
The judge of death

Isaac is an odd, young teen who spends most of his life in a mental institution for the murder of his parents. At the age of 28, when he is finally set free, he dies an unfortunate death but that only wakes him up to a whole new world. A flip side dimension, where there are human.... but not his humans? The hunger for knowledge and the thrill of figuring out mysteries has always been what drives Isaac, and know that he is in this world of magic and swords, he has a new batch of fresh mysteries to solve. About the world, about its history and gods but most importantly, about himself.

HouseholdAuthor · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Another world


"I couldn't just let those scum bags get so close to our territory and leave unscratched!"

"Are you crazy!?? I told you this isn't about respecting the kingdom. This is about listening to the chief's orders! What am I going to tell her now?!"

Isaac opened his eyes to two male voices arguing.

"They have forever locked us in this small section of the continent, and yet they want to waltz in whenever they want?"

"*Sigh!* It's a lot deeper than that, Pug... Violence isn't always the answer."

"No, but it's a solution!"

The black-haired boy slowly got up from his coma, looked to the side to see the curtain, and behind that two male figures.

"I'll talk to the chief about this. But if you ever leave that barrier again..."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" The younger male stomped over to the door and aggressively opened it.

"Aaahh!" Four other people fell in who were most likely eaves dropping.

Pug stormed by them, and they all awkwardly chuckled at the older male and started running after him.

The man sighed to himself before looking over at the curtain and noticing Isaac's figure sitting up.

He walked over, slid the curtains to the side, and sat in the chair next to Isaac's bed.

"Hey there!"

He smiled at him, showing the wrinkles in his face, and one of his eyes was missing. He didn't wear a patch to cover it though, and it was just red. His other eye was brown, and he had long blonde hair that reached his knees. One of his arms was mechanic while the other was covered with scars and wounds.

"Hello?" Isaac wanted to reply, but it came out like a question.

The older man just chuckled and grabbed a syringe off the tray that was to the side and injected Isaac with it.

'Even the king wouldn't let me die. There is no way they will do anything to me.'

Once he was done with the injection, he wiped the small blood from the boy's arm and put the syringe in the tub on the counter.

"So advanced..."Isaac said out loud.

"Oh, are you surprised?" The man asked. "Our tribe is one that specializes in forging, so as you see, we have evolved faster when it comes to mechanics and medicine."

"Whats your name?" Isaac asked.

"I'm Amantis. And you must be Isaac Denariyan. The earthling for the trials." He spoke with a smile.

"Yup. So why did you attack us?" Isaac blankly asked as he got off the bed to look around.

"Ahhh, I'm so sorry about my children. They're just young and full of energy. Don't worry, they said they didn't kill anybody, though."

Isaac found a huge shelf that was dedicated to a god, and the words 'stick to the divine path and the divine path will lead you to the best ending' were over it in gold words. Right next to that were rows upon rows of books on metals and machines, as well as the forging of weapons.

'No wonder the king gives them a lot of respect. This is a tribe that has perfected such a useful skill... if they were to leave the barriers to do good for the kingdom, it would rapidly start evolving to catch up to us in technology.. maybe even surpass.' Isaac thought, looking through the shelf. 'But if they came out to do damage... Yeah, the king doesn't want that problem.'

"Here." Amantis handed Isaac a large coat.

He was in a long sleeve shirt that was ripped up on the mechanical arms side and a flimsy skirt-like dress. Amantis noticed Isaac staring at what he wore.

"Oh, don't worry about me. It gets cold here, but I'm used to it. It's you I'm worried about." He then exited the room, and Isaac put the coat on before following.

They went down some stairs and got to the entrance of the building. The doors here were way smaller and manageable for Isaac, and when he pushed through,



A large gust of wind hit his face so hard he started sneezing right away.

"Ha ha ha! I said it was cold!" Amantis spoke.

"Not this cold!" Isaac retorted.

"Well, it's night right now, so that adds to it." He turned to the left and started walking. "This way. We have to take you to the chief."

Isaac took a good look around first. The huge red moon was glaring down at him, lighting everything in his sight. He couldn't see far, but from what he saw, they were on a street with multiple buildings on all the sides. Huge signs were lit up, over some of them saying what they were.

Shops, brothels, living compartment, and more.

'Whats next? Is a car gonna stroll b-'

Just as Isaac thought that, he looked to the other side, and there was a small black box that had one light in the front, which greatly resembled a carriage but with no horses attached to it.

So a car.

'You gotta be kidding me.'

Isaac started jogging to catch up to the older man.

'Is the king a saint or something? If I knew there was a place this prosperous on my continent, I would've ransacked it already and took the people as slaves. The damage would be big, but it would be worth it.' A large breeze hit him from the back.

'Is there a body of water that way?' He looked back, but, of course, he couldn't see anything because of the darkness.'

They passed by a bunch of kids hanging around a small entrance, and Isaac made eye contact with one of the kids. A large boy around his age who had on a hood. The boy scoffed when he saw the two and went in.

Amantis sighed, and that made Isaac curious.

"Who is he to you?" he asked.

"An orphaned boy who I found in the forest. They were all orphaned kids, a product of the conflict the king is raging all over the kingdom." Amantis clenched his fist.

"You might not believe it as you have been in the palace with all its guards, but this place is actually the safest land in the entire world. Furthest from the king's reach."

'The king is raging war right now? Can't be.' Isaac thought back to the look in the king's eyes when they locked eyes before. 'He's too soft... too cowardly to do anything like that.'

"Well!" Amantis exclaimed. "We are here!" His words trembled as he tried to smile.

A moment passed.

Then a couple minutes....

"I'm going in." Isaac finally spoke.

He started walking up before Amantis grabbed his arm.

"Wait! Just give me a minute!" He struggled to keep the boy back.

"I gave you multiple!" Isaac struggled to get him off.


A small, old lady kicked down the door. She was short, shorter than Isaac himself, and her skin was turning grey at this point. Her hair was pale red, and her eyes were a shiny yellow. She held up a rolled paper that was filled with plants and lit up. She took a puff before looking down the stairs to her house and seeing the two.

she looked at Isaac and then glared at Amantis.

"Prealia..." Amantis gave a nervous smile.
