
The land of Kings : the story of the Star Thief

The star stealer is one of a collection of short stories branching from the novel The Land of kings that introduces you to a small part of the world that you are about to read. The story revolves around a mysterious old man whose name and purpose no one knows because of a simple mistake, his plans change

big_w · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 3: the past of the kingdom

I don't know the exact reason for the name, but according to what is mentioned in historical books

King Leon, The Di king, united the scattered tribes of the region and established this kingdom

It was a lot of stargazing, so his companions called him.

The star-dreaming warrior Leon.

So when he finished uniting all the tribes in the region, this union was named the kingdom of the astral dream after his nickname.

Everything you said is true, princess, but do you know why he invaded the tribes in this area.

I don't know..

And you. Did you know.

With a long sigh she challenged the man in the box and in his tone of voice some sorrow

I'll tell you a story.

A story told in the distant past.


A very long time ago

Exactly 500 years ago the kingdom of the astral dream was called the pariah zone،

A group of small tribes lived in this area،

These tribes were often fighting with each other for the few resources in the area

The problem here is that the residents could not leave this place. Because the abandoned area is surrounded on all three sides by the forest of despair

A forest in which no one knows what is inside, but the only thing that all the inhabitants realize is that anyone who sets foot in the forest will face a miserable fate

And on the fourth side there is a mountain road from which only strong young people will be able to pass.


In one of these tribes there was an orphan boy who did not know who his parents were or his Origin،

But he did not live alone or suffered the pain of ostracism, a single woman from the village took care of him and took care of him like her son, and she named him Leon،

Leon was a strange boy who had two distinct eyes through which he could see things that others could not

He could see at night as if it were day, and he could see vague and hazy things hovering in the air, all these things made him afraid.

So Leon told his adoptive mother about his outstanding eyes. But she didn't believe him.

I ordered him to keep quiet and not tell anyone else for fear that they would think he was crazy.

Once the days were normal until Leon turned 13 years old, but suddenly things turned very bad, the Leon tribe entered into a war with its neighboring tribe،

As a result, the tribe's resources were scarce, and most of them were either looted or directed to the defending warriors of the tribe.

As for the simple inhabitants, they were left to starve to death, including Leon and his adoptive mother.

After suffering from malnutrition for a long time, his mother died.

But before that she told Leon something strange.

12 years ago a strange man with injuries all over his body came to the tribe, that man was holding a small child in his hand.

That kid was you, Leon. ...

You mean my dad's still alive, mom

I don't know, all he did was introduce you to the tribe Master and leave after that.

Being just a single lady who always wanted a son،

He pushed me to take you and take care of you, I have always loved you, Leon, as a son of my blood. Ah ah ah ah

Rest, mom, you are tired, tomorrow, I will look for something to eat, all our food was taken by the village head.

What a good boy you are.

Leon.. Before I forget to take this

In the emaciated hand of Leon's mother there is a strange-shaped pendant with a symbol of a blue-eyed black bird stretching its wings and behind it a circle resembling the moon

What is this strange necklace, mom

This necklace you were wearing when that person left you, you impressed the chief of the tribe and took it

But when they wanted to take the supplies, I begged him to give them back to me.

All right... Come on, go to sleep, mom, I'm tired, let's finish the conversation tomorrow.

The next morning, Leon is surprised by the death of his mother.

Leon couldn't bear the pain of losing the only person he loved and came out of his house screaming and crying.

In his cry there is hatred for the tribe and its religious leader, they took their food, and there is a strong hatred for the hostile tribe, because of which I limited all this

At that moment everyone realized what had happened to his mother, but they didn't care much

Because this has become a common thing, recently a lot of people have died of hunger.

Leon, who is running and crying, did not realize that he had moved away from his village a lot and approached the borders of the forest of despair, a place that everyone had always been afraid of.

Finally, when Leon stopped running, he found himself in a strange place, but he didn't care much, the only thing on his mind right now is that he's a lonely person now.

Mira, look at this poor boy.

The crying Leon raises his head and says from there

What can he hear us.

With an exclamation voice, The Voice challenges again

What do you mean by hearing you ....

While talking Leon turns back to be surprised by what he sees

Behind him were two very small, seven-hand-sized girls with butterfly-like wings

What are you two .... Lyon defiant in shock

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