
The king's Choice

Matilda was angry and restless, "I know my son, I just feel he's unnecessarily interested in that idiot. She must leave this castle with her mother!".     Gwen was kneeling beside her trying to calm her lady down, "My lady, don't forget you are the king's mother and apart from that, your influence and power is unmatchable among the women in this kingdom. Nothing will happen that you don't like".     Matilda felt like crying and throwing tantrums but she had to maintain her composure in front of her hand maid, Gwen, "But things are already getting out of my control! I need to play a major card that will bring Tyler back under my grasp".      "Why don't you get a woman for him", Gwen suggested.      Matilda looked lost in thought before she finally smirked. She had thought of something, "Gwen, you have to keep an eye on that lowly new kitchen servant. You should always stay around the guest palace. I wonder why Tyler hasn't moved her to the servant quarters but nevermind. Just do as I say and make sure you report every of her movements to me and I'll take care of the rest".      Gwen looked shocked and confused, "I do not dare question you my lady but if I'm there all the time who would take care of you?"      "Just do as I say and then call Yvonne for me", Matilda said.      Gwen frowned but she still bowed reluctantly, she wasn't happy that Matilda was going to replace her.     "I don't know what you're thinking but I am not replacing you, idiot. You're just the only one I trust for this job and you'll have to hurry up and find something except you want to keep watching her. When you find something interesting, you'll return to my palace", Matilda said with an evil grin and then she stood up. She had to start the next move immediately. She immediately went to meet Tyler in his court room.      She entered gracefully and as she entered, everyone bowed except Tyler.      "Is anything wrong?", He asked knowing fully well that his mother had come to give him another head ache.      "Nothing, I would like to request that this meeting end as I'd want to have a word with you and it's urgent", Matilda said confidently but silently hoping her son wouldn't embarrass her. Honestly, she didn't know what was wrong with her son!.       "Ok", Tyler replied calmly and ordered them to all leave except Thomas. Matilda frowned and turned to Thomas.      "Tyler, the matter is between us", she asked while eyeing Thomas.      "Rest assured, Thomas is my loyal servant", Tyler replied calmly but deep down he was laughing, enjoying the sight of his mother like that. He was purposely driving her to the edge.     Matilda was trying to keep herself from exploding out of anger so deeply inhaled to calm herself down.     "Ok, you promised me you'll meet Duke Gregory's daughter, you have to meet her tomorrow. Duke Gregory's holding a soiree tomorrow", Matilda said calmly though she was raging inside.       Tyler pretended to think about it for a while, he was wondering the kind of deal his mother made with him. "Ok".      Matilda was careful not to show any triumphant expression rather she remained indifferent. She wanted her son to be scared and curious as to what she was thinking. "I'll also want to speak to the wives of your late father in the castle".      Tyler's expression turned from shock to surprise to worry and then he chuckled. Matilda didn't care about him chuckling, she remained indifferent but then inwardly smiled after seeing Tyler's expression when she said it. Since he became king, she had never seen him loosing composure after hearing someone speak.      "Why? if I may ask", Tyler asked.       Thomas was shocked too but as usual his face remained expressionless.     

Ezetu_Beulah_9079 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Caught 1

  As Janielle and Pauline entered the palace, they heard someone from behind them.

     "Where are you coming from?"

     The blood in their face drained as they slowly turned back to see the person talking.

     Thomas saw them entering the castle and was surprised because he didn't remember them asking for permission before leaving the castle and this made him wonder where they went to and how they went out.

      Pauline and Janielle sighed with relief evident in their faces when they saw it was just Thomas.

     "I don't see why it should bother you", Janielle replied. She wondered how Thomas became such an expert when it came to annoying her.

      "We went to get supplies for the kitchen", Pauline replied and dragged her daughter away before she could say something foolish. When they were far away from Thomas, Pauline reprimanded her, "You seriously have to be careful with what you say and do, you're in the castle for damn sake"

      "But what right did that annoying man have to question us like that", Janielle asked.

      "Just don't be rude to anyone", Pauline said calmly, "he may be the king's spy, you never know".

     Janielle's eyes widened and she finally calmed down after hearing he might be the king's spy. She didn't want to enter into any kind of trouble with the king again.

     Janielle and her mom quickly dropped the supplies with the head of the cook who thanked them happily. Pauline just smiled and suddenly couldn't wait for her and Janielle to get back to the guest palace. As they were leaving the kitchen, they ran into the king's mother. Behind Matilda was Gwen. It was Gwen who informed Matilda about Pauline and Janielle entering the kitchen with groceries.

      "Your highness", Pauline and Janielle just greeted. They wondered obviously didn't know she was the King's mother as they didn't now. They just greeted and walked past her.

     "Hey, disrespectful idiots", Matilda called them back. They quickly stopped and turned back to see the woman calling them disrespectful idiots.

      "I'm sorry but we greeted you", Pauline said still humble while Janielle just kept quiet to keep her cool.

      "Is that how to greet the king's mother", Gwen said with an annoying smile. Immediately Janielle and Pauline heard that, they quickly bowed down, "we're sorry your highness".

     "You'd better be", Matilda said, her anger was cooling off, "I heard you bought groceries, who gave you the right to do so?" Matilda just wanted to get into a fight with Janielle and her mother so she could get rid of them.

      "Enough mother, she works for me not you, I don't see why you should care", Tyler came in. Janielle sighed inwardly, first wonderful thing the king had done since she met him, he came in just at the right time.

      Gwen, Pauline and Janielle quickly bowed to greet him.

     "Whatever I do is for your own good! No one knows where they got the groceries from and if they tampered with it", Matilda said trying to save her face in front of the low class people around her. Tyler saw that and didn't reply her.

       "Go back to your rooms", he ordered.

      Janielle and Pauline quickly bowed and rushed out.

     "I don't understand what your problem is, mother", he said in his almost-pissed-off voice.

     "I don't understand why you keep on making rash and unreasonable decisions", Matilda retorted.

     "Just stay out of my business, ok? I don't know why you always interfer in what I do, while I give you space to do your own stuff. As far as I can remember, I haven't made any decision that affects you, negatively", he said.

     "Ok then, give me space to do what I want now", Matilda replied.

     "No, not when it's going to affect my decision. Don't you get it, mom. Do your own thing but stay out of my business and I'll do mine and stay out of your business", Tyler said clearly and walked out. His mom was already becoming a pain in the neck. Even though if the so called Janielle girl was to plan anything against him, he'd find out and he already knew what to do to tame her and her mother since they were both going to be staying in the castle.

                 *.      *.      *.

     "Iron your clothes this night, so you'd leave early for the evangelist program", Pauline told Janielle and left for her own room.

     Janielle was left alone, she decided to look for the book where she first saw something like evangelism. She found it soon enough. It was titled, "The power of evangelism", the author was unknown as the book itself was a criminal work. Christian Books like this were once banned, not that it was still accepted but one could easily find it around. She wondered why Christians were hated and was also wondering what Tyler would do if he should find out that she was planning to go to a Christian gathering. She'd have to think of what to tell Thomas so she'd be granted permission to leave the castle tomorrow morning and she had to leave early.

     She started reading the book again, she understood that evagelism was done by Christians to make others believe in Christ. So that was what the evangelist was doing, she thought. Wasn't it like a suicide mission, coming to a kingdom were Christians were hated to advertise the religion? Well, she just had to be careful so no one would find out about her interest in Christianity. She seriously wanted to know more about their God, more about Jesus.