
The Kingdom of Zaniah

The never-before told tale of a lost kingdom and an adventure that could change three souls forever.

Jabrid · ファンタジー
48 Chs

The Journey Begins

The treacherous road tolled on the horses as they rode all day into the mountains, ligaments straining and hooves slipping. Their grasp tightened on the reins as they rode the high trail. Jex's horse slipped again, heaving billows of condensation. Nimer began driving them up the side of a peak near a cliff several feet down. Jex tried everything not to look over the edge, for every time he did he gained vertigo.

"You never told us it'd be this bad," he commented to Nimer in front of him.

"I never told you anything," Nimer answered.

Jex was unsatisfied with his answer and glanced back to Ray who raised a slender brow at him. Jex sighed, "You could at least warn us about things,"

"Then where's the fun in the adventure, hm?" Nimer implied, laid back with a brass flask in his hand. Whatever it contained he seemed to enjoy a few slips before he plugged the opening and slipped it back into his saddle bag. The treacherous landscape had no effect on him.

"That's true…" Jex said in agreement.

Ray huffed in disgust, "I never asked for this…"

"I'm sure you didn't. Comfort and class seemed to suit a lady more than travel," Nimer said, waving her off.

Ray scoffed, "You're ridiculous! I work for things and can stand outdoors any day! At least I do things besides sit on my lazy arse all day sipping ale!"

Jex interrupted their argument. "Oh give it rest, will you? Both of you stop. Stop your banter."

Not a word came from either of them, with a great deal of restraint.

Jex and Ray both surveyed clusters of trees lining the mountainside. By mid-afternoon, the timberline was in sight. Clouds in the sky caused shadows to cease along the mountainside as they traveled the grey path. They cut through a pass at the top of the smallest mountain, a view opening. A vast range of dreary, immense mountains stretched as far as they could see, north and west, some even capped with snow. Laying in the crevices and valleys was thick, bare wood stripped of its leaves. Threatening fall winds had whipped them from their branches. A creek appeared as a jagged fracture cutting through the forest.

The road they traveled became wider as they descended the other side of the mountain and headed into the deep valley. The descent endured easier on the horses. In a shorter time, they reached the base of the valley. During their descent, the sky cried as rain fell in a light sprinkle that soon turned to a steady downpour.

By mid-afternoon they entered the forest and searched till they discovered a suitable area near a large rock to set up their camp for the night. The large rock blocked out the gusts of wind ripping through the area and protected them from the rain.

"I'm sure there's a cave somewhere around here," Ray commented after picketing her horse to a tree out of the rain.

"I'm sure there is. But this will do. At least we're safe," Jex said tethering his horse to the same tree. As soon as he let go of the rope however it slipped from the knot that Jex had created. "Darn it," he tried to tie it once more.

Ray watched his hopeless attempts, a smile breaking through her rough, irritated expression. "Oh Jex, what would I do without you?"

"Kill our guide I would think," he commented, and both erupted into laughter.

Ray walked toward the middle of the camp rubbing her chilled arms and glaring at their guide laying against his horse on the ground in a dry area. Smoke rose from the end of the pipe he was using for he appeared at peace.

"You know, a fire would be nice," Ray spat.

"Why, yes it would. Go get firewood," Nimer said waving his pipe towards the woods.

Ray scoffed, "You're unbelievable!"

"I'll go get some," Jex offered walking over and looking from one to the other.

"No!" Ray growled. "You are not leaving me along with him!" She stormed off towards the woods to gather what firewood she could.

Jex took a deep breath and searched the campsite for rocks to form a fire pit in the driest spot he could find. After laying rocks in a circle and digging a small pit, he wiped his hands and turned to Nimer who appeared to be relaxing with his eyes closed, one knee up and one leg crossed over it.

"He's like a lazy cat," Jex thought to himself, amused. Nimer's swords still at his sides quickly drew his attention.

"Where'd you get those?" he asked walking up to him.

"Get what?" Nimer answered opening one ice, blue eye, looking at Jex.

"Those swords."

Nimer wiggled into a more comfortable position, "They were custom made."

"By a blacksmith?"

"By an artificer," Nimer corrected him.

Jex was in awe, "An artificer?"

"Yes. Artificers like a blacksmith can manipulate metal and other elements to their will. Some make medicine and potions. Artificers tend to work closely with alchemists."

"Hmmm, you don't suppose you know any do you?" Jex asked.

"I know one personally, why?"

Jex smiled, "Well, I've always wanted a sword."

Nimer appeared doubtful, having the ability to read Jex's intentions. "Well, you'd have to learn to use one first…"

"Well, that's why I'm asking you. You know how to use one."

"Yes, but I don't teach the hopeless."

Jex frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Nimer sat up scratching the inside of his ear, "It means your true potential has not yet emerged. I can't teach you. You're spineless, at the moment."

Jex's eyebrows knitted and his frown deepened, "I do, too have potential-"

"Then maybe you should get on that," Nimer looked him straight in the eye, "You seem to believe in many things. Why not believe you can?"

"I believe I can-"

"Then do something," Nimer jabbed Jex in the chest with a finger, "Act now, not later. Act when the time is right." Nimer lay back down with his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

Jex appeared puzzled, "Do you always give advice?"

Nimer frowned, "That wasn't advice. I was filtering about your idiocy."

Jex frowned deeper, "Maybe Ray was right."

"Usually is I'm assuming…" Nimer said.

"Yes, she is. Is that a problem?" Jex said. Ray meant the world to him. He wouldn't let Nimer walk all over her like that.

"No I'm just surprised that passion hasn't drawn you to her lips," Nimer teased.

Jex held his words back falling into a pit of thought. He glanced up as Ray stumbled into the clearing, several large sticks occupying her arms as she struggled to hold them. Jex sprung to his feet in seconds to aid her, taking the logs to the fire pit then continued to add flammable material near the base.

"Everything in the forest is wet," she complained.

"Sorry, it is raining," Jex commented.

"And rain is wet," Nimer added.

"Like I don't know," Ray growled as she arranged the logs by stacking them. She stood and retrieved a flat piece of steel and flint from her saddle bag.

"Might I suggest making a cone like structure…" Nimer commented walking up next to them while examining the logs.

"I don't need your help!" Ray barked.

A light cloud escaped Nimer's nose as he nibbled his pipe, "Suit yourself. We are losing daylight fast…"

Jex encouraged Ray with a glance. Rage seemed to strangle her insides, flowing out of her like a squeezed lemon. Jex backed off to avoid possible backfire. She raised the two stones and struck them. Her eyes glowed as a spark ignited. She frowned when nothing happened. The surrounding downpour raged as her continued attempts to light the soggy logs did not prevail. Frustration infected her and turned into a festering wound of anger. She stomped the ground, clenching her teeth.

Jex watched worried for her. "Ray-"


Both Nimer and Jex leaned away, her anger cutting through their minds like a knife. Nimer, however, did not submit to her. "Get closer to the bottom of the fire. You're rather far away-"

"I don't need your help!" Ray shouted.

Nimer stuck a finger in his ear, "You'll call every ogre in the forest to our location if you don't be quiet…"

Ray's frame shook like an earthquake as she stepped over, slamming the steel and flint into Nimer's chest as hard as she could. "Then YOU light the fire! Come on, do it, if you're so good at it!"

Nimer gave her an icy stare, tossing the flint into the air with a smug grin, "Glad to." Nimer knelt down close to the fire and arranged the logs in two teepee like structures, letting his hand linger a moment over the logs as he hummed to himself. He only smiled, continuing to stream his strange melody. With one strike of the two stones, a spark ignited the kindling close to the base of the fire. A dull luminance meet Nimer's bright eyes as he muttered the melody under his breath. Smoke rose from the cone structure followed by a low glow of flame beginning to devour the logs. Nimer stood and tossed the rocks at Ray's feet. "You're welcome."

Ray's mouth flew open as she bore her teeth. "YOU! You used magic! Or something!"

"I did no such thing."

Ray scoffed looking at Jex. "He HAD to be using sorcery! It's pouring out! Do you not believe me?"

Jex made the utmost uncomfortable expression. "Ray you don't believe in magic. You said so yourself," he stated then retreated away from the heated argument to his saddle bag for dinner.

Ray stood there, baffled as the downpour drenched her face and clothes. She was always right, or so she thought. Her hands curled into quivering fists. She stomped like a mule to her place at Jex's side, sitting and curling up tight with her knees at her chest.

Nimer cleared his throat with a light cough which he muffled with his hand, "As you can see, it was nothing."

"Oh be quiet. Your head's large enough as it is-"

"All right, you two! That's enough!" Jex shouted at both of them aggressively. "No more words, both of you… eat then get rest."

Jex's outburst stunned the two rivals, and they exchanged glances before crossing their arms and turning their backs to one another as they fetched a light meal.


Low embers burned a dull glow of orange releasing the last of its heat as the sky brightened over the peaks to the east. Frigid gusts raked through the barren trees, the last of their leaves littering the ground, blown off by the night's storm. The ground remained damp and coated in light crystals of frost, clinging to the earth, trees, and rocks. Water from the downpour left the trails muddy and slick. A treacherous hike awaited the three through the wood.

Jex and Ray shared warmth under the comfort of a wool blanket, lying on their old bed roll. The chill of the morning did not stir them, their expressions were peaceful as they enjoyed a restful sleep. Nimer entered the camp from the forest carrying wood under his arm and a squirrel on a leather cord in his left hand.

"And how blessed am I with this meal. Protected by gut you shall be," Nimer mumbled, an eccentric smile on his face as he tossed the dead rodent to the dirt near the fire pit. He wasted no time gutting the creature and had a fire going in minutes. The flame flared and twirled around the sticks, radiating heat that soon aided in warming up his breakfast.

The scent traveled through the wind stirring Jex awake. His vision blurred as he rubbed his eyes, his face stinging from the morning cold as he fought every urge to lie back down and sleep. He put on his jacket and make his way to the fireside to get warm.

"Good morning," he uttered through chattering teeth.

"Morning…" Nimer answered. Jack Frost seemed to leave him alone as he poked breakfast with a stick, "You best be getting your girlfriend up. We're leaving in a few minutes."

"Minutes?" Jex questioned, "But we just woke up."

"Hence why we're leaving. We have a long way to go," Nimer answered and pulled the squirrel meat from the fire, not bothering to share while picking the meat of the bones and tossing them into the fire. After finishing, he stuffed the last of it away before preparing for the day's journey.