
Blood Contract

Its been two years since that incident,

The Capital was As usual Busy and crowded.

"Brothers today we had a huge success during hunt so the drink is on me hahahaa"

a shout came from a bar followed by loud cheers.

"Guys we will have to at least hunt the shadow wolf today, yesterday we couldnt find any of it"

Said another Hunter who can talking to his mates about their today's goal.

Same cases could be seen happening all around the capital.

Lots of people comes in capital to start their business or go to hunt magical beast, who's fur, meat, cores, teeth literally everything could be sold.

It does comes with lots of risk but still many people willing to undertake it, since it brought a lot of money.

Just on the west of the capital was a huge forest which served Hunters as their hunting round,

Many of them only hunts the Beast just outsides the forest and near it since the beast there are usually not that strong

Only the strong and powerful Hunters dared to go inside the forest where the real beasts roamed.

The humans had only discovered ten percent of the land, the other ninety percents was forest, oceans and mountains where the beast ruled..

There were Countless species of beast, Most of them had not even been discovered yet.

long time ago a magician wanted to control the beast decided to invented an inscription which makes the beast loyal to humans, he did countless experiments and he was only able to capture beasts but only weak and young once it didn't worked on powerful beasts, Still because of this invention his became famous and a legend among Humans.

now after years and years of Research humans were finally able to use inscription on strong beast but condition was that the beast should be in near death situation or he should not resist..Even after all this there was ninety percent chance of failing..

Their was another way by which a beast could be contracted, that was "blood contract".. which could only be initiated by the beast. Rarely a case happened in century where a beast and human had blood contract...

Inside the palace a boy could be seen in library sitting with his teacher, the boy had a sharp face with black eyes and long black hair, he was wearing a training suit and was reading a book really seriously, He was Marvis who is now two years old.. In this world children grow up quickly, only after two years they would learn how to walk and talk, some geniuses can even read and write.

Of course Marvis was the father of all geniuses who could even talk (in this own languge )since birth.. how can he be compared with normal geniuses.

Marvis started walking when he was only 1 years old and half year later he started running around the whole palace. In two years he could read and write and even practice martial arts..

Every mother will be happy to see there kid was a genius but that was not the case with Empress Nora.. She sighed every time see was Marvis and looks up in the sky as if cursing the gods.