
The Justice Brigade-(Moved to a New Link)

Four teens from different places live double lives as a superhero team that protects the world from evil at any time and location. Working together and using state-of-the-art crime-fighting technology, their superpowers, and their martial arts skills to help them, they think they can beat any evil guy or problem that comes their way. They also use their smarts to figure out how to stop their bad guys before they get away with whatever they're after. And if they see or hear any trouble, they immediately try to stop it, with or without their teammates.

Joseph_Kohtz · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Season 1, Episode 5: A Spy Who Knows Everything

The Justice Brigade was fighting criminals when the police arrived. Then, the police arrested the criminals and carried them off to jail. The Justice Brigade didn't know that a villain was spying on them. The villain said, "They failed, and the heroes won again." The villain watched replays of all of The Justice Brigade's victories and all the times they saved the town and became mad at them. The villain said, "There must be some way. There must be some way to bring those brats down to size. Hmm, I think I know how." The villain snapped her fingers, and her partner, Flamer, came. The villain said, "Go to the city and take care of The Justice Brigade, but don't destroy them. This attack will be a test so I can see what they can do. Make sure you get away." Flamer said, "Yes, boss." Flamer left their lair and went to town to get The Justice Brigade's attention.

Daisy was making her team dinner when their alarm went off. Daisy pushed a button on a remote, showing them that a giant spaceship had flown throughout the city and destroyed it. Daisy said, "Time to save the city, guys." The Justice Brigade got into their superhero uniforms and flew downtown. When they got down there, they saw the spaceship in the sky. Sungirl blasted the ship with a Sun Ray and shot it out of the sky. When she did, the vessel turned into a ball and landed softly. Then, the ball turned itself into a ninja. Flamer said, "Can't you do better than that?"

Iceboy said, "You're a shapeshifter." Flamer said, "Duh. But you can call me 'Flamer.'" Flamer turned himself into a wolverine and jumped on Iceboy. Aquaboy blew both Flamer and Iceboy away. Iceboy landed in a mud puddle, but Flamer turned himself into a cat and landed on his feet since cats always land on their feet. Then he turned back into himself and kicked Aquaboy away, and Aquaboy got slammed into a painted fence. While they were fighting, the villain who sent Flamer watched it on her TV screen. The villain said on her headset, "That should be enough, Flamer. Take out the last one and come back home."

Flamer turned into a cat person and saw Heatgirl. Flamer said, "Meow." Heatgirl said, "Kitty wants to play?" Heatgirl slammed her hands together and turned her hands into a Flame Twister. Flamer jumped, and Heatgirl accidentally set the city on fire. Then Flamer kicked Heatgirl away, and she got slammed against a wall. While The Justice Brigade was out, Flamer turned into an airplane and flew away. Sungirl looked around for Flamer but didn't see him anywhere. Sungirl said, "Where'd he go?" Heatgirl walked up to Sungirl, covered in dirt and dust, and Iceboy walked up to Sungirl, covered in mud. Then Aquaboy walked up to Sungirl, covered in paint. Iceboy said, "I don't know, but we have another problem." Aquaboy pointed at the city, and they saw Heatgirl set it on fire. Aquaboy said, "I got it." Aquaboy flew up in the air and over a field of flowers." Then, he used his powers to take the water out of the flowers, kill them, and send the water from the flowers to the clouds. Then he used his wind powers to move the clouds over the city and make it rain. Then, the flowers got watered and reborn, and the flames in the town were put out. Aquaboy used his communicator and said, "Rainstorm a success." Sungirl said, "Good. Now let's go back home so we can find that guy." The villain turned off her TV and was impressed. The villain said, "So, they want a re-match. Well, two can play this game."

The Justice Brigade was patrolling the city for Flamer but couldn't find him anywhere the next day. Then Heatgirl flew up high in the sky to see the whole town and used her Heat Sensing Vision to locate Flamer, but she didn't see him. Then she got blasted away with a green beam. While falling, Sungirl flew down, grabbed Heatgirl's leg, and saved her. Sungirl flew her back up to their team, and they looked at where that beam came from. When they did, they saw a woman with a wand in her hand standing on a roof with the guy they had fought yesterday. Sungirl said, "And you are?" The woman said, "The name is 'Muffy.' And this is my sidekick, 'Flamer.' Ready to die?" Sungirl said, "We'll see about that." Muffy said, "Flamer, sick 'em."

Flamer flew towards The Justice Brigade as a vulture and grabbed Iceboy. Sungirl said, "Heatgirl, come with me, and we'll handle Muffy. Aquaboy, you and save Iceboy, and then you guys take out Flamer." Sungirl flew up to Muffy, but Muffy jumped off the roof and bounced off a flagpole. Then she kicked Sungirl's back, and Sungirl landed on her face on the top of a building. Heatgirl said, "Enough is enough." Heatgirl pointed up one of her fingers, made a Lava Lasso, spun it, and lassoed Muffy. Heatgirl pulled Muffy towards her and punched her.

Meanwhile, Aquaboy kicked Flamer away, grabbed Iceboy, and flew him down. When they reached the ground, they saw that Flamer had hit an office building. Then he jumped out the window, turned himself into a jet, and flew down to Iceboy and Aquaboy. Then he shot his lasers at them, but Iceboy blew out his Ice Breath and made a mirror. When the lasers hit the mirror, they got launched back at Flamer and shot him out of the sky. Then he turned back to himself, and Aquaboy grabbed his shirt and saved him. When they caught Flamer, they handcuffed him and threw him in a police car.

Iceboy and Aquaboy smiled and looked smart at Muffy. Muffy was surprised that they had defeated Flamer, so she got mad. Muffy said, "You're both finished." Muffy tried to blast Iceboy and Aquaboy with her wand, but Sungirl flew behind her. Sungirl said, "And your wand is too." Sungirl took Muffy's wand from her, blasted the flagpole she was standing on with it, and made her fall into a police car. Then Sungirl put Muffy's staff on her knee and broke it in half. Heatgirl flew up to Sungirl. Heatgirl said, "We did it." Sungirl said, "Yes, we did." Then, all four flew down, got out of their superhero costumes, and returned to regular clothes. After getting changed, they all went to the park to play and stayed there until their next mission.

The End