
The King's first wife

Married in the mothers' wombs, this is a story of two individuals and how they overcome the many obstacles life throws at them in a traditional backward country. The next king and his first wife. This is unlike any other classic Indian romance I have ever been across. A lot of interesting things occur in the life of a modern prince and his simplistic wife. A radical prince who wants to break all the norms of society and a simple princess who just wants a normal palace life. Can they survive the world when evil is brewing right in their family? Many attempts to break those two apart by the very woman who got them together and his second marriage put their relationship to a damper but can they manage to stay together?

Lankshan · 都市
22 Chs

What a bizzare day

" Wrong," he hit her with his wooden sword and she just moved hers upwards, in an attempt to get him to lose his grip but was killer.

" Wrong," he took his sword back and when she stayed in the same position for a long while, he hit her head lightly yet again and then, got back in his fighting stance.

" Go," he ordered and she stepped forward, just to hit him and he deflected it with his sword immediately

" Poor," he declared but he said it too soon because the very next moment, there was a wooden sword next to his neck

" You lose," she smiled at him, and he just stood back stiff in his face with a pale face. Since when did she get that good in sword fighting? He had just gone out hunting with his father and brother for only one week and she was in miserable shape before. He was just realizing that he lost his sacrificial lamb because she was suddenly able to fight well and in fact, everyone in the entire battleground was just staring at her in disbelief.

" BHABHI!!" he could hear his sister jump and clap from the side and squinted his eyes. He wasn't ready to lose that easily to her.

" Again," he ordered her and she took the sword off his neck

" I have to make food. Sorry," she started leisurely walking away from him and he just kept staring at her in disbelief. Was it just him or something happened while he was out? She just seemed changed.

" Tables," he ordered as she walked away from him in a very new stance and for a moment, she turned back and looked right at him with that victorious smile. She was feeling over the moon at that very moment. He had been dragging her into the battleground, forcing her to learn horse riding and sword fighting because he just wanted to make fun of her but now, after practicing for years, she was finally able to defeat the ace of the king. The crowned prince, she defeated him.

" Done. You can check your books," she answered and kept the wooden sword in a big tray filled with other wooden swords used for practicing. Then, she just ran out of that place in her red navvari saree. When had he last seen her in red? Never. She didn't like that color. It always reminded her of blood. What was happening there??

" Bhabhi!!!!" the girl jumped up and down in front of her and she immediately hugged the small 9 year old in her arms

" My cutie. Let's go," she pulled her cheeks and she started laughing while happily jumping around and away with her into the kitchen. How had she changed? She had her periods in the time her husband was out hunting with his father and brother and the women in the palace, especially the old wench made a huge deal of it. All the men were out so, she could even have a huge celebration full of games and freedom from all kinds of chores for an entire week. They just made it feel and look so special, the first period that is. What she didn't know was that the women only saw her as a baby machine now and they were going to try their best to get her to consummate and have kids early on as her mother did.

" What are you looking at anna?" suddenly he heard his brother ask and immediately turned his head to look at that fool fooling around like always.

" Nothing," that was a lie. He was looking at how Pari's waist had started moving from one side to the other as she walked. Her walking style and the way her anklets jingled had changed to such a great extent...

And the laugh he got from his cousin's wives when he was walking to his room in the night was pretty suspicious too. What was happening there? He had just had the most bizarre day of all. First his wife defeated him in combat. Then, his wife had completed her homework and now, as he went back into his room, she was there inside!!

She had been ordered to get ready, like a new bride. So, after being dressed up and beautified by her servants for over 4 hours, she was finally ready.

She was sitting on his bed that was covered with red rose petals. Candles were everywhere around the room and she was right in the middle of all that, sitting like a newly wed. They hadn't let Sohit touch her that way yet. It would be wrong otherwise because she was back then, only a kid. Now though, she was a woman and there was only one and the most important job of a woman of the family...

Jewelry was all over her. From head to toe, she was covered in golden chains, bracelets, anklets, and even her hair had golden pins attached to them.

She was in this very beautiful, bridal lehenga because it was going to be their wedding night. And her face was glowing. She had no clue about what her mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law had sent her to do. She was so innocent. All she knew was the fact that she had to go ahead with whatever her husband did and she had no right to stop him, even if he touched her there...

But that poor soul who just came to his room hoping that he could sleep it all off was shocked and scared. He got startled when he first saw her in the room and after a close judgement of how things were kept, he understood it. So, he walked over to her and sat right in front of her with raised eyebrows and a very irritated expression. After sighinh for like 5 or 10 minutes, when she finally got bored and sat cross legged on the bed, he finally removed the paloo that was over her head just to see her looking down at her lap in shyness. That only made him frown. He was not doing all that yet...