
The King No More?

Tryxin_Erlith26 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

starting a new journey

A few days later that I was sent back in time I was thinking about what should I do hence forth and think of way what should I do about Elizabeth, while I was talking to my self "maybe I should build a foundation for my self to be powerful enough to protect my love ones."

so after think what should I do from now on is training my self in swordmanship and magic, the first thing I should train is swordmanship

because its a lot easier cause I remember the the footsteps and move from my previous life.

compare to to magic, magic needs mana for what level of magic should it can cast and aptitude for what kind of magic that can cast the element of the spell, there are three kinds of swordmanship that I know, these are :

1. Northern Vale swordstyle - This style is focused on its foot work, it's every swing has a motion that can't be seen by the naked eye, it's from the secret village that I accidentally discovered and stayed there for 3 years learning there techniques while I was a adventurer.

2. Millitaric Bee fence - A difficult footwork to learn, it took me about 5 years to master when I was in the CMFB (Capital Military Force Brigade),this swordmanship is like a bee, an agile like bug that stings when it attacks and paralyzed it opponent in one shot.

3. Mystic stance - It's the most hardest technique to learn out of the three because it requires some Mana to perform, it need the Mana flow to focus on transferring to the sword to make it more deadlier and it depends on the aptitude of it's magic but it has one main point and that it's the strength of it's Mana flow to the sword.

those were the techniques that I know, "knowing each of them but some parts of it is a bit Rusty and not compatible with the current body I have right now it's hard to improve" saying those line to motivate was very effective that it made me more indulge in training.

not knowing that there was an upcoming event happening soon on the capital and while I was happily training to improve my foundations for the future, I was training all this time from morning till night then suddenly " BIG BRO DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS MUSCLE BRAIN!?" shouted at me making me surprised and fell down.

I didn't know who it was till I saw her, my cousin, Alexandra Vonsmich, who is a three years older than me came to visit because

she ran away from her home just to escape

the nagging from her parents about her forced marriage.