
The Knight of Desolation.(DxD)

Draven was once known as the Knight of Desolation. He fought against the invading Abyss for over 10 centuries. He in the end fell when he fought the Abyss King who was invading his world. At death's door, the two dying beings came to an agreement as neither wished to die. With both of their power, they came back from death. Ony Draven was a girl and the Abyss King was a dog. What the fuck was going on?

God_Of_Wolves · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Sitri Heiress

Following the birth of Rias which was not a guarded secret, many Devil Clans began to send gifts. They were riches and treasures which would seem to just be something to be nice, but they were politically motivated.

Once they found out that the new Gremory member was female all the clans wanted to have their sons, marry her in time. This would ally them with one of the highest-ranking clans of the 72 Pillars.

It was always politics with nobles so Amara was happy to be just considered Souji's daughter. He was strong yes and had some status, but he was not a noble. As such her current identity as his daughter saved her from that hassle.

Of course, as the time neared her fifth birthday things would get annoying. It had only been a month since the birth of Rias, so things were still relatively in a state of excitement. That gave Amara and King time while the family was distracted to work.

Currently, they sat across from each other as they both focused on refining thier bodies. They were not exchanging energy or anything, but this already made things much faster. Almost double the speed and efficiency as before.

'King, I am now going to transfer the blessing of the World Tree for you to make your own.'

King, the former King of the Abyss was ready as this blessing's nature was alien to it. The Abyss dealt with the darkest of dark a place where life should not exist. While the World Tree was a great source of life.

This meant that King had to corrupt the blessing to work for the Abyss instead of against it. For started Amara drew on some Abyssal Essence that King had made recently. This single month had been as productive as 6 in soul form.

They had some to spare so she began to fuse both together which was an extremely delicate manner. The Dragon Essence was much easier as Dragons were adaptable beings. There were Angel Dragons, Vampire Dragons, Devil Dragons, Giant Dragons, Earth Dragons, and Forst Dragons, the types were endless.

An Abyssal Dragon was not too hard to believe and because of that, she was confident in doing this. She drew on her limited Dragon power and began to change the property of the World Tree blessing to work with Abyssal Energy.

King did not sit idle and sent her more he refined in the last month. Amara drew that in and began to work carefully, yet rapidly. The process seemed to take hours, but just as before with her powerful advanced mind, it was done in a few more minutes.

The new corrupted Abyssal World Tree Essence was complete. It lost some of its former traits, but the Mana Regeneration was changed to Abyssal regeneration. This new Essence would be poison to most beings except of course Amara and King."

Plus it would need just as much time as Amara's to truly show its effects.

'You ready to fuse this with your heart? Wait, do you have a heart?'

The response was interesting.

'You have 9, 8 auxiliary hearts and the main heart. You plan to fuse this with your main heart and then change them over time. Not a bad idea. Here. get to it.'

She sent over the Essence which King got to work fusing with his main heart. His hearts were much smaller than even Amara's as they did not pump liquid, but pure Abyssal Energy. Once this blessing awakened it would be able to put out more power.

King did not need help in this and he got it done in record time. They both opened their eyes as they were done for the day. They rose to their feet and left the room. They mostly communicated through their linked minds so people hardly ever heart her speak.

When she did it was curt short phrases.

'My birthday is coming up in a year. We won't be able to keep to ourselves then.'

King grinned barring his teeth as he imagined the mind flaying they would get into.

'Yes, that will happen naturally. I am just saying that because once they know that the Devil King has a daughter who won't want to marry her. I bet I will get even more suitors than baby Rias. Weird.'

King glanced at her curious.

'What do I intent to do about it? Easy, ignore it. Not like they can force me to marry as by then I will be far stronger. Enough to be able to dictate these things.'


She paused as that question was hard to answer. After being connected for so long, King had gone through Draven's 2,300 years of life and learned many things about the mortal races. Even the divine and profane as the Gods and Demons had helped Draven now Amara fight it.

The question he wanted to know was what Amara would do about relationships. Still a weird concept to accept for a being that was born from a clump of Abyss Energy. Amara shrugged.

'I don't know. Do the same as last time and avoid them maybe.'

If that was what Amara wanted King was not going to say anything. He did not understand these things and probibly never would. His mind just could not grasp these concepts like a human would not understand how his mind worked.

Only Amara who by the definition was an insane deranged battle junkie that had transcended human limits. In his past life, he even cultivated his own Divine Spark without dying. He had transcended mortality while still alive.

If he had died anywhere else and anyway else he would have quickly come back as a god of Battle of War, but that did not come to be. That Divine Spark did not make the journey, but like everything else, she protected members of it.

Once her Dragon Heart formed she would fuse those Embers into it. More things needed to be dealt with, but that just meant more strength. Everything could be solved with more power, that was Draven and now Amara's motto.

Just as they were walking through the estate she ran into her grandfather. He was busy these days as many of the Clan Lords wanted to get an early start to engage Rias who had just been born to thier sons. At least in name to show their clans were uniting.

He would have agreed, but he decided to play it slow. Rias would need to marry as Amara, but that would be when they are older and able to do something to change it. He had his duty as a father, grandfather, and Clan Leader. Even if they clashed a bit at times.

"Oh, Amara, King, what are you doing out here."

He kneeled down and ran his hand through her hair. Every time he saw it, he was left awed. Most of it was black, but a couple of strands of it were crimson red and others were silver. Like her parents.



He smiled.

"You know your aunty Serafall has a new sister just like your dad. She was born just today so I am planning on heading over there now."

That made Amara cringe.

'Serafall, that woman tried to dress me up in that dreadful outfit. If not for me running into Sutr for aid I would have been done for.'


"Want to come with me?"

She shook her head.


That was all she said, but it got a laugh from Zeoticus.

"Well she still cares for you, but she can be a little wild maybe. Make sure to behave while I am gone. Your parents are busy right now so how about you spend some time with grandma?"


Once she and King were gone Zeoticus teleported away. Once he was gone, Amara went to find her grandmother. As easy as Amara could sniff them all out. One benefit of awakening more of her old blessing. Well, new as she had changed it to suit her new body, but it still had what was important about it.

The overwhelming power of the Dragon God of War. She left her day dreaming as she found her grandmother. Venelana was currently breastfeeding Rias who was unaware of the kind of turmoil her birth caused.

"Amara, are you exploring again?"


"What did you find?"


Venelana and her family were all used to this side, but she wished that Amara grew out of it. By this age most noble Devil Girls should at least be learning to sing or dance, but not Amara. All she cared about was reading about magic, learning and even training with Souji.

It was light and not very often, but not very lady like in Venelana's opinion. Plus the creepy dog that followed her around was here.

"So, did you hear about the birth of the new Sitri?"

Amara nodded.


"This is a great time. Many Devil clans have gotten lucky and managed to produce a few more heirs."

Venelana removed Rias who had fallen asleep and placed her in the crib quietly.

"Come, let's have some fun."

Amara tilted her head wondering what fun there was to be had. She and King followed her to Amara's room where Venelana planned on teaching her something a lady should know. How to do her hair. Amara had rather short hair that barely reached her shoulders so she would use her hair to help.

"Would you help me comb my hair? With hair this long you need to learn a few things. You might even grow your hair long when you grow older."

Amara nodded despite not seeing a reason to grow her hair long. It was a liability in battle and if grabbed would give the opponent something to use against you Either way she listed to what Venelana told her and even helped her comb out her grandmother's long hair.

The closest thing to doing this was when Draven had been asked by a fellow child soldier in his early days. It was a young beast Kin girl who needed help with her long fur. He helped her cut it and it ended up saving her life next battle. And his.

They fought together for a few months before Draven was taken from that unit as he had shown magic talent and she did not. Last he heard she had died in a battle against a ramping monster. More used as a diversion, but he did make sure to destroy that kingdom later on.

"Amara, you are losing focus."

Amara shook her head as it was unlike her to look to the past. The past was the past, nothing mattered as you could not change it. You should learn from it, but not become lost in the past.

Amara combed Venelana's brown hair and even tied it into a set of twintails.


When Venelana looked at herself she barely stifled her laugh.

"I do look like her now don't I. Want to try another look?"

Amara carefully undid the twin tails and then gave her grandmother a few more hairstyles before they settled on one. It was Venelana, with a short ponytail. King watched the whole time as his fur was designed to be useful.

Either way, he watched as he did not have anything to do. Amara and King improved better than they both worked at the same time. Eventually, Venelana felt her husband return so she decided to leave here.

"Your grandpa is here. I will go see him."

Amara waved while King just looked up, Once she was gone Amara smiled a little.

'That was nice.'

She sat in her bed which replaced her crib with King at her side. She looked at the ceiling s this would be her last year in the dark. Then she would have the same issue as Rias with clans wanting to marry her off to thier sons.

That would not happen as relationships were not something she would partake in. For that, she needed more strength so she got straight to work with King. They had to make the most of this year as on her 5th birthday, everything would be different.

Following this will be her reveal and then a time skip. A short one.

God_Of_Wolvescreators' thoughts