
Chapter 2: Clara

"Ughh, that's a little tighter than usual Helen," Clara painfully remarked to her handmaiden as her corset was tightened.

"Sorry milady, but this is a big day for all ya royals. And after all, you're the only princess of the kingdom, what with your two older brothers and all. You need to look like a perfect porcelain doll milady, and this corset will need to be as tight as possible for that to happen."

Clara yelped again as her handmaid tightened up the strings again. This was a big day Clara thought to herself, it was the day of the signing of the peace treaty with the country that they had been at war with for three years. She knew she had to look as perfect as she could today. "I'm surprised we're doing all of this in the winter, it's still snowing outside and it's so cold. Then again, the snow is always beautiful in the morning when the sun shines on it and sparkles like little crystals in the sky," Clara looked down to her handmaiden below her who was helping Clara put her high heels on, "don't you agree Helen?"

"I d'know about all that milady. For us common folk the winters not so nice. It's freezing cold and we can't get as much done as we'd like to. It be too cold to work the fields for us earlier in the day."

"Oh I don't know Helen, I've always liked a bit of a chilly day myself," Clara smiled down at Helen's determined face, "I remember when I was younger and I would run through the snow in bare feet and no winter clothes. That was the most fun I think I've ever had in my life," Clara giggled from the memory.

"Oh, I remember ya doing that milady. I had to run out and chase ya down before ya caught yourself a cold, plus I wouldn't wanna have the king gettin mad at me for your foolishness," Helen barked out.

"Oh, you know you loved me, even then Helen. Hey, are we almost finished, I'm getting tired of sitting here, I feel like we've been getting me ready forever now." Clara fell back into her bed as Helen finished lacing her heels.

"We're almost done milady, I just need to do ya hair now. Come on over here." Helen walked over to the mirror, waiting for Clara.

Clara started to walk over and almost tripped over herself from wearing the heels. She caught herself on one of her bed's pillars, "Oh, that was close," Clara laughed, "I still don't understand why I need to wear these ridiculous things. I've never been able to get used to them, and they are so very uncomfortable. Helen, won't my dress cover up my feet anyway?"

Helen walked over to help Clara to the mirror and sat her down on the chair, "Now now, you know the rules. Your father, expects you to be a perfect princess today. He wouldn't have it any other way, and we can't have you wearing flats, that's not very princess-like. Princesses need to wear heels during formal occasions like this."

Clara sighed while Helen began to work on her hair. Clara never much enjoyed acting like a princess. She definitely enjoyed the perks of being royal though since she could do whatever she wanted to do and she had anything she could ever ask for, but these formal affairs, she never cared for much. Clara always preferred to run around in the forests and practice swordplay with her brother Percy. She always wondered why her father didn't like her acting "like a boy." But she had to do these trivial formal affairs sometimes for him, and even though she hated them, she didn't want to disappoint her father.

"I always loved your beautiful snow-white hair milady," Helen remarked as she began to comb and straighten Clara's bed-hair, "ever since ya were a little lady your hair was as white as snow. It was as beautiful then as it is now."

Clara smiled from Helen's words, she had heard them before, but they never made her any less happy hearing kind words about her hair. She never really liked her hair much, she thought it was always strange that her hair was a different color than her father and brothers, with their hair all being brunette. Helen always told her not to care about it, and that she was special and beautiful with her white hair. She was the only princess of the kingdom and her hair was different than any other person Helen had ever seen.

"Alright milady, I think that about does it. I hope ya like it."

Clara looked at her hair in the mirror and Helen held a mirror behind so she could see the back as well. "It's lovely Helen, thank you," Clara truly did love her hair whenever Helen would make it up for her. Clara stood up out of the chair and Helen brought over her dress. The dress was extravagant and beautiful. It was a crimson red with golden laces strung up around it in elegant designs. The dress went to the ground past Clara's feet and was held up by strings in the back being tied tightly. Her corset underneath the dress, as well as the tight strings holding her dress upright, gave Clara's petite body the appearance of an hourglass. The red and golden dress brought out the beauty of the princess's pale white face and black eyes. Helen placed a golden necklace over Clara's neck and placed her crown. The crown was pure gold with colorful gems encrusted all around it, ranging from emeralds, diamonds, rubies, and topaz. There was also a single large pure white pearl in the center of the crown.

Clara looked into the mirror and smiled, she did have to admit to herself that she enjoyed this at least a little. She stood up out of her chair and was careful not to trip over herself again. "Thank you for everything as always Helen. I'll be off now, I'm sure my brothers are waiting in the throne room for me."

"It's my pleasure to serve you as always milady," Helen responded with a bowed head.

Clara walked out of her room and began to make her way towards the throne room to meet up with her two older brothers. Each servant in the castle would greet her graciously with either a curtsey or bow as she walked through the white marble hallways. She found the doorway to the throne room. It was a massive doorway, much taller than any man. The door was made out of strong wood, encrusted with gems, and plated over in intricate designs with gold and silver. The two servants at the door opened the massive entrance for her and she walked into the large empty room. Her two brothers were talking with each other at the bottom of the throne.