

After the great war which lasted up to a year, the kingdom of Astoria was left in ruins. Although it won against its opponent, Astoria lost half of its population. Picking up the pieces and rebuilding the nation, Astoria became the great kingdom that it was once known to be after three years. Young Prince Alexander West, the soon to be King of Astoria in the next four months decided to sneak out of the Royal building one night for a walk around the streets of Astoria. During his walk, he comes across a young girl who reveals to him the current state of living of the people of Astoria. Prince Alexander confined to his domain did not know that the people were still suffering even after the war ended and the kingdom had been rebuilt. Determined to change that, Alexander promises the little girl to make a good policy for the people once he ascends the throne. After four months, Alexander did as he promised. He made a policy which states that “all those who are less privileged and unable to take care of their families and businesses shall be able to borrow from the Royal family as long as they are able to pay back when they have enough resources”. It was a good policy which was in the interest of the people but it did not sit well with the Crown King and Queen; Alexander's parents. The Crown Queen in particular was against the idea of it because she believed that if the people were allowed to borrow from the Royal family, they would not pay back even if they have the money to. Hence, the need to revise the policy came to light. The Crown King and Queen having the ultimate power which is higher the King Alexander revised the policy into “all those who are less privileged and unable to take care of their families and businesses shall be able to borrow from the Royal family as long as they are able to pay back within the given duration. Failure to do so will lead to having their children taken away from them to assume roles in the Royal building pending when the payment is made”. The King did not quite like the new policy but there was nothing he could do to change it so he made sure that every child brought into the Royal walls was well taken care of. Elizabeth Willow is the daughter of Mr Willow and her father just like others became a victim of the King's policy. Mr Willow had Elizabeth taken away from him when she was eighteen years old after he signed a paper offered to him by the King. The content of the papers Mr Willow signed was undisclosed to Elizabeth because she was still seven years of age at the time. Elizabeth went home and lived with her father for the next eleven years before she was brought to the Royal building. On her first day of arrival, Elizabeth is shocked to find out that she isn't a Royal help but has been sold off by her father to the king as his wife in replacement of his debt. Elizabeth still in disbelief has to tackle her new life as a Queen and the troubles that comes with it especially being the King's favorite.

Hassana_Zubair · 歴史
13 Chs


"What do we do, My King?" another of the godfathers asked.

The King took a deep breath and thought of the only logical thing to say. He thought of the only person who would be able to come up with a good idea under pressure…. Elizabeth.

"Get me Elizabeth!" The King ordered one of the guards positioned at a corner.

The guard left the room to bring Elizabeth to the King. On his way, he met Anna who he related the King's message to and returned back to the chambers after Anna said she would handle it.

The godfathers all waited expectantly for 'this Elizabeth' who was quite a surprise to them. No one other than the King, Timothy, the Crown King and Queen; his parents and some of the guards in the room knew who Elizabeth was. Today, the members of the godfathers were all going to find out about the King's new wife.

When Anna heard the orders, she fidgeted and hurriedly approached Elizabeth's room to relay it to her and probably find out what led to the King asking for Elizabeth in the middle of a meeting with the godfathers. Anna knew of the arrival of the godfathers, infact, the whole Royal building knew as the word had spread around like wildfire.

Anna arrived at Elizabeth's door and with a worried expression on her face, she made knocks on the door. Lindsay opened up the door which was a surprise to her but she shoved it aside and decided to step inside. Her worried expression was noticed by Lindsay who tried to inquire with eye contact.

Once Anna got into, cheerful Elizabeth threw a question at her

"Oh, Anna, where have you been for so long?" Elizabeth asked politely

"I apologize, My Queen" Anna replied with a nervous expression on her face.

"What is wrong, Anna?" Elizabeth asked after noticing Anna's body movements and expression.

"I have something to tell you, My Queen" Anna said nervously.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked.

"The-the King has invited you to join the meeting with the godfathers" Anna let out in one go.

"The King?" Elizabeth and Lindsay asked in unison and in surprise.

"What did you do, Elizabeth?" Lindsay inquired worriedly.

"I did not do anything. I only…fought.. with..the..King" Elizabeth hesitated to say after remembering the earlier events that happened in her room.

"You fought with the King?!" Lindsay and Anna screamed out loud in disbelief.

"I didn't mean to. I just…got angry and then I…called him a wicked and vile man" Elizabeth blurted out in subconsciousness.

"You did what?!!" Lindsay screamed out.

"Queen Elizabeth!!" Anna followed.

"What are we going to do?" Elizabeth asked, feeling scared.

She was beginning to fidget, rubbing her palms in panic.

"I don't know, let me think!" Lindsay said out loud in frustration and proceeded to sit on the chairs at the corner.

Anna, in the midst of the chaos, had a flashback to the words of the guard. She remembered when he hinted that Elizabeth's presence being sought for had something to do with the letter from Cyprus.

"Wait, everyone, I just remembered something important" Anna said.

"What is it?" Lindsay inquired.

"Say it! It might be of use to us" Elizabeth urged.

"I think the King is not asking for Elizabeth because of the fight" Anna started out.

"You think?" Elizabeth asked.

"Anna, we need certainty!" Lindsay clarified.

"Let me rephrase. The guard I met along the way here, told me about the invitation of Elizabeth to the Royal chambers. He hinted that it had something to do with the letter from Cyprus" Anna said.

"The letter from Cyprus?" Lindsay and Elizabeth asked in unison.

"Yes" was all Anna said.

"I did give some insights concerning the content of the letter from Cyprus with all I knew about it" Elizabeth told them.

" What did you say?" Anna asked.

"Just a little from what I understood the land fight to be about?" Elizabeth said.

"How did you know about the land fight?" Lindsay asked inquisitively.

"An-Anna told…me" Elizabeth said in a small voice while Anna bent her head downwards.

"Anna! You told her about the land fight!" Lindsay yelled.

"I did not mean to!" Anna yelled back in defense.

"But still…" Lindsay tried to say before Elizabeth cut her short.

"Ladies! We do not have time for this. Take me to the chambers now!" Elizabeth ordered.

"Yes, My Queen" Anna and Lindsay responded as they proceeded to take her to the Royal chambers.

"I will fill you in on all the details concerning the land fight, some of which Anna might have missed out on, My Queen" Lindsay said to Elizabeth while she sneered at Anna as they left the room.

"That would be very much appreciated" Elizabeth said as they took their leave.

Lindsay filled her in on the way and upon arrival at the doors of the Royal chambers, the guards tried to ask them questions but backed off when they saw Lindsay and Anna. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was fidgeting within her heart. What would the godfathers say about her? What would they possibly need her for? What was actually in the letter? She wondered.

A guard went in to announce the arrival of Elizabeth to the very much impatient godfathers.

"Finally! She is here!" one of the godfathers said.

The King glared at him sternly before saying "Let her in"

The guard returned back to his position and told Elizabeth that she could go in. Elizabeth took Anna for moral support while Lindsay waited outside expectantly. Once inside, Elizabeth's heart began to thump faster. She was deeply afraid of the godfathers. She approached them and greeted them all with a bow.

"Alex…My King" Elizabeth immediately rephrased her words as she bowed separately to the King.

King Alexander smiled softly at her mistake. She had been so used to calling him Alexander that she forgot he was a King.

Anna went along with Elizabeth when she did the bow. Elizabeth raised her head up and asked

"May I know why I was summoned, My King?"

"Elizabeth, I need you" King Alexander said to her.