
As You Wish

"How dare you, Sierra Bancroft! This is insubordination! You should be flogged for your insolent behavior," the princess ordered as she pointed at Sierra.

"I seek your forgiveness on behalf of my daughter. She's still young and unskilled in court decorum. Please have mercy," General Leon pleaded as he got down on his knees.

The King burst out laughing, cutting through the thick atmosphere of the court. The ministers, who were at a loss, decided to do as their monarch did.

"She has character, Leon, just like you. I think she would be the perfect candidate. She is of marrying age, is she not?"

General Leon glanced over to Sierra. He watched her grow into the beautiful young woman she had become. One look at her and he could tell exactly what she was thinking. But rejecting the King was impossible.

He had to buy time.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to discuss this with my daughter in private."

Everyone was surprised by his bold request. They knew General Leon was a fiercely loyal subject to the crown for many years. He carried out the King's orders without hesitation. This was the first time he did not accept the orders immediately.

"Are you rejecting the King's orders? Have you gone mad?" General Cedric questioned, adding fuel to the flames.

Sierra had her hand on the hilt of her sword. She gripped it tightly, ready to draw her weapon and cut Cedric down where he stood. She knew she had to calm herself down, but it was getting increasingly difficult to keep her cool.

"I would simply like some time to convince her, that is all," General Leon explained.

The King seemed satisfied with his answer, "Very well. I look forward to your good news tomorrow morning, Leon. Court dismissed!"

Everyone lowered their heads as King Frederick left the Throne Room with Princess Felicity trailing close behind. She even gave General Cedric a flirty wink before she left. Sierra wanted to hurl at the sight of both of them.

As the ministers filtered out of the Throne Room, Sierra moved forward to help her General Leon up to his feet. Her old man was getting on in age. His legs were not as strong as they used to be.


"Yes, father?"

"Let's take a walk."

On the way out, Cedric wanted to speak to Sierra but she brushed him off. She held onto her father's hand as they made their way towards the royal gardens. It was quiet at this time of day, only a few gardeners were out tending to the flowers.

Sierra was the first to speak, "Father, I will do as you ask. If you wish for me to go, I'll go."

They stopped by a cherry blossom tree. Leon turned to his daughter.

He held onto her hand tightly.

"What I want does not matter, Sierra," he said with a smile.

He raised his hand and placed it over her heart, "I only care about what you want."

"I...," she did not know how to reply. She had a question for him.

"Aren't you going to convince me to go?" she asked out of curiosity.

Leon chuckled. Why would he ever want her to leave? If he could, he would keep her by his side forever. But deep down, Leon knew he had to let his daughter fly on her own. He taught her everything he knew.

It was time for her to make her own decisions.

"You are a bright young woman who is fully capable of making her own decisions," he said to her as he tucked a loose lock of her dark brown hair behind her ear, "I will support whatever decision you wish to make."

Sierra hugged him with tears in her eyes. She whispered into his ear.

"I want to stay."

"Then stay you shall," he whispered back.

Little did they know, someone was eavesdropping on their conversation. When word of Sierra's decision made its way through the grapevine and to the King's ears, he was surprised.

"This... this is not good," he muttered to himself as he paced back and forth.

If Sierra refused, there was no other candidate for them to choose from. He could not force General Leon to order his daughter to go either. The Bancroft family was one of the most powerful noble houses with the largest army. He could not afford to lose General Leon's support by offending him.

"Daddy, I don't want to marry the scary King! I don't want to!" Princess Felicity cried as she crumbled to the ground in tears.

The King rushed forward to console his precious daughter. He gently rubbed her back while making her a promise that he would not send her. But what other choices did he have?

Just then, a knock on the door caught their attention. General Cedric walked in. He got down on his knees to greet his King. Upon relaying the news to Cedric, he came up with a solution.

"Your Majesty, if I may be so bold to make a suggestion," he asked respectfully while bowing.

"Speak your mind, General Cedric," the King said as he placed a hand on the general's shoulder, "You've been a loyal subject, and my daughter has been quite smitten by you. Share your wisdom with us."

Felicity and Cedric exchanged a quick glance. The general leaned forward and whispered a plan into the King's ear. Upon hearing it, the King took a step back. His face was twisted in shock.

"This... but this...," it was a plot in the making.

"Think about it, father," the princess added fuel to the flames, "With this, you can finally bend the Bancrofts to your will! And I can remain by your side! It's a win for everyone!"

General Cedric got back down on his knees. He volunteered to oversee the entire operation. To ensure no one would ever find the truth of the plot, they would kill off everyone involved.

"If they're dead, their lips would be sealed." General Cedric said.

He could see the cogs in the King's mind were turning. Based on his facial expression, he was warming up to the idea. Cedric leaned in close to the King's ear.

"On your command, I see through this plan personally. For the princess's future, I urge you to consider carefully, my King."

After a brief moment of silence, the King had made his decision.

"Very well, you have my blessing."

Cedric got down on one knee. He placed his hand over his heart as he grinned.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Oh dear, what is this idea that Cedric has? Comment down below what you think it might be!

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