
The king's Curse

In a small town of Minnesota . 18 year old Riley an weird,unpopular loner girl who didn't have many friends growing up expect one girl name Olivia. Riley and Olivia decided to go to the old abandon castle,to have a sleepover. Riley always felt drawn to that castle for some weird reason and she always felt like she had a purpose but she can't put her fingers on it. Shes hoping to go to that castle not only to have a sleepover but to get answers. Alaric a vampire and emperor of the vampire world who is quite frightening yet oddly handsome and sexy gaint. Who's heart is cold as ice who kills without mercy and because of one mistake he was curse to never have a beloved are so he thought. Will Riley find out her purpose and will Alaric gets one more chance at happiness.

Tenique_Christie · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter One


Get up you pathetic girl your so lazy like your worthless father ugh. Here we go again my annoying mother comes dashing into my room.All dressed up like she is going to meet the president. I bet she is going to meet one of her many rich boyfriends Ha.

Ugh What time is it? , I felt like I've been run over by a truck.

Anyways I'm going on a 2 week vacation are more with my love said my mother,just what I thought. Going on one of those ridiculous vacation with some rich boy who is way younger than her and if your wondering my mother is 44 years old , only to go and get her hopes up that ,that guy is the right one for her only to get her heart broken in the end.

Well take care of my house while I'm gone ,goodbye . Yep that's my mother for you she wasn't like that though when I was 9 years old my father ran away from home and never came back and after that my mother changed completely she started drinking, start coming home late at nights and going out on date with men way younger than her,and she kinda became cold towards me maybe because I kinda remind her of my father . Anyways what time is it I need to get up and get ready for school. Wait ,I didn't hear my alarm go off ,Omg it's 8o'clock I'm so going to be late for school .

After I've gotton ready I turn around to look If I have forgotten anything only look out the window at that old abandon castle at the top of the hill. Why you ask why there is a castle in our town ,our town is kinda ancient and apart from that I don't know why one was build there ,nobody likes to talk about it for some weird reasons anyways everytime I look at that castle I always felt drawn to it ,it made me feel like I had a purpose like i have something to fulfil but what could that be this shit is really weird .Wait what am I suppose to do again ,oh yea I'm late for school

I look over to my alarm only to see that it's 8:30 Omg I'm so going to get in trouble .I dash though the front door but not before I pick up an apple from off the counter in the kitchen.When I got outside I ran to my baby I own a red Mazda Miata ya baby .

My mother dating rich guys as it's pricks . I got in and started driving, my school is a good distance from my house so in the mean time let me tell you about myself I'm Riley Steward, I'm going to turn 18 in a 2 weeks, I'm 5'1 yep I'm short I don't really have a problem with it but I could have been a couple more inch taller ,I have shoulder lenght black hair mix with a indigo yes indigo people think I dyed my hair but I didnt I was born with it but when I tell them that I was born with it they would think I'm a freak But I think it's unique, I'm well shaped I have curve in all the right places.

I don't really a many friend expect from for one girl Olivia my bestfriend.

I park my car at a clear spot on the school compound I ran out and lock my car, I ran straight into school down the hall to my locker .I pulled it and look at my timetable ugh I have accounts ,Its the worst subject ever .I look around at the hall it was not crowed with any sweaty ,noisy children Im so going to get in trouble for being late I took my book and ran to my class . As I reach the class room door I had to stop and try to catch my breath it felt like I was running from a bull to save my life. After I catch my breath I open the classroom door to see Mr Thomas teaching .

Good morning miss steward your late for my class again said Mr Thomas. My car broke down

(I lied ha ha well he didn't need to know that). I look into the sea of student only to see my Best friend giving me a look to let me know that she knows that I'm lieing. Please god make Mr Thomas believe me because I can't manage to go to any detention class right now .

Ok miss steward I'll let it slide this time but next you won't be so lucky .(oh thank God) Thank you Mr Thomas .I turn to look for an empty sit lucky there was one beside Olivia . As i walk I felt myself lost balance and immediately my face meet the ground well not quit my hands went down before my face could . When I look up Emma miss goody to shoes put her foot in the way .The whole class started laugh except for my Best friend of course .

Miss Steward get up off the floor and stop making a fool of yourself and don't disturb my class anymore ,Mr Thomas shout with angry lace in is voice .

It wasn't my fault I said I don't care a sit and be quite said Mr Thomas .

You should look where your going next time ,Shout up! Emma Olivia said . I sat down in my chair with confident as if what just happen didn't affect me ,truth be told I wasn't affected by what Emma did I was use to it by now and one day she is going to do something that is really going to piss me off and I'm going to fist her right in that pretty face of hers .Deep breathes Riley ,deep breathes. Are you alright Riley you kinda look tense ,no I'm fine Olivia let's  pay attend to Mr Thomas.

For rest of the day we went to rest of our classes . Hey Riley could you give me a ride home because my mom said she is going to stay at work late today

Sure liv ( liv is shorten for Olivia).

Oh my gosh! Riley your birthday is coming up what are you going to do for your birthday . Liv you know I don't like celebrating my birthday . Your going to turn 18 girl let go clubbing and get drunk and party all night ,you know I don't like doing those things.

And why not, you know what we are going to go somewhere for you birthday .

I don't know why liv is insisting I really don't like celebrating my birthday it always remind me of my father .

Riley you know where we can go ,we could have a sleepover at that old castle .

No way liv I'm not going to that place it creeps me out . Come on Riley it will be fun just you and me . It's either clubbing are that old castle . Alright ,alright let go to that old castle .

Ugh for real I thought you were going to choosing clubbing but that's alright as long as I get you away for that evil mother of yours . Ha ,ha it not like she is going to be there liv she is going on one of her adventures with one of her boyfriends .

For how long said liv,you know her liv

she said she will be gone for 2 week but we both know she will be gone for more than that .

So it's settled then we are going to that old castle for your birthday ,ye I guess . I drop liv at her house ,on my way back I was doing some thinking maybe going to that old castle would not be such a bad idea maybe I could find out why I'm always drawn to it .

Who know I might find something that will change my life forever.

Hi guy👋 This is my first time writing I hope you like this chapter and I hope you will like this book😘