
The King's Mate Is a Dark Luna

One mate is a blessing, two are a curse, I've learned it all the hard way. My life was as perfect as a life could be. Never notice it until I've lost it all. I'm an alpha line that also has a loving, carrying high-ranking mate. Not to mention that I'm always praised for how I look. I was what every she-wolf dreamed to be. Well, all of that changed when a stranger visited our pack. My entire world froze when my eye spot his seraphic eyes. I felt the same pull I've always felt toward my mate. Yet, a bit stronger. A stranger that is no one but the Alpha King himself. My entire idyllic world fell apart as I wasn't able to decide. Should I give a chance to the new pull I'm feeling for the alpha king, or to stay loyal to the one who's always been by my side.

Khawla_Amini · ファンタジー
11 Chs

The vampire's siblling

Jade's point of view:

"Well… Well… Well!… Look who we have here?"

A female vampire spoke among the bunch who were circling me. Her only presence screams power, and I was able to feel it.

I know for sure that she's a high rank in her society – the vampires' society.

I was located in a circle in which there were six other male vampires standing by the side of the female.

In no time, another male vampire joined them, his mere presence overcomes hers in no time. He might be the same rank as her if not higher than her.

Something about the way they looked at each other can tell that they are not really on good terms.

"Partying without inviting me? That hurts my feelings!"

He sarcastically states, causing the female to roll her eyes while not trying to hide her annoyance.

"What should I say? We're vampires, fast by our nature. We don't wait for slow ones…" She stated but was interrupted again by the same one.

"Where have you lost your values? I mean, where goes the girl who used to follow rules."

I don't know for what reason, but their small discussion kind of gives the impression of siblings. Not that all siblings fight against each other… I never get to even have a simple argument with my brother since he was always the type of caring and selfless brother.

Still, it's common for me to hear some stories about siblings teasing and even making each other's life hell.

Not only based on their speech, but the two vampires were quietly looking like each other.

I didn't have time to care about their speech, so I decided to link my mate calling for help. He was my first thought because of course, he's my mate.

Also, I guess he might still be close to me. No way would he leave me completely alone here.

To my surprise, his channel was closed. I cursed inside of myself, not believing what my mate had done.

Then, I decided to move on to my last hope and solution. I opened the link that all my pack members share and called for help.

"Vampires… I'm circled by many vampires! I'm only a few steps away from our pack territory, near the entrance of the witches' clan… I need help… They're outnumbering me, and I can't fight them on my own. I'll try to win as much as I can of time. If you can hear me, move right away towered the packhouse, and inform the alpha."

I finished my message while hoping for the best, then I went back to watch the siblings. To my surprise, they were done arguing. Instead, they were the ones watching me.

"Have you finished?" The male vampire questioned.

His lips were on deep red color which fits well with his pale skin. Although I know better than to tell the age of a vampire by how he looks. Still, the spiky ginger hair on his head gives him a youthful look.

His green eyes are quite impressive and seem to plant life through his pale skin. The malicious look in his piercing green eyes screams danger, which is a normal thing. I mean, what to expect from a vampire but danger?

"Finish what?" I tried to answer innocently since the last thing I want is to mess with a bunch of bloodsuckers as I was alone.

"Informing your pack about us!" He exclaims stating the obvious and acting like he cares less if they are on their way heading to us.

"Wait… what?" The female shouted. She must've felt the danger that her brother wasn't feeling. Then let her fangs out and changes the color of her eyes to red.

I let only my claws out while being alert that I'll have to shifting by any second from now. Yet, maintaining the human form.

Shifting into a wolf will mean that I'm starting the fight, which is not a smart thing to do based on numbers.

I'm sure they're not totally into attacking since they're not attacking yet.

Well, not all of them. The female vampire seemed to have a talk telepathically with the hot guy.

Wait… what? Did I just call the vampire a hot guy? I shook my head, getting out all those worthless and nasty thoughts out of my brain, then tried to focus on the important things.

I never knew that vampires can share links like us wolves. I mean, we wolves are quite known to be socialized creatures unlike the vampires who love to embrace loneliness.

Lost in my thoughts I was when the female vampire spoke.

"What? Aren't you going to shift?" Her question didn't sound like a question but seemed more like an order.

The arrogance in her voice rose in anger into my veins, making my blood boil like flames.

"What? Eager to die so fast… Bloodsucker?"

My sass kind of got in her nerves, which id a normal thing. Who would like to be called a bloodsucker, but that was the truth after all.

"No, not eager to die at all. I'm just curious about what color my next wolf's fur carpet is going to be… Wet dog."

I opened my mouth, intending to answer her, and before I did, the vampire boy spoke again.

"So, are you going to keep throwing shades at each other, or fight?"

While he was speaking, I felt a bit lost because of the cute dimple that decorated his teasing smile, and I was sure that I would appreciate such a smile on a different occasion.

What the hell I'm thinking about? I mean, I have a mate…

I took my attention away from the male vampire, then set my wolf free. It was,, after all, a clear invitation to a fight, and not shifting, could be a suicidal move.

I started feeling the energy of my wolf spreading all over my body, giving me the chance to taste how real power feels.

My bones were cracking, my skin raptures as my entire body starts to take a different shape. I was feeling the warm fur replacing my soft skin, and in no time I was standing on four instead of two.

Sharp teeth and claws embraced my existence, giving me the sensation of being a killing machine rather than a weak living creature.

My senses grew bigger by the moment I sat my wolf free, connecting me with the slight tiniest breath my enemies made.

I wasn't denying how serious the situation is. Still, the female vampire's last statement brought some joy inside my heart.

Not that I'm enjoying laying my life in danger, yet, the hope that I might survive rises as well as she spoke.

The egoist female vampire shouted the moment she saw my wolf.

"She's mine, no one gets in between!" Her statement was a dumb move that can be made by someone who had the upper hand.

The higher numbers mean power, and she just lets go simply of her privilege just to show off. Little she knows about who she's fighting with.

The moment the fight started, we started circling around each other as intended to study each other's movements.

I expected that she was the one who'll start attacking since it's the normal thing to expect from an egoistic bloodsucker. Yet, it didn't happen; she didn't attack...

She was smart after all, which led me to apply my second theory on battles. Dangerous, but necessary in such a situation.

I launched my body over her while running at my wolf speed, only to be dodged by her and thrown to the floor.

In a hurry, I stood on my feet, full of rejoicing since I knew what I wanted to learn faster than even I expected.

When I launched my wolf at her, she didn't completely respond to my attack as it should be. It was easy and more effective for her to kick my body using her right foot than her left one. Still, she wasted time changing her position so that her right foot could find a spot which to kick the hell out of me. Eventually, that led me to notice that she doesn't have strong control over her left side.

She made her way to me this time; I was sure that she was picturing herself sucking the blood out of my body, or getting off with my head.

It's not going to happen, as I usually love to say in such situations – Not a chance in hell.

Not wasting more time, I started running toward her while foxing my entire attention on her right side body, which she noticed because of her high vampire senses.

Then, in the last second, I dodged, switching my attention to the left side of her body, then I bit the soft part of her left arm, causing her to fall on the ground and partly lose control of her body.

A shout of victory echoed inside of my head as I completely controlled her, but I know it was not done yet.

My sharp teeth never set her skin free, even when she was trying to free herself from my hold. I actually got benefited from such a situation. A benefit that allowed me to climb above her laying body on the ground.

My paws fixed her shape on the ground, as my mind lingered on leaving her arm to cut her throat open and finish her once and for all.

I needed to focus my entire attention on timing, it should be smooth and fast. Otherwise, I'll lose the privilege I'm having and start all over.

Based on my fighting experience, I learned the hard way not to miss a chance when it comes. The enemy is enemy, it is either you end his life or he'll end yours. There's no door for mercy in between.

As I was about to slide her throat open, a heavy body threw mine away from her, and caused me to fall the worst way, giving the vampire girl a chance to dismiss toward the male who I guess is her sibling.

I helped my very hurt body to stand on four. All that was on my mind was to discover who the hell my attacker was.

It was a wolf, for sure!

I would never mistake the shape of a wolf for any other shifter. Still, I have to admit; it was a strong one, to be honest.

The moment my gaze fell on the wolf attacking me, my entire world scrambled on itself. I couldn't believe my eyes or expect such a thing from the person I respect and love the most, my brother.

I wasn't the only one shocked by his actions, the enforcement of our pack following him into what should be my rescue was feeling the same as I was feeling.

Their howls couldn't hide the disappointment and the rage they held. It never happened, a wolf attacking his pack member for another one. Not to mention that the other kind was our number one enemy - vampire.

Inside of having my side, he attacks me. Unable to understand the situation, I decided to ask through the mind.

" What are you doing? How could you…" Before I finished my question, his angry growl cut me off.

" Stay away from her!"

The anger in his eyes made it hard for me to recognize him. He was Tristan for sure, but not the brother I used to have.