of the rumble in the shape of a house and instantly Digul spotted a male teenager and a female child that looked blood-related knocked out in the rubble. Nearby them is a dead woman with weird burn barks all around her and on her. She looks blood-related to the two kids.

"The dead woman was the head of the Police Force for the entire country," Mat finally calmly said with a soft tinge of grief in his voice. "She was the strongest person I knew." That made a sickenly cold chill go down Digul's spine.

"Will we can at least save the kids," Jim said rushing over to the kids as a tear ran his cheek. This once again would have made him ponder his life and why he was not crying but, he has something to do.

Out of nowhere, a black tendril grabbed Mat by the neck from behind. He clawed at the tendril as Digul tried to help. That's when a streak of blue jumped in the dome attempting to grab the tendril. It failed with Bella falling to the ground beside Mat and as Digul was about to help when tendril grabbed him.

to help but another tendril grabbed him. Jim was about to rush out of the dome with the kids in his arms but, a different tendril grabs him from behind and threw him across to the other side of the dome. Another Tendril grabbed Bella and the tendrils began to squeeze all three. Then the dog's eyes opened and turned a dark blue, a cube of water came up around them, dispersing the tendrils of darkness.

More tendrils went after Digul, Mat, and Bella, as Digul laid there struggling to stand up; saw out of the corner of his eye, Jim just barely managing to stand, yelling, "Run! We have what we need!". Jim immediately ran, clutching the kids in his arms (touching any tendrils that came after him, often having to move his body in weird positions) causing them to disperse. As he ran a gold necklace with a light red smooth spherical gem the size of a marble in the middle socket fell out of his pocket.

Digul managed to stand back up and began to try banging on the dome, it wouldn't budge. More tendrils came after them but Mat's eyes open and his whole body lit aflame, whenever tendrils came after the three of them, the tendrils just dispersed in intense light, but the dome still wouldn't budge. Jim managed to catch back up to them just barely managing to keep the kids under his arms.

Once they got out of the dome, the dome disappeared and there stood a woman wearing a black cloak with the necklace in hand. Then she teleported away.

After a second Jim said triumphally "Yes! She fell for it." He said holding up a dark red smooth spherical gem slightly bigger than a marble.

"Digul should take Bella to the vet;" Mat said, "Jim should take the Fire Stone to the lab while I take the kids back to my place."

"I think it would be best if I call a ride to take Bella to the vet," Digul said to his friends as he pulls out his walkie-talkie pressing a button for a ride.

A long few seconds later a man with red eyes and red hair wearing the standard police uniform drives up in the standard police cruiser. The man says "Hop in Captain." Digul rushes into the car, Bella in hand. Seatbelt on, they set off for the Vet.

Please note that this is only Draft 1 of this chapter and not the final version.

DavisRangercreators' thoughts