A sequel or rather a side story to ' my grandpa Hercules ' where we will meet her, the most wicket and a chain smoker- my granny, the lady with a smoking stick, or as I consider her the Loki! But is this all in her story?! Or did we just read it upside down?!
"Mummy ji!" chachi screamed almost making me deaf from my right ear which was in the close's proximity to her (yeah, i shouldn't have stand to her side, well no shit cause I wasn't aiming to!)
"Every one of the people that are of your age are up before the sun even had a chance and you--"
The whisle of the pressure cooker abrupting her words and a realization hit her guts that she sealed her lips, bubbling white form like that of a poisoned man's mouth, yes, it were rice on the gas stove.
But, if I say I wasn't the only one who through she saw a corner eyes over her for a triffle of moment then it would be a lie or I'm hallucinating another things?
And, my ignorant grandma finally crimpled her eye lids to let a beam of stricking strick sunlight almost as ignorant like a child whose not aware of his wrongdoings.
"Gudda, good morning" her deeply innocent eyes disgust me that I turned around fully awaring how much the hate had took a root within me. Like a pepple's? Sometimes they escape to grounds becoming too obviously like a humpwhale flaring over the safety of the waters?
But...don't I hate to hate? everyone's favorite girl? How can I make my hate so obvious?
"Morning" I said with sunken eye contact and my finger tips that attempted to tore through my skin.
"Have you taken bath and ate breakfast?"
I nodded adamantly, "first thing in morning"
The blood's boiling...The skin of my palm hot and sweaty, spoke of shame and outrage!
That's not how universe work for me.
Or I believe for anyone.
Aren't we all...people's person even if you are introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
We all crave to fit the puzzle even if we are changed, broken or torn in the process.
"Mummy ji, please for heaven's sake take bath and do the Puja of gods not Rahu for atleast the time til guddu is here"
Offcouse, in other words 'atleast behave well in front of guest/ outsiders'.
Enough to kill a trigger or buzz another!
"I'm going to watch TV!"
Please be my guest in that case!
I stroked out of this situation that I could feel my brain pounding against my cranium, a pulsating nerve rising in my skull, a brain hemerage I doubt?
Atlast, I'm no medical professional...just a sneak-peak someday aspiring human.
I can just assume, but What's the medicine more addictive than white snot? I do have answer it's called internet!
An entanglement of threads visible and invisible. Some hold us other wise snatch our throats like a glass thread of kite.
And for me a 32 inched rectangular pixel boxed called TV was enough than any fucking elixir.
(Hey reads,
I'm here after so long...but ahem, let's continue