
The King and The System

A boy whose life has always been so simple turned upside down by a system. It told him you must conquer your planet within ten years and if he doesn't they will all die. It doesn't stop there though. He must also conquer other planets. Come and take the journey with the king and his system.

Dahir_Hersi · 都市
1 Chs

The Boy and The System 1

Chp 1

A flow of light falls from the sky into the room of David Clementine. A twentyone-year-old Asain boy who is well built and a height of 6'0 with dark luscious black hair that fell down just below his ears. David lived alone in his apartment building ever since his family died in a devastating car crash when he was six years old. He would have bad dreams about his family here and then recalling that horrible crash. But what was different about today's dream was there was one significant change. Right before the crash his mother turns towards him and says "conquer the stars".

As David opened his eyes about the dream, He wondered why his dream changed all of a sudden. But then David felt excruciating pain a second later coming from his head. David was pretty healthy and was shocked that this was even a headache. He decided that he could no longer take the pain. So David diced to call 911 to get some help. As he reached for his cellphone he passes out.

David finds himself in a room full of white walls with nothing around him. David thought it was really weird because he could touch and feel everything around him. He asked himself, "Did I die". That when he heard a voice behind him say boy that quite a pathetic way to die".

David turned around spooked and askes where the hell did that come from. When he noticed a man wearing a black suit with a nice beard and hair that touch the floor.

David asked, "who are you and am I really dead," The mysterious man said, first of all, you are not dead you are just in a dream state right. It's too complicated to explain that but the reason why you are here is that I need a successor. And I have picked you.

David asked "why do you need a successor" and the mysterious man replied " because I have failed to conquer the universe. But you will do it in my stead. AS David was about to ask more questions he woke up. He was laying on the floor with the headache gone.

My first book ever. Please be GENEROUS!!!

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