
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

Lobski · ファンタジー
48 Chs

The reason

I went downstairs early, I was a bit sick of waiting. I had leveled my magic a bit, unlocking something new and now I could just enjoy some free time. The desire to stay close to Diana hurt my head but I ignored it for now.

I looked at the instrument on the podium and was surprised that it seemed to be a piano.

"Do you play?" I turned around to find the pink-haired girl, she was looking at me expectantly.

"Depends, is that really a piano?" Me calling it that was apparently a big clue to what I was.

"Ah, you're a traveller then? Or you were taught by a traveller, although then you'd still know that it definitely was one."

"What do you mean?"

"Piano, only travellers call the vox Dei that. But yes, it is a piano."

"But, how, that doesn't make any sense."

"One of the first travellers knew how to make one, it's said she had a perfect pitch and that she later ascended and became our patron goddess, the goddess of music."

I got up to the stage and sat down at the instrument. It was really weird, I hadn't expected to be able to ever play again.

I started, the notes came to me on their own. I played fantaisie impromptu, composed by Chopin.

The rush of playing again filled me with joy. Music had always been an escape from my responsibilities, even now, the voice in my head telling me to stay as close as possible to Diana was silent.

The pink-haired girl got up on the stage, and gave me a piece of parchment. It was a piece of sheet music, a piece I was pretty familiar with, I'm still standing from John Lennon.

"Could you play this? Don't worry about the text, I'll take care of that part."

"Sure." I started playing, then she began to sing and I was enchanted, her voice was clear and soft, like silk. When we were done, someone applauded.

"Wow, I'm really surprised at your skill Liz." Diana looked at me with joy.

"And you miss, have a great voice, it was beautiful."

"Why thank you, uhm ..." She looked to me. "Diana."

"Thank you Dian ..., wait, you wouldn't be the one who caused that system-wide anouncement would you?"

"What? No, I'm totally not the same person, that's royalty, do I look like royalty to you?"

"It would be rude to say no especially since with the right clothes, you could definitely pass for it, and you have the Dreghy royals' golden eyes but no, I wouldn't say you give off the feeling of someone raised in a noble household.

Silly me, she is a princess, she would never stay in an inn like this. Oh well, I enjoyed this little song with you, young traveller. If you ever want to do this again, just ask for Noctura. Before I go, may I have your name?"

I nodded, that was touch and go for a second, it was better that nobody knew who she was, at least that's what Nagi had told us.

"My name is Lizbeth, Lizbeth Johnson."

"Ah yes, I forgot you travellers came from a world where everybody had a last name like nobles. Well, I hope we meet again, Lizbeth Johnson."

She went into the kitchen, and after a while, the sound of someone cooking could be heard.

We went back upstairs and found Nagi and Markus crying in a pillow, they quickly stopped and acted like they weren't but we really react to it. They had lost their long lasting companion, Nagi's wife and one of Markus' best friends.

I looked to Diana and saw her quickly wiping away a tear too. If I could cry, I would. I genuinly detested that part of this body, I was unable to properly show my emotions.

Nagi sat up and began talking to Diana after Terry had gone out for whatever he was here for.

"Ok, the reason we are here is to properly train you Diana, and now you too Liz, we need to make both of you ready to battle people who've reached the level cap.

For you Liz that means evolving again since normal humans at the level cap are equal to a tier humanoid or monster, it also means getting you in control of Ratio.

For you Diana, it means learning the new skills ou got from becoming a perfect hybrid and accepting Tachytita. Also, I think Aella would want you to have her magic."

He held out the piece of skin containing the tattoo. She held it in her hands looking at it and let her tears flow. I heard her system message asking her if she wanted to learn it.

{You are in possession of the Tattoo of the Winds of Storms, this allows you to inherit the unique magic, Stormwind magic, do you wish to inherit this magic?}

{Stormwind Affinity

Rarity: Unique

Description: The magic created by the ryder, Aella, The Stormwind. Allows you to become one with the storms, allowing you to make you and your allies as fast and destructive as the winds of a storm.

Warning!: This magic requires the sacred weapon 'Tachytita' to be properly used!}


When she chose yes, the tattoo started shining and she learned the skill Stormwind Affinity at level 1. She then took out an orb, it shone with the ligth of many colors.

The sstem prompted her, asking if she accepted the responsibility of weilding a sacred weapon, when she chose yes, it changed into a rapier, but not the one that Aella had used.

Aella's blades had used a lighting-esque design for the protection of her hand, this one used a coiling snake, the blade had a bordeaux color, it seemed to be infused with shadow magic and earth magic.

Nagi then explained to me that sacred items changed form depending on their owner and that it's form is always something that hints at the personality of it's owner. The snake symbolized a desire for a long life and the ambition to become as powerfull as possible while the unique red symbolised both a fierce personality and true gentleness for those she cared about.

He said that I now needed to evolve so I could get more powerfull and maybe get some new special abilities.