
The King of Gossip

His singing voice is addictive, his acting is enchanting, and his dance moves are absolutely electrifying. He is the KING of the entertainment world! However, this guy, with his god-like perfect looks and physique, is primarily known for his constant scandals, present everywhere and at all times. Reporter: You say it's just a rumor, but our people caught you spending a night at Avril's house? Man: I was just there to discuss some concert matters with her, and we ended up talking about life and dreams... Reporter: And what about the kiss with Emma Roberts? Man: Everyone knows I'm a great actor; I was just discussing with her how to perform a kissing scene. Reporter: But what about the Christmas Eve party with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and seven other female celebrities... Man: Hey, buddy, I told you those are just rumors. We were just playing CS that night, 1V7, oh, NO, it was 4V4. Yes, all of that is just gossip!

OCTOBER456 · 都市
38 Chs

Chapter 2: Everything Is New

Chen Jin awoke from unconsciousness, feeling a whirlwind of energy rampaging through his body. His head throbbed with pain, and he felt agony all over, wanting to scream but unable to utter a sound.

His consciousness blurred, and he experienced a muddled sense of creation, with strange visions rising and falling in his mind, intertwining and entangling. Just as Chen Jin was about to lose himself, a voice echoed in his mind.

It seemed he was the sorcerer Pang Ban, who, on the verge of ascending to a higher realm, had lost focus due to a letter he had received from Jin Bingyun. This lapse led to an unforeseen situation, transporting him to this unfamiliar time and space. Struck by lightning and unable to sustain his physical form, he had used the Daoxin Seed Demon Technique on Chen Jin, who had been perfectly transformed by the lightning strike.

Despite enduring unbearable torment, the influx of information in his mind excited Chen Jin, easing his pain. He had been reading "The Stormy Lover" before the lightning struck and was familiar with the character Pang Ban.

After an indeterminate period, as Pang Ban's demonic seed and Chen Jin's soul began to merge, along with the integration of their spirits, Chen Jin suddenly woke up, opening his eyes.

Chen Jin's appearance had changed dramatically. His handsome face now exuded a captivating, almost sinister charm. His eyes sparkled with the wisdom of the world and an almost bewitching allure.

Absorbed in the euphoria of his fantastical encounter, Chen Jin failed to notice the changes in his demeanor and appearance.

The reality of his situation was clear in his mind, filled with Pang Ban's knowledge, including the supreme demonic tome "Sky Demon Strategy" and Pang Ban's expertise. The only regret was that even Pang Ban did not know how to fully master the Daoxin Seed Demon Technique. He had used it in a moment of desperation, much like Chi Zunxin had used on Han Bai, knowing the method but not the outcome.

Suddenly, the room darkened as a man around fifty entered. Chen Jin realized something was amiss. He didn't recognize his surroundings, which felt utterly foreign to him.

The room was built with blue stone bricks and yellowing limestone. The beams above were made of dark brown wood, and wood was a recurring theme – the door, the bed, even the sole table and chairs, all simple and somewhat worn.

The man smiled kindly at Chen Jin, who was scanning the room, "You're awake. How do you feel?"

Cantonese. That was Chen Jin's first thought upon hearing the man speak. He was a drifter from the north, and his familiarity with Cantonese came from watching Hong Kong movies. But his own Cantonese was limited.

Stammering, he asked, "Uncle, where am I? How did I end up here?"

"You're from the mainland, aren't you?" The man identified Chen Jin's accent instantly. "This is Lamma Island. I don't know where you came from, but you're lucky. Hao and I were out fishing when we found you floating and brought you ashore..."

Chen Jin knew of Lamma Island, a famous fishing village in Hong Kong, known for producing superstar Chow Yun-fat.

Unable to lie due to his limited language skills, Chen Jin nodded and made up an excuse, "Thank you, uncle. I was crossing the sea by boat when we encountered the coast guard. Everyone jumped overboard. I'm a good swimmer, but I couldn't keep up and lost direction before passing out..."

The man, free of suspicion, smiled, "You're lucky to have survived drifting so far at sea. The doctor said you just fainted temporarily and are otherwise unharmed."

Chen Jin chuckled awkwardly, touching his head but revealing genuine gratitude. He then remembered to ask the man's name, "Sorry, uncle, I've been rude. We've been talking, but I haven't asked your name yet."

The villagers on these remote islands didn't harbor ill feelings towards illegal immigrants. Chen Jin, with his appealing looks and demeanor, made a good first impression. The man, handing Chen Jin a cup of water, introduced himself, "No need to be so formal. My name is Zhang Jiacong, the head of the village where you are now."

After a while, Chen Jin realized his ability to learn quickly, understanding more of Zhang Jiacong's Cantonese and replying more fluently, though not yet proficiently.

Zhang Jiacong excused himself to attend to other matters, leaving Chen Jin to ponder his situation. He wondered if he had really 'traveled' as in novels. His first priority was to check his appearance.

In the rudimentary bathroom, Chen Jin was startled by his reflection – the incredibly handsome young man in the mirror smiled, revealing a set of pearly white teeth. His disheveled hair did not detract from his appearance but added a wild charm.

With his perfect looks and the demonic seed and "Sky Demon Strategy" bestowed by Pang Ban, Chen Jin planned to enter the entertainment industry, his most familiar field. The tome contained many techniques, like using the Sky Demon's Song to enchant and control others. Chen Jin only needed to learn how to produce beautiful sounds for his singing.

"Sky Demon Strategy" also had techniques for unpredictable facial expressions, useful for acting. Even without using demonic powers, these skills would enhance his performance.

Regarding the entertainment industry's chaos and dirty dealings, Chen Jin, as a veteran, was well aware. There was no real utopia; the industry was just more exposed. Other places might be worse.

As night fell, Chen Jin was deep in thought when footsteps outside startled him. Zhang Jiacong entered with his muscular, twenty-something son, Zhang Weihao. Zhang Jiacong introduced his son, who worked with him in fishing, and mentioned his younger son, Zhang Weixiong, studying at the University of Hong Kong, his tone betraying pride.

Without waiting for an introduction, Chen Jin extended a hand to Zhang Weihao, "Hello, I'm Chen Jin. Thank you for saving me."

Lamma Island, far from the mainland, rarely saw illegal immigrants. Those who did come usually landed in the New Territories and worked in the shadows before making it to the city. It was unlikely for anyone to cross several districts and bays to reach impoverished Lamma Island, making Chen Jin a novelty to Zhang Weihao, "Hello, I'm Zhang Weihao. You can call me Ahao."

Considering his youthful appearance, Chen Jin casually said, "I just turned twenty this year. Ahao, you look a bit older than me. You can call me A-Jin or A-KING."

Zhang Jiacong had come to invite Chen Jin for dinner. In the simple dining area, Chen Jin's sharp eyes caught a calendar from March 1990 next to the God of Wealth shrine. Suppressing his shock, he commented, "I heard from uncle that I've been here only one night, right?" He made an excuse, feigning reflection, "I'm really lucky. I remember jumping into the water early on March 3. That means I drifted for two whole days..."

Thinking to himself, Chen Jin knew entering the entertainment industry wasn't easy. He could attract talent scouts just by walking past a studio, but he was aware of the exploitative contracts. His immediate plan was to participate in the annual New Talent Singing Awards in August, a prestigious competition launching many superstars. However, only Hong Kong residents could enter.

With half a year until August, Chen Jin aimed to master Cantonese and learn vocal and facial control techniques. Most importantly, he needed a Hong Kong identity card.