
The journey to purgetory

in the aftermath of the doomsday. Levo was utterly devasted, after all his friends, familly and the entire world has gone to purgetory, Levo was left behind, leaving him stranded in this wrecked world as he tries to find a way to purgetory, but wait he he alone?

Abraar_Khatir · ホラー
1 Chs


As the sun dipped below the horizon on what had been a typical, soul-draining workday, I couldn't help but ponder the monotonous grind of my 9 to 5 existence. Each day felt like a relentless marathon, with my boss acting as the merciless taskmaster, squeezing every ounce of dignity I had left.

No matter how hard I tried, it seemed like his expectations were an ever-elusive target, much like a hamster spinning its wheel, perpetually reaching for an unattainable end. At times, I found myself yearning for an escape, dreaming of a life in a paradise whose existence remained as elusive as my peace of mind. Did such a place even exist, or was it merely a myth crafted by those in power to keep us in check? I couldn't help but question the authenticity of religion, wondering if it was simply a façade, concealing the truth while dictating an idealistic purpose for life. Though these thoughts swirled in my mind, I dared not voice them; after all, questioning the status quo often felt like a one-way ticket to hell.

But amid the shadows of doubt and despair, there was a beacon of light that I cherished more than anything else – coming home. The simple act of returning to my beloved wife and our joyous, giggling children breathed life back into my weary heart. Their laughter and boundless energy turned our home into a sanctuary, washing away the grime of the corporate world. It was in those moments, watching my children's innocent play and feeling my wife's warm embrace, that I found solace and purpose.

Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary day would shatter the tranquility I held dear, leaving me yearning for a reality that had been cruelly stolen away.