Forced to become the concubine of King Alistair, Princess Sierra left her home kingdom behind. But she's no princess! Sierra is the adopted daughter of a general, a knightess by training. She was threatened and forcefully given a false title in order to take the place of the real princess. Despite all the odds, the King still falls hopelessly in love with her. What will happen when her identity is revealed? Will their love prevail? Awesome beautiful cover is a commissioned piece from Sapphrix on Instagram! Huge thanks to her for doing the cover and bringing my lovely characters to life! I really appreciate it!
Ida was surprised by Sierra's kindness. From what she had heard through the grapevine, royals do not act the way Sierra did. They were usually demanding and critical. Especially if their maid or someone of a lower status spoke out of line.
Being slapped on the face or scolded was a common occurrence, something they would get used to over time. But Sierra had never once been angry at Ida. She had only treated her with kindness.
Sierra picked out a different outfit. She changed into it immediately and redid her hair to match. Before she left, she placed both of her swords in hidden pockets that were sewn into her dress.
"Your Highness, are...are those...," Ida gasped in shock as she pointed at the weapons in Sierra's hands.
Realizing her actions might have scared Ida, Sierra scrambled to come up with an understandable reply. She admitted that the swords were hers. She spun a tale, saying it was for her own personal protection.
"It's just a habit I have from back home," Sierra explained further with a smile.
" it really unsafe in your Kingdom, Your Highness?"
For a princess to have to bring weapons around wherever they went, Ida imagined Sierra's kingdom to be overrun by poverty and bandits.
"It's just for my personal safety, that's all," she did not know what else to say.
At the very least, Ida dropped the matter after that. Once everything was done, they left the room and headed towards Magnolia Hall. It did not take long for all the princesses to be gathered.
There were over fifty of them in total. Some of them seemed to know one another, chatting excitedly on what was about to be announced. Sierra happened to overhear some of them gossipping about the King and Queen.
"Did you hear? The Queen spent the night at the King's Quarters!"
"Really? That's so romantic!"
"The whole night? What would they do together the whole night?"
"Are you empty in the skull? What else could they be doing?"
The sound of a trumpet broke cut through all the conversation within the hall. Everyone fell silent as the announcer announced the Queen's arrival. Many of the princesses had hoped to catch a glimpse of the King today. But they were sorely disappointed.
Only Queen Roxine and her entourage showed up. Everyone in the hall curtsied before the presence of the queen. She did not take her seat on the throne that was set up for her.
Queen Roxine stood as she addressed everyone, "It's been a pleasure getting to know some of you at the ball last night. I hope everyone had a good time."
There was a bit of conversation amongst the princesses, but it quickly simmered down as they listened to what the queen had to say next. She held out a wax-sealed parchment in her hand.
"On this parchment, is a list of ten names. Ten princesses that the King had selected who would remain to participate in a series of tests.
Out of which only one princess will become consort to King Alistair," Roxine announced to the hall.
Sierra furrowed her eyebrows. How would the King had selected the ten candidates if he was not present at the party the night before? There were only two possibilities in her mind.
One, the list was in fact chosen by the queen. Two, the King was in fact at the party the night before. Perhaps he was in disguise so no one would recognize him. Silas' masked face surfaced in Sierra's mind.
She shook her head. The second possibility was impossible. Why would a King go through such trouble to enter a party planned by his Queen? It just did not make any sense.
Sierra did not pay much attention as Queen Roxine handed the sealed parchment to the announcer for him to read out the names. All around, the princesses gathered in the hall were eager to know if their names would be readout.
"All the best, Your Highness! Ida whispered to Sierra with a smile.
Ida's words drew her out of her thoughts. She looked up at the announcer who was reading the final few names on the list. Sierra glanced around the hall. She notices some of the princesses whose names were called were all celebrating.
Just as she turned her attention back to the announcer, Sierra felt someone grab her arm. It was Ida.
"Your Highness! You've been selected! Congratulations!" the palace maid congratulated Sierra.
The princesses around her turned in shock. Sierra was equally surprised too. Why would she, of everyone be picked? She had done nothing to stand out from the rest. Not to mention, there were definitely many more beautiful princesses out there.
Why was she the one who was picked?
"May the selected princesses step forward to the front?" the announcer asked.
Those whose names were called quickly made their way to the front of the hall. Those who stood around Sierra cleared a path for her but she did not move. She was still in shock. It was not until Ida nudged her, did her feet began to move.
All eyes were on her, making her feel extremely uncomfortable. She could hear the other royals whispering amongst themselves. Some wondered who she was and what qualities she had to be chosen.
"I heard she's an illegitimate daughter."
"How can someone as dull as her be chosen?"
Sierra clenched her jaw. She wanted to fight back and put these women in their place. But she bit her lip and kept it to herself. When Sierra made her way to the front, she quickly realized that Princess Agnes was amongst the ones chosen too.
The smug smile on her face quickly diminished into one of sour jealousy, when she saw Sierra. That turned Sierra's pursed lips into a smirk.
"From this moment forth, all ten of you will be known as consort candidates. You will have to complete five tests. Etiquette, the arts, culinary, archery, and riding.
These are the five areas in which you will be tested on. Make no mistakes, it will not be easy. You will be given a grade at the end of each round..."
Queen Roxine continued to explain the rules surrounding the five tests. At the end of the fifth test, the three candidates with the highest scores will have to pass the sixth test.
From there, the King will choose the ultimate winner. The winner would become the King's consort. Sierra glanced over to the other princesses. She could tell most of them had never held a bow and arrow in their lives, that would most certainly be the toughest test for them to score.
As for Sierra, nothing was too difficult for her.