
The Journey through darkness to light

Aliyyah_Adewale · ファンタジー
2 Chs


I was in the bathroom when I heard noises inside the room so I asked " Who is there?".I wrapped my bathrobe and entered the room and I saw my grandma who was shouting at my uncle for allowing me to stay in the family house. she kept complaining and told my uncle that she didn't want to see me in the house for breakfast, she said that she just mourned my parents and I was the cause of everything that had happened to them because of me my parents wanted to celebrate my birthday and that they wouldn't let their guard down if I did not interfere with the fight my parents would have won the fight.

I shouted at my grandma that "They were sent to kill me but I don't know why they wanted to kill me if you had called backup maybe dad and mom would have survived ". I continued shouting "Grandma you did not try to help them why blame me I am only ten years old what could I have done, Before I could help them they had already gotten killed by the killers I had tried to make dad and mom wake up but they were not waking up I thought it was a dream ".

My grandma said that "I hate you ever since you were born why did you have to ruin everything that was going smoothly". My uncle then said that "Mom Lisa is a child why do you blame her for every bad thing that has happened she just lost her parents why can't you comfort her instead of blaming her". I ran out of the room and I saw my cousins and my sister standing outside the room, I hugged my sister and suddenly I was pushed to the ground by her. I asked her why did she do that she said: "Lisa how dare you to come close to me, you are the cause of all this pain everyone is feeling you should have not celebrated your birthday why did it have to be you ". I was dumbfounded and I said " What did I ever do cause I never would hurt anyone, how did I cause their death " in a weak voice and teary eyes. "I thought you would at least believe me but you are like everyone who doesn't believe me ", Maria then said, " Lisa why were you holding them if you weren't the cause ". Maria ran off saying that she hated me. I had hoped she too would believe me it was just my wishful thinking. My uncle was looking at what had happened and he rubbed my hair and got on his knees and told me that it would be all fine he took my hand and Max's hand and told his wife to follow him that they were going home. As we were going I heard my grandma as she kept shouting that my uncle shouldn't take me to his house and that I was a jinx. I couldn't believe that my grandma could call her grandchild a jinx.

My thoughts.

As I looked my grandma who called me a jinx I wondered why I was so hated by my grandma that she would call me I am just 10 years old what could I possibly do .

Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked at the person and I saw my uncle and I hugged him and he said that "Lisa do not I am here I will take care of you". My uncle took my hand and called his wife and Max to follow him that they were going home.

We got into my uncle's car and we put on the seat belts and my uncle nodded to the driver and he started driving,I noticed that the car was moving at a steady rate wasn't too fast or too slow ,as the car was moving I slept off and I started dreaming.

In my dream.

I saw my mom and dad smiling at me I tried to touch them but I couldn't touch them they kept smiling at me and told me "It's all going to be okay",they kept repeating it and they faded away and I woke up.

As I woke up I saw my aunt looking at me at me and she hugged me and told me it was going to be okay and she asked "are you hungry" and I said yes and she gave me and Max chocolates to eat. I was really hungry so I ate really hurriedly without noticing that I had rubbed the chocolate all over my face,I saw that Max was laughing so I asked him why he was laughing and he told me that "Lisa you have spread the chocolate all over your face ". he continued laughing until his mom glared at him and he stopped laughing . I was shocked and I quickly rubbed the chocolate off my face before I could find where the chocolate my aunt brought out a handkerchief and wiped the chocolate off my face .

The car stopped and we got down from it my uncle held hid wife's hand and Max hand and he urged me to follow them.

In the house

We all entered the house and I was fascinated because I noticed one thing they were no maids or servants in the house and I was wondering that who would take care the house which was bigger than mine. As we were going inside I just started feeling dizzy and everything just went blank .I woke up and I was in a purple themed room where every single thing was purple and purple was my favourite color ,I tried to get up but my head was spinning so much that I decided to get some rest and everything went blank.

When I woke up I saw my aunt in the room looking at me I was shocked at first wondering who it was and my aunt said "Lisa would care to eat you must be very weak ",I asked where I am and she said that I was in a special arranged for me if I were to visit . My aunt showed me to the washroom and told me that there were some clothes in the dressing room that I could wear and she told me to make myself comfortable. I freshened up and saw my aunt entering the room with a bag.