
The Knights Templar are Back

When King Henry of France and Pope Innocent decreed in the early fourteenth century the end of the Order of the Temple and burned alive their main leaders, they could not achieve one of their main objectives: to seize the treasure of the Order. It was shipped surreptitiously in the port of La Rochelle to the coast of Scotland, and from there it began a long journey throughout centuries, which led part of the treasure to the beaches of South America. A child finds in the Patagonian beaches some strange stones carved with text fragments written in Latin and a cross of eight points. This triggers the action in the present, when the child´s family members, including a Mexican archaeologist of Maya ancestry and her husband analyze the stones. Realizing the Templar origin of the inscriptions, it begins an arduous quest to uncover the fate of the treasure. First contact is a Swiss anthropologist living in the city of Bariloche, in a region of lakes of the Argentine Patagonia. One of their surprising findings is that there are still descendants of the Templars forming a millenarian brotherhood advocated by the values of their ancestors, based in remote areas of the Andean-Patagonian forests. Thither are headed the scientist in a research expedition. Their departure is detected however by a group of large-scale predators of cultural, artistic and archaeological treasures acting internationally, led by a mysterious former KGB colonel. They send a powerful armed group in the footsteps of the explorers. Scientists make contact with members of the brotherhood, jealous care of their heritage, that includes not only material goods but one of Christianity's holiest objects according to the medieval conception. Guided by the archaeologist, equipped with a special sensitivity for the detection of arcane, searchers are directed to a point inaccessible forest, in their search of the treasure .It is in those places where bursts a bloody conflict between the warring factions.

Cedric Daurio · 東方
30 Chs

Chapter 18.1

Upon entering the house, Marcelo primarily saw Jorge Chehab, sitting in the spacious reception hall reading the newspaper. He looked up and gave him a greeting gesture.

“ I think you have news.”

Marcelo looked at him in silence with a hint of unease. For a month Teresa and he had enjoyed the long-awaited peace. What would those news be?

Marcelo went like a whirlwind in the living room, where Teresa was sitting with her parents,

“What news is Jorge speaking about?” Said without even greeting the family.

“I love you and missed you too.” Said his wife, with an obvious tone of reproach.

The young man kissed her cheek and greeted her parents, then repeated in the same previous pitch.

“ What new developments is Jorge speaking about?”

Teresa asked him to sit down with a gesture indicating that the conversation would be long.