
The Kingdom of Zaniah

The never-before told tale of a lost kingdom and an adventure that could change three souls forever.

Jabrid · ファンタジー
48 Chs

The Truth about Change

Upon reaching the home of the town mayor, exhaustion fell upon the group. They were ushered inside the home with welcome arms and given good food to eat. The home itself was large but quaint looking. Each window had a shutter, and the inside was decorated with middle class décor and furnisher. The carpets and floors were clean, and the inside smelt of burning wood from a large fireplace in the main living area. Overall, it felt cozy and welcoming and thawed their chilly bodies.

The mayor made sure all wounds were attended to by a town nurse. Nimer's arm was looked at and he was given medicine to help the burning and numbness. They dabbed Canon's face with a rag wrapping his muzzle with bandages and cleaning up the blood that seeped from the wound. They lay Rin in a bed in one of the back guest rooms and the nurse dabbed his feverish head with a damp cloth.

After all, had been attended to, Nimer, Ray, and Jex gathered near the fire while Canin kept guard in Rin's room. The three held mugs in their hands, staring tiredly into their drinks.

Ray rested her head on Jex's shoulder with a sigh. "I think that we've had enough adventure for a few days," she uttered, barely audible.

"Perhaps even a lifetime," Jex commented.

Nimer shook his head, "I fear that might be only the beginning of our worries. If Zinlar is behind this like he said, there's only going to be more dangers waiting for us down the road."

Ray pouted a bit. "I'm not sure I want to think about it right now," she said and fell backward onto her back with a thump. She stared up at the ceiling.

Large logs ran parallel to each other along the ceiling forming the structure of the house and holding up the roof. Wooden planks she assumed to form the floor of the attic ran in the opposite direction and were nailed into the wood with large nails that kept it stable. It was interesting architecture she had never seen before. All she could really think about at that moment was how warm the fire was. Closing her eyes, she started to think about home and the cold winter nights she spent indoors with Jex near the fire sipping herbal teas till their eyelids hung heavy.

Jex moved his glass back and forth, sloshing the liquid about in his mug. "What will we do now that we know the cult is after us again?" he asked.

Nimer shrugged. "Be on the lookout. It's really all we can do at this point," he answered taking a long sip of his drink. "We couldn't avoid them forever and nowhere we go can be fully safe. They know we are looking for the shards and we know they are doing the same."

Jex scratched his chin. "What I don't understand is why the shards are so powerful. You've explained the awakenings, but what about them does this? And why?"

"No one really knows how the shards came about, so I can not fully answer your question," Nimer answered truthfully. "All I know is that they react to the prana we have in our souls and cause us to grow and evolve to great power."

"Serane had said something similar," Jex admitted. "She spoke with us about awakenings and how they are different for everyone. I'm curious at this point. What is the calling for our souls?"

"I was able to use fire the other day," Ray said tiredly. "But it was a fluke in my opinion."

"You were?" Jex asked curiously, his eyes widening in surprise.

She nodded, her hair rubbing against the soft carpet. "It formed around my bow when I shot it at a bandit. It surprised me greatly."

Jex smiled and commented, "Well, I think that fire is very appropriate for you in my opinion. You've always been a bit feisty."

Ray playfully hit his arm as she rolled forward and sat up. "Stop. It's only natural." She tapped her lip. "And you have discovered a bit of illusion magic if I recall. I bet you made that woman mad playing her like that."

"Perhaps, and I may have taken her wear from her as well," Jex laughed, earning shaking heads from both Ray and Nimer.

"I'd rather not get us in trouble here," Nimer said flatly and brought his cup to his mouth, taking a few sips.

"It was harmless," Jex said, waving it off as he took a deep drink letting the liquid in his cup refresh him.

"What about you, Nimer? You've been awakening longer than we have. Do you know your soul's calling?" Ray asked, getting nosey with their guide.

Nimer began to choke on his drink, and he mumbled curses grumpily. "I don't think my business concerns you."

Ray bunched her lips disapprovingly. "You're always so secretive."

"Yeah," Jex said, agreeing and joining in on ganging up on Nimer. "You tell us what to do every day but tell us nothing about what is happening to you. It's been four months. Why don't you spit it out already?"

Nimer gave them both an even stare, unamused as always. "I am a guide, a storyteller, and a gambler. Nothing more."

"Why won't you tell us?" Ray insisted then smiled. "Don't tell me you're awakening into a fairy," she giggled.

"What? No," Nimer growled but his frustration was being drowned out by Jex and Ray's laughter. Nimer rolled his eyes. "Think what you want. But it's not a fairy," he said grumpily.

A quick knock at the doorway ceased the hoots and hollers Ray and Jex made and all three of them looked up to see Canin in his clothed human form standing there trying to get their attention.

"Nimer," he said hastily. "It's Rin. He's awake."

Nimer set down his drink and rose to his feet. He hurried with Jex and Ray following close behind at his heels. When they entered the room, Rin was sat in his bed, blankets covering his legs. He had been given a nightshirt to wear that appeared three sizes too big for him. His arms looked like twigs poking through the large arm holes.

"You're finally awake," Ray said, somewhat relieved.

Rin bunched up the covers in his hands as he made fists, his frame shaking slightly. "Yes, and I don't want to be," he muttered. Clenching his teeth, he could feel a sharp pain in his mouth as a small trickle of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. His tongue parted his lips, and he licked the cut almost instinctively.

"We don't blame you for what happened," Canin said, trying to make him feel better.

Rin turned to the other four in the room searching their faces for some sort of blame. "I jeopardized an entire town and fell for something I shouldn't have," he admitted bitterly. "Can you even blame me for being angry at myself for such antics?"

"You can blame yourself," Jex said. "But we won't blame you."

Rin fell silent, looking down at the threads of the blanket that kept him warm searching for words to say.

"If it makes you feel any better," Nimer said speaking up. "Vampires are able to lure their prey into taking vials of blood to turn others because most have the power of influence, like subtle mind control. He may have used that power to get you to do so. It's not entirely your fault in that case."

Rin remained silent for a moment, then asked, "What will become of me then? Will I stay like this, A monster having to survive on blood? I don't want this life."

"No one wants changes they can't control," Nimer said making a point. "And we all make mistakes. The best thing for you now is to learn to deal with it. That's all you or any of us can do. This journey is not easy for anyone. I find it best to work with the hand that is dealt to you whether you like it or not."

The other four standing in the room exchanged looks of acknowledgment, light smiles meeting their faces.

"He's right," Jex chimed in. "We can't help but change. It's what happens when you find your journey. Go after it with zest. See where it takes you."

The goofy grin Jex had on his face made Ray laugh, then she became sentimental. "I didn't want to come on this journey. But it's led me to experience so many new things I thought I never would. I think change is a gift, not always wanted but a surprise, nonetheless. Embrace it. You never know what will happen."

"That sounds stale coming from you," Nimer joked sarcastically but only smiled deviously when Ray shoved her elbow into his arm.

Rin visibly relaxed some, letting go of the sheets. "I've been traveling for a while. It just feels good to be surrounded by others who have not been home in a while, I suppose."

"And we won't leave you behind no matter the trek," Canin said patting Rin on the back. "Tomorrow is a new day. So, let's keep moving forward."