
Just You

On the other side of the door, Ida did not think much of it and simply went about her way, cleaning up the room. She hummed to herself as she did but stopped in her tracks moments later as she was just about to exit the room. 

She glanced over her shoulder and noticed that the window was wide open. She quietly walked back up the stairs and stood there for a moment. Ida furrowed her eyebrows as she scanned the room. 

Thinking nothing of it, she simply made her way back down the stairs and exited the room. As she did, she replayed her last conversation with Sierra. Something about it did not sit right with her, yet for the longest time, she could not put her finger on it. 

It wasn't until she had unloaded some of the washing of the day in the washing room when it dawned on her. 

"Why would she need two towels?"