
Chapter 144 Li Er-ye

In the darkness, a crisp snapping of fingers could faintly be heard.

All skills had vanished.

The carriage was pitch-black inside.

"What's going on?" someone asked loudly.

The effect of "Do I Look Handsome" had disappeared.

A streak of purple lightning struck into the spine, potential surged, and a tingling wave flooded into the legs, propelling Li Changzhou forward in an instant.




"What's happening?!"

"What's going on?!"

Screams rose and fell in succession.

"Who stole my weapon? Who?!"

"My military flag! How audacious!"

"Not good, someone's stealing things, everyone be careful!"

"Who the fuck touched me, you're dead meat!"

"Nobody move, whoever moves is the thief! Damn it, my clothes!"

The heat in his legs dissipated, Li Changzhou moved aside, and his ears were filled with the sounds of people fighting each other.

"Just these few?" he whispered to Xiao Yue beside him.

"There's more....."