
The Kage of Kages (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Read on as a nameless soul reincarnates into the world of Naruto, growing from a single shinobi of the leaf to becoming the Kage of his own new village and finally the Kage of Kages, the leader of all the shinobi villages, the true Shadow behind the villages own Shadows. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · アニメ·コミックス
142 Chs

Zabuza and Haku

"So, Tazuna-san. Mind telling me why there are two chunin level shinobi after your life when you just put in a C-ranked request?"

"In case you don't know, a request for a guard detail that involves protecting the client from other shinobi is ranked B or higher." Shiki calmly informed while maintaining his chilling tone and ice cold stare.

"T-That's, I-I, u-um . . . I'm very sorry!"

After fumbling with his words, Tazuna apologized then explained his circumstances while making himself sound as pitiful as possible. After seeing Shiki's merciless display of power against the two enemy shinobi, he no longer dared to act dishonest or did he?

"I would understand if you want to back out of them mission, this old life is nearing its end anyway. It would probably only result in traumatizing my little grandson for life and condemning my widowed daughter to a lonely life while cursing Konoha shinobi."

Shiki's answer to his tirade left the old man speechless.

"Don't worry old man I've heard your daughter is quite the beauty so I'll look after her when you die! I'm sure she'll be heartbroken and in dire need of comforting!" The boy exclaimed with a bright smile.

". . ." Tazuna was at a loss for words at the shameless attitude of the shinobi in front of him.

"Hahaha! Relax old man, the Hokage already knew there might be some problems in this mission which is why I was sent. But the request will be upgraded to A-rank and you will have to send the rest of the payment at a later date." Declared Shiki.

"Fine, fine! It will be as you say!" Agreed Tazuna as the pair continued their journey.

Some time later, they arrived near the river where Zabuza ambushed team 7 and Shiki sensed two presences in the vicinity but kept quiet waiting for the other party's move. Meanwhile, as he observed the duo, Zabuza thought to himself.

'Can't believe those two idiots got themselves done in by a kid! Still, he must be stronger than he looks. Even though I've never heard anything about him, the leaf has quite a few capable shinobi.'

Having finished his thoughts, Zabuza sprung into action throwing his massive Executioner's blade at the two. When Shiki detected the attack, his thoughts were of disdain.

'As a former member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, half of his battle prowess is focused on his blade. The idiot didn't even bring any extra weapons and threw his precious blade against an opponent whose skills he doesn't know. What a fucking idiot!'

As he thought this, Shiki moved to the blade's path and after covering his arm in Wind Style: Whirlwind Cloak, His Physique Manipulation Jutsus was constantly active in passively enhancing his physical strength while he could burn his accumulated energy for a bigger boost when needed and after stacking his chakra burst on top, Shiki fearlessly grabbed the oncoming blade by the edge causing cracks to spread along the blade's surface.

Storing the blade in the storage seal on one of his armguards, Shiki turned to Zabuza's location, speaking to him in a ridiculing tone.

"Hippity Hoppity, your Executioner's Blade is now my property!"

This utterly pissed of Zabuza while Tazuna was amazed at the boy's outrageous strength. The hiding Haku while showing some worry about Shiki's strength, was also trying to contain a chuckle due to the boy's words at the same time.

Zabuza realized his position had been discovered so he didn't attempt to hide instead he quickly moved to the river and stood on the surface of the water.

'This kid is way stronger than he looks! Now that I lost my blade with that stupid first move, I have to bank on the advantage of having a body of water nearby.'

'From the brat's reaction after I threw my blade he clearly knew my position from the get go. Stealth is one of my specialties so to still manage to detect me, he must be a sensory type and quite a strong one since he was probably using his sensor jutsu continuously while travelling.'

'My kenjutsu and stealth are sealed so water style ninjutsu are the only option I have. I told Haku to stay out of this but I might need support after all . . .'

Clearly Zabuza was no idiot. Although his first move was a mistake based on his underestimation of his opponent, after seeing Shiki's display of power he quickly realized the danger of the situation. He even manage to figure out the boy was a sensor from his initial reaction!

As Shiki looked over Zabuza who was standing on the river, he too evaluated the situation in his mind.

'He realized he fucked up but since he's not trying to use the Hidden Mist Jutsu he must have figured out I'm a sensor but I wonder why? Guess that even though I'm more powerful, there's a significant gap in our experience. That won't affect the end result however. Haku as take a battle ready stance when compared to before but that's not what's truly important!'

'HAKU IS A SHE! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH! That's right baby! Thank you god for sending me to this world!'

'Now then back to the matter at hand. Since Zabuza is the proud type he won't ask for help easily which means he's going to try using water jutsu since it's all he has left other than taijutsu. Better make sure the old man isn't caught in the crossfire first.'

'Earth Style: Rock Shell'

The jutsu created a sphere of hardened rock around Tazuna thus preventing Zabuza from hitting him.

'If he had his sword he might have been able to break through the jutsu but since water is weak against earth, he won't be penetrating its defence with water style.' Thought Shiki.

He quickly assured Tazuna through a mental transmission and continued his stare down with Zabuza. Just for safety's sake Shiki activated his sharingan earning a reaction from his opponent.

'Sharingan! As expected he is no normal brat! Letting keep watching me with those eyes is not a good move. In the end, he is protecting want I want and even if I retreat, it will be nearly impossible to get the drop on an alert sensor. Let's do it!'

Ending his thoughts Zabuza made his hand seals which Shiki read and realized the jutsu they were for.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!"

'Why the shouting your attack? You're a fucking stealthy assassin for crying out loud!' Thought Shiki casually as he made his counter attack weaving hand seals.

'Earth Style: Mud Dragon Bullet Jutsu'

This jutsu created a mud dragon that shot towards Zabuza's jutsu and after destroying it, turned to hit him. Zabuza managed to skillfully dodge but knew he was outmatched without his blade so he started to consider asking for Hakus's support.

Reading Zabuza like a book with his sharingan, Shiki taunted him.

"Finally calling your friend for help? I support it!"

That line pissed of Zabuza but he still gave Haku the signal to join him. As she jumped towards Zabuza and landed on his left, Haku asked.

"What should we do, Zabuza-san?"

Seeing Haku come out Shiki started talking again.

"Wow! I'm really glad I took this mission since it got me to meet with a beauty like you! Wanna go for a date with me later?"

Haku blushed a bit and didn't know what to say but Zabuza had a few words.

"Shut it, you perverted brat!"

"You're like every overprotective dad! Let the girl make her own decisions!" Shiki responded.

Zabuza seemed like he was going to go off again but Shiki then turned a bit more serious.

'The old man can't listen from inside the shell so I can begin my sales pitch now that all the players are out in the open.'

"Truth be told, I have a proposition for you two!" Shiki started.

"Proposition? Why would I be interested in your proposition brat?" Dismissively said Zabuza.

"Don't be like that I'll even return you your sword as a sign of good will." Continued Shiki as he took out the Executioner's Blade hiding a plotting smirk.



Zabuza was dumbfounded and wondering if Shiki was stupid while Haku seemed interested in what the boy had to say. Then Shiki threw the blade to Zabuza who caught it in his left hand. Meanwhile, with his hands behind his back, Shiki prepared two doses of a powerful restraining curse seal and suddenly appeared behind his two opponents and placed the seals on them.

They were immediately dumbfounded but could no longer move.

"What did you do brat!?" Zabuza demanded an explanation but Shiki merely created a shadow clone that would accompany Tazuna while he carried his two prisoners away for a talk.

In truth, what Shiki did was merely place a Flying Raijin formula on the Executioner's Blade before returning it. The fight was over the moment Zabuza caught the sword.

The shadow clone then released the earth style jutsu freeing Tazuna and prompting him to ask where were the assailants and what happened but all he got was a "They've been dealt with." from Shiki and had to be satisfied with that.

Meanwhile, at another location, Shiki started his conversation with the duo. He took out the Soul Contract Paper Tag and dripped their blood on it before starting his speech about his plan.

While he talked he observed both of them with his sharingan and White Eye of the Kagura although he couldn't hear their thoughts he could read their moods and general agreeability.

Haku was quite taken with the idea, so much so that it surprised Shiki. While he expected her to be on board she was quite enthusiastic.

Zabuza on the other hand proved to be a challenge since he wasn't biting the bait. Shiki didn't really know why, it's not like there wouldn't be great benefits for him if he accepted if he wasn't the idealistic type that wished for a better world.

Alas, this meant that Shiki, with a heavy heart, had to use Kotoamatsukami to "show him the way".

In fact, he was all too happy to do it. Certainly made things easier for him! He still didn't want to use it on waifus but who cares about a random psychopath! No matter how tearjerking Zabuza's death was made to be in the series, he still was a guy all too happy to kill people and oppress the innocent.

Not that Shiki wouldn't do some of that stuff while thinking 'Yes I'm a hypocrite! Just try and do something about it! Muahahahaha!'.

Too bad it didn't work as the expected win button. It took time to activate like a tedious amount, quite hard to use in the heat of battle. This jutsu was better used on someone that had no idea of what you were doing. His enhanced body after melding Hashirama's Yang Soul allowed him to use it once per day which significantly improved its usability.

Moving on though, Shiki then took his new subordinate and waifu to his desert fortress.

P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read one week ahead but I'll still post here.

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

lusobacreators' thoughts