
The King's first wife

Married in the mothers' wombs, this is a story of two individuals and how they overcome the many obstacles life throws at them in a traditional backward country. The next king and his first wife. This is unlike any other classic Indian romance I have ever been across. A lot of interesting things occur in the life of a modern prince and his simplistic wife. A radical prince who wants to break all the norms of society and a simple princess who just wants a normal palace life. Can they survive the world when evil is brewing right in their family? Many attempts to break those two apart by the very woman who got them together and his second marriage put their relationship to a damper but can they manage to stay together?

Lankshan · 都市
22 Chs

The favoured one

" Morning," she looked at his face with a smile and he shifted in his place, not ready to wake up at all. He didn't remember how many times he had ended up fucking her the last night but it was definitely more than 5 times with condoms on. He wasn't taking any chance as of yet.

" Hmm," he groaned and put a pillow over his head so that he could block the sunlight from reaching his face. There was a time when he hated sleeping or even dozing off. He just wanted to be stuck in his books, learn about the various traditions in and outside his country but nowadays, he liked staying in till late. He had completely missed out on his morning studies for over a month now. He had practically, not left her room for that long too. Maybe once or twice when he went into the huge bathroom she had and had sex in the huge bathtub. Even his food had to be served inside and her hand had seriously heeled up quite properly by now. He'd feed her, read her books, play with her, even get her dressed for fun. They had been living their life for a month now, in complete peace and happiness.

" It's ma's birthday today. Sohit," she moved his hand in an attempt to wake him up and he scoffed

" So?" He asked her and she sighed

" Ma always goes to Vaishnav devi with us on her birthday. Get up. I want to at least see her off," she pushed him a little bit and he raised his head while frowning at her. He was tired and irritated plus, he had no intentions of leaving that room.

" Shut up," he ordered her and moved his hand towards her waist when she slapped it

" Desire makes a man useless. You remember someone telling me?" She reminded him those excuses he had made to her when she practically begged him to touch her for 4 continuous years. If he knew it was that good, he wouldn't wait for that long though...

" This is not desire. This is what I deserve," he declared and pulled her closer to himself while she just kept smiling. He was good. Very good to her all of a sudden. Maybe it was because he thought that she would die. Or maybe it was just the way he would've loved him from the start if he hadn't been that stubborn. All she knew at that point was that she loved this Sohit of hers...

" I deserve a break though," she kept a cold hand over his cheek and he frowned

" You've been curled up here on the bed too long! It's smells of you now!" She added

" and isn't that a good thing?" He argued

" You haven't touched any book in the past one month. You haven't gone to your training and you haven't helped baba in the state matters. Sohit. You're going to be king one day,"

" That's why I want to enjoy before I am the king na... There's too much responsibility after that," he pulled her even closer to him and she only put a hand over his chest

" Sohit," her tone was intimidating and she was genuinely worried about him... Plus after listening to that tone, he sighed. He moved his right hand to touch her cheeks and joint their foreheads.

" 5 minutes. I want to stay here for 5 minutes," he told her softly and she smiled. She just, closed her eyes and went back to sleep while he just kept looking at her happy face and once he was sure that the tears were right around the corner, he got off the bed. He wasn't crying in front of her and showing her his weakness. It was her, his weakness and he didn't want anyone to know it but people already seemed to be having clues about it. So, he decided to go back to his old self after getting out of that stinky room...

But they really weren't the only important people in the family. There was also a third addition to their lives, one who wasn't grateful that her life was saved by Pari. She was only bitter that Pari was the one who ended up saving her life. She hated Pari, with all her heart. For a month now, she had tried to even get to see the prince while he was sleeping in his first wife's arms. She was the one favored by Rani ma while Pari seemed to be the one favored by Sohit. It was her wedding night but Pari got to sleep with her husband. Who cared if they married before?! He was her husband too!! He needed to give her his first child or else none of her plans would ever work out. She'd never be queen, she would always end up being the princess. She needed to have a baby boy immediately and that old woman had grilled her enough over a month's time for her to feel irritated and angry about everything that was happening in there. Her life was a mess and her husband wasn't ready to give her a chance. It wasn't her fucking fault when she didn't get to meet him even once in a day!!

" Give me a cute little baby if you're planning on turning back to the old you. Sohit," she ordered to him as he began to walk out the door and only once, he glanced back at her

" Who ever even said that I'll give you anything? Be happy with what you have," he declared and walked out of the room, leaving her in a smile and a pool of sweat. She wasn't particularly pleased with his answer but she sure was happy that she didn't have to become pregnant that early. There were still 3 years till he became king. They could enjoy for a while. Every king enjoyed in the palace till date...