
The King's first wife

Married in the mothers' wombs, this is a story of two individuals and how they overcome the many obstacles life throws at them in a traditional backward country. The next king and his first wife. This is unlike any other classic Indian romance I have ever been across. A lot of interesting things occur in the life of a modern prince and his simplistic wife. A radical prince who wants to break all the norms of society and a simple princess who just wants a normal palace life. Can they survive the world when evil is brewing right in their family? Many attempts to break those two apart by the very woman who got them together and his second marriage put their relationship to a damper but can they manage to stay together?

Lankshan · 都市
22 Chs

Her confrontation

It had been 2 weeks and nothing had changed. Sohit and Pari would just go along with their daily routine without any problems and nowadays, Sohit just ignored the woman who was sitting behind him at the morning learning session. She never came to the battlefield and instead helped in the kitchen. He was fine with that. But whenever she served him, she would always have that look that would end up getting him excited in the wrong way. He'd try to ignore that feeling for a long while, till he, his father, the ministers and his brother discussed the court matters and then, he would cut Pari's play time short so that she could help him release all the sequel tension in the evening. For 2 whole weeks, he still ended up having dinner in Pari's room and then, sex immediately after but, it really wasn't like he wasn't loving that routine. He got to see Aditi only 3 times a day in that way...

But what really shocked him was to see her in his bedroom in the morning, at 4:30 before Pari even dressed up and came out. He was ready, and after a few rounds of important readings, he was going to be ready for Pari to come in and them Aditi for 30 minutes...

" Prince," she didn't know how to call him. So, she tried her best

" What are you doing here?" He was in disbelief. He was having a good morning with Pari kissing him before he came into his room. He really hoped that he could unsee that brown eyed woman sitting over his bed in the morning in clothes that really weren't appropriate for anything. They were so damn revealing...

" I just..." she was trying to act innocent and she hoped he caught the bait. For a month and a half, she had tried to get him to warm up to her but it wasn't working. She had promised the old woman that she'd give her a grandson within 1 year of marriage and if she didn't do that, she'd be thrown out again...

" I'm your wife too," she played her waterworks, " You give all the time to jiji and I know that it's hard to warm up to me but I also want some of that time," she wailed. She wanted to win and no matter what, she'd win. But to Sohit really, he couldn't see her as a wife, only a stripper at that point. One from Raniganj. And he could really see over her tears.

" See," he was trying to be as gentle as possible, " It's not about warming up to you. I would've done that if I wanted to. I just don't want you as a wife. I'm happy with Pari and that is all I want,"

He stated that, super calmly and assertively. He wasn't changing his mind for anybody. He wasn't going to warm up to that woman who wanted nothing more than to birth his heir so that she could have all the money. He didn't want a kid with that greedy and self-absorbed woman.

" But it doesn't work that way. I'm your wife too and all I'm asking for is a little time of yours. Nothing else," she started getting agitated at that point. Her tears? The innocent drama. That painful look on her face. Nothing was working!? How could that happen???!!!

" I can't give you that," he told her, " You want money, have it. New jewelry, take it. You want to go outside the palace, just go. I don't care about what you do or try to do with your life. I should've told you this before marriage but I was forced into it. I want no one other than Pari in my life,"

" Then just give me your baby and I'll be happy. I don't want anything else. You know how Rani ma is. She'll throw me out if I don't have a lid in a year..." she was desperate at that point and desperate times call for desperate measures... But he wasn't changing on his statement. He knew that that could've been the case but now that she said it openly...

" Pari waited for 18 years before I touched her," he told her, " She got all these taunts from the other women and she did want to have a baby too. But she waited on that. She never told anyone that I was giving her a kid. She never bet her own status on having a kid. And I love that woman. I still made her wait till she was 18. I am still not going to give her a kid till we are 21. Then what makes you think that I will give you a kid?"

" You need a heir before you turn 21! I'll just-"

" No. I want my heir to be my first wife's kid. Its her right to have waited this long. I don't care what you do with your life. Where you go. Whom you love and whom you hate. If anything happens to Pari because of you. I will kill you," he just got out of the room after saying that, without even listening to her explanation. He didn't want to. He didn't want to listen to her part of the story. He just wanted her to stay away from him. He didn't recognize her as his own woman at all.

" What happened?" She was just walking towards his room with her books in her hands and when she saw him walking towards her in anger, she just paused.

" No reading today. I'm in no mood for that," he told her and she looked back. There was no one in the corridor as such so, she just pulled her ghunghat off her face

" Let's go to the forest then. I haven't seen those bunnies in a while now," she whispered and he slightly smiled. It was true. Although the forest was a forbidden area because that is the only boundary that divides this world from the other, modern world, Sohit and Pari still sneaked into it till this date... Plus Sohit would sometimes go there with his father for hunting.

" Oh," she immediately put her ghunghat back over her face when she saw one of Sohit's elder cousins walk into the corridor and Sohit held her hand

" Before anyone finds out Pari," he started dragging her out. He wanted to have fun outside at that point...