
The Journey To The Top (Multiversal fanfic) [Completed]

This is my first fanfic critisism is welcomed Join disc: https://discord.gg/FxBh8eGX Synopsis: A soul drifts away from the cycle of reincarnation and into the void, something that has never happened before. A large amount of time passes with nothing happening, until an entity appears before the soul. Read to find out more. Current world: DxD Finished worlds: Arifureta Cover is not mine Characters and the original story in this fanfic are also not mine all credit goes to their respective creators. I will say this now this novel is pretty cliché, I am not forcing you to read. If you’re dissatisfied about the direction, flow or any other aspect of the novel you are free to leave and if you choose to leave a comment on the way out please make it helpful, and not something you wrote just to be hurtful. Please enjoy. Also mc is strong since chap 4 be warned Also, try to read until the start of Tortus before leaving criticism AU elements

SentToOblivion · アニメ·コミックス
105 Chs

Another vote

Please use the number that correlates with the option.

1. Time skip to the end where all labyrinths are cleared and just do a summary.

2. Continue as normal

I ask this because I don't know if some of you are bored because of mc being too strong.