
The Journey Of The End

leaving her fears behind she stepped on the road to start the journey she never thought she would be a part of the journey she never had the courage to think of, to start the journey of the end.

The_Craytuber · 若者
3 Chs


As fine morning flashes the sun, one more day of writing my mind. Sometimes I really wonder what stories my mind holds. The girl in my story is stronger than me. She is braver than me only if I had the strength to wake up and start a new day. "Wake up Doroha its already 9 am now" mom called from downstairs. Wake up? The fact that I didn't even sleep, how can I wake up? Well being wide awake every night is nothing new now. I start getting ready for school as I get up from bed. Mom left breakfast for me on the kitchen counter as she went to prepare dad's suit for the day. I never really eat breakfast I don't feel hungry in the morning. Honestly I don't feel hungry at all. I quietly got out of the house. Thankfully the school bus was still there. I sat at the last seat alone. I have friends. Surprisingly I am quiet popular in my school. There was a time I used to be very how do you say it, social? Yah that's the word. But I barely talk to anyone now. I don't really like talking that much now. All I think of these days is about her. The girl in my stories. I can't imagine how it's like to go through the things she went through. She is strong but not really. The closer you'll look at her you'll see the cracks on her wall, you'll see how hard she's trying to hold it all together, you'll see all the things she keeps inside, all the things she hides with the most superficial smile yet the most beautiful. I look out the window to see the buildings the bus passes by, the trees and all the roads and blocks. All these roads has a story of its own, all these houses are someone's home. Someone feels safe inside those buildings and soon the road comes to an end. I get out of the bus as I reach the school. Gehu is standing there waiting for me. As soon as I get out the bus I'm now a person. A person who is always in charm and happy. Someone who looks like they had always have 12 unicorn cupcakes for breakfast. No body in school sees the quiet me. I doubt it that anybody has even even saw me without a smile in here, except for Gehu. Gehu has been there in my low days and my days higher than the beanstalk of Jack. "Sup shortie?" Gehu said as I entered the school. Gehu said as I entered the school. "Don't call me that." I really don't think I'm short. "Oo someone's grumpy this morning." He said in a teasing tone. I am way too sleepy to talk back. As I drag myself down the hall somehow, Gehu jumps in front of me with serious eyes and says, "Doro, you fine? Is it the nightmares again?" He has this tensed look on his face but somehow he is definitely standing brave right there. I have no idea where the brave context should add up here but he definitely looked ready to fight. What or who? I don't know. For a moment all my sleepiness vanished as I stared right into his Hazel blue eyes. It's puzzling to look into. "Doro?" he shakes again. "Oh yah I'm fine Gee I am just sleepy as I stayed up to write that story" He sighed in relief " the story of that girl? Doro you really know how to waste your time don't you?", "Do you really think it's a time waste? Because I am more than just curious to know how it ends up to be." "You know right you're writing the story? You should know how you want it to be." He grabbed an apple from his backpack as he said that. "Gee you're such an apple!" I said as I went in my class. "Hey what's that supposed to mean? And don't call me Gee" he yelled as I walked away. Its literature class. I'm not really that much into literature. Well I know, how can someone who's writing a story not be interested in literature? Right? Well, I actually started writing as a mean to pass my sleepless nights. I can't sleep at night no matter how much I try no sleep. I do get a bit tired in the morning but the day copes up with it. And literature is really now how I wanna portray what I write. I write what I imagine and what my mind brings out of the empty night so it also stays a secret to me where might the story reach. I'd rather put it as a subject of science, the tendency to reach the unreached or thrive the past. Anyways that goes too deep if I start thinking about that. Miss Collins is teaching us about how literature changes on the matter of days and decades. Well, I don't really agree on that, I think as literature is not materialistic it's unchangeable, what changes is people's taste about literature and so later on new literature is created. But I'd rather not speak up. Looking out the window the sky looks different from what I saw from the bus, well no matter from which side of the world I see the sky it might appear different but will always stay the same. "Doroha" Miss Collins called, "Yes, Miss?" "Can you explain the diversity of literature?" She asked. Well, if I think about it, diversity of literature really depends on the eyes of the reader, all literature is same but its he who reads it finds the difference. And it's not because of the plot, it's because of the point of view. One likes a specific kind of literature because that kind of literature reflects them in a very certain way. And that's where the diversity is created, between the reflection of the reader. "Doroha? Do you know the answer?" Miss asked again, as I was quiet the whole time. "No miss" I replied, though I knew the answer. "And did you do your homework?" She asked as she put the green marker down. "No, miss" I did the homework, but for some reason I just wanted to know what happens if I said no, I might get detention but honestly I like the detention room, quiet and alone. "And that's a detention missy." She said as she picked up the marker again and was playing with it's cap. I sat back down on my seat. I think Miss.Collins might have anxiety issues. I see her all the time fidgeting stuffs. I again look out the window thinking how everyone has a write worthy story of their own yet everyone tries to hide it, and acts to be like everyone else 'normal'. The funny thing is while everyone tries to be 'normal' like everyone else, they all are messed up. As the class time ends, I make my way to the detention room aka the store room where I need to staple the undone papers. As I open the door, Gehu is already there, "BOO!" he jumped in front of me. "Nice try but saw that coming buddy" I replied. "Doro you're such a bummer" he said as I walked inside to grab the box of paper. "So, detention huh? What did you did you do this time?" he asked while messing around the shelves. "I just didn't show my homework". "But Doro, you did our homework last night. Then why didn't you show it?" he asked as I unloaded the papers from the box, "Well, I just wanted to be alone and not in there. So I thought detention would sound great." He was grabbing the papers as he stooped and said, " You know, you can tell me if something is troubling you. Right?", "Yes Gee I know. You don't have to remind me that." "So tell me is it the nightmares again?" this is the second time he is asking me about the nightmares today. The nightmares might be one of the reasons I stopped sleeping. I hate seeing those, those two seats in the middle row of a bus, or the night in the rail station, I hate all of it. "No, not the nightmares. I just don't feel like jumping around and fake a smile today." He came in for a huge hug. He held me tight. But there's something in me that wasn't hugging him back. " Do you miss Felicia?" I asked as he pulled out. He gave me a blank look as I said again, " Do you miss her?" He stood there silent looking down at the ground. Staring at his so calm eyes looking down as this peachy cheeks go pale and his lips are trembling as he swallows a breath I know his answer but deep down I want to hear it from him. He is quiet. "Do you?" he asked as I turned back to staple the papers again. I didn't think I missed her though I think of her all the time. " I try not to. Not when I'm with you Gehu." He didn't say anything. I took the box and went to the other side of the room. As I staple the papers I can't help but think of Felicia. She was the most loveable person I've ever seen. She was sweet as the smell of rain. But then again rain was nothing but the clouds crying because I couldn't the day she left. She was as exciting as a bus journey in a bright day. But then again the seats were empty when she wasn't there beside me the day she left. She was as beautiful as life but that day she left. She was Felicia. She was our best friend. She was very close to us. Maybe a bit more close to Gehu. They had something unbreakable. Something I never had. Something I see Gehu searching everywhere. Maybe sometimes in me. But I know I don't have that, I never did. Gehu jumped in front of me again with two apples in his hand with a big smile. "Apple?" he asked looking right into my eyes. Whenever he looks in my eyes it feels like he can see through me and read everything I've been thinking so far. " Oh Gee you startled me!!!! You're such an apple". "Oh come on, and what do you mean by that? I'm not red, I don't have a stem and nor am I round." " But you and an apple both lack a brain." He makes an annoyed face and then we both start laughing. "Come on let get done with these or we won't be going home today" he saying pointing at the papers. I grunt as we both start stapling the papers. The work end shortly as the bell rings. " Hey, wanna bunk the bus and walk to home? I'm buying boba drink." He says as I grab my back pack. "well that sounds like a plan." I reply with a big fat smile. We both walking in the sideways as he grabs my backpack, "Let me hold it chibi." He said with a devilish smile. "I am not chibi." I really don't like anyone calling me short or chibi. I had him my bag anyways because it is so heavy. We walk towards the boba shop while I am being me jumping around the sideways singing songs without caring what anyone thinks, and he simply guarding me with a straight face. Sometimes I wonder if he really cares about me or he just doesn't want to get involved in any stupid police case. Where maybe I jumped in front of a car and in the worst possible way instead of me, the driver died in shock and being present in the crime scene, he will be in hold as a suspect. That might be a reason he keeps me out of the road and guards along the way. I run inside the boba shop like a five year old kid in a candy shop and he came calmly like an adult who works for ten hours a shift. He is quiet tall and broad he can be confused for an adult for sure. And sometimes he really is tired of my stupidity but he plays along. "What can I get for you?" the waiter ask as I'm staring at the menu like a creep. "A tall kiwi refreshers with boba pearls and no milk. Right?" Gehu ordered for me and gave me the most brightest and warm smile of the day. "Yesss!" I was overjoyed. Boba makes me happy. And boba with Gehu can not make my day any better. He smiled seeing me this happy.

"And anything else?" asked the waiter. "Ah, yes a caramel frappe with an extra shot of espresso and whipped cream. Please" Gehu said while pulling out his wallet. "Will that be all?" the waiter asked again. Gehu looked at me and asked, "Are you hungry?" "Nope." I said as my stomach growled. He laughed and ordered for two brownies and we both sat at a table beside the window. He sat in front of me. I can't help but notice how his hair is always perfectly groomed, he always sits straight as if he is ready for anything. Like the would declared world war three and he is already ready to fight. He looks out the window as it start raining. His eyes get narrower as if he is taking all the rain in and feeling every bit of it. His breath gets slower but heavier I can hear it from here. I look out to see the rain. This rain is fine as the rain when I saw Gehu first. He was standing in the corner of the road completely drenched. I ran to him to share him my umbrella. Maybe I was in preschool. I was small and so was he. Felicia and I used to go to school together. But she left early that day or I was late to go home. It was my birthday and none of my parents showed up to pick me from school as I refused to go in the school van. The van was more than a torture. I ran to him seeing him standing there alone. He thanked me a lot that day. He sat there with me as I was ranting to him how it was my birthday and no one cared. He quietly listened and then looked right into my eyes. That's the first time noticed his hazel blue eyes. I tried to catch the colors but it was too deep and puzzling. He said, "Happy birthday. Funny thing that the birthday is yours but I got the gift." "What gift?" I asked, "You" He replied with a bright smile. I don't know what kind of a pre schooler could say that but that did make my day much better. "Here's your meal." The waiter says putting the food tray down the table." I take my brownie and boba drink and instantly start shoving all that goodness in my mouth. He simply laughed a bit and started drinking his straw. I am too busy finishing my brownie as I catch him staring at me. He looks away instantly. "Caught you." I said pointing my finger at him. "Oh you little piece of brownie! Lets go finish that drink on the way." He said with a huge smile on his face. "Hey whats that supposed to mean?" I said as I putting on my backpack. "You know Doro? Sometimes you really make my day better. Thanks for existing with me." He said as he is walking beside me on the sideways. " You know you speak creepily sometimes." I said slurping on my drink. We almost reached my house. "Off you go." He said in front of my door. "Bye." I waved opening the door. "Seeya." He said as I got in. Everything got grey again. I could hear my parents arguing or what they like to say discussing in the other room. I simply went to my room. I am used to these discussions which leads to a 'who can break more things' be that furniture or bones competition. Anyways I took a shower and grabbed a bowl full of cookies. I made them. I love baking. I grabbed my diary to write again. I can't think of anything. I look out the window. As I go,

" She was once too afraid. She used run from all those things that scared her. But now she is ready to walk through them. Not because she is strong or brave now. She just isn't scared now. Because she has nothing to loose. She now knows that when you cry your tears away, to wash the sadness, happiness doesn't knock your door. You're left in an empty room alone with numbness. And numbness is not something expressed nor it is expressive. After walking for a while she feels lost again. She is loosing hopes as the road seems never ending like as the road before. She...."

"Doroha!!" Mom screamed. I rushed to the other room. She was blue and black. Dad was sitting there. They both were sitting on the two corners of the bed. Dad spoke up "I can't take this anymore. I can't handle this hell anymore. You're grown enough, you can take care yourself I'm leaving now. No more for me." I lost the count of how many times I heard these words. Mom spoke up, and there started a new 'discussion '. I went back to my room. These chaos is nothing new to me. I pick up my diary and pen again just to put them down. I don't feel like writing now. I sit beside the window with a bottle of water as I hear a ring on my phone. It's Gehu. "Hey chibi , you bored?". He can always predict me even when he's not here.

" Yah kind of."

" Thought so. Me too to be honest. You got any plans?"

"If I had plans I wouldn't be bored."

"Hmmm. Oh wait mom's calling for dinner guess you gotta be bored alone now."

He really annoys me sometimes. It's 11pm already and nobody in my house cares about dinner. Looking out the window it's kind of lonely. I let a soft sigh out. I'm almost as sleep as I am awaken by a loud bang on the wall. I rush to the other room. The door is locked. I knock on the door, my mom opens up, she is bruised and in tears, she simply said "Go to sleep Doro. I'm alright."

I stared at my dad for a second and came back to my room. I felt so....I felt so numb. You know when you went through a lot of things and you felt it all together and when the same things happen again, you dont know what to feel, it's a numb sensation of feeling everything all again and feeling nothing at all. I climbed up my wardrobe. I have acrophobia which is the fear of heights. My wardrobe is 5 feet tall. Enough to trigger my fears. I climb up it whenever I feel helpless or low, it might sound and look weird but it's just a way of me dealing with my fears. It helps me calm down. I can hear it. I can hear all of it. All the screams and beating sounds. Sitting here if I have to recall from when it started. Then I guess my family always has been like this. Just the difference is I didn't have enough to understand when I was a kid. I remember the days mom would sleep in the living room and I used to build a pillow Fort there and used to think she is playing with me. But now it all just lines up. The screams are no more there. This is the part where my dad apologies and tells how much he loves her and how sorry he is and my mother forgives him for my sake. It's almost 4 am and I hear no sounds. I slowly get out of my room to sneak a little. They both fell asleep. I got back to the room. I'm staring at the empty wall with an empty mind having nothing to think about. I stopped crying. I don't why or how. Now tears just don't show up anymore. It feels worst honestly. The feeling where you have this heavy weight gown down your throat, gets stuck in your chest and suffocates you. At that time you need to cry. You need to cry just so the weight can flow with your tears. Not being able to cry prevents you from getting rid of that weight, of that feeling. I laid still on the floor staring at the ceiling thinking things I should not be thinking, not now, not ever.

I am….not shocked but definitely not fine about how calm I am. I guess they said it right when they said, "silence screams louder than chaos." I take my phone from the table to look at time and there's three unread messages of Gehu. "Hey, just a daily reminder you are the most precious person for me. Did you have dinner? Are you okay?" I don't want to reply now. I put my phone down thinking if I should be happy seeing his concern for me. But he always has been the concerned one. Maybe not for me but for Felicia. Should I be sad about the fact that he once used to say these to her? I have no complains for Felicia. She left maybe she had a good reason for it. But if I really have to think about it she left leaving me with broken Gehu. I didn't get a chance to pick myself up and I was already gathering up Gehu. I was there for him before I could even be there for me. Well, no complains for Gehu too honestly. Felicia was someone worth running for. I knew her since my first day of school. She was there to play with me in the play room. We had two air ponies and jumped around the whole room on them. We got our first piercing together. We received al our dance and debate awards together. She was my bestfriend. Sworn to never leave my side. Whenever I used to panic or get nervous on the stage, she used to be there among the audience to cheer me up, to let me know I can do this. When I first time lost at a running race and everybody made fun of me, she let me know that I tried my best and that's all that matters. She said "you were winner from the time you stood here confidently knowing there is a chance of you loosing." It was confusing to think about then, but now makes a bit sense. Then one day Gehu showed up in our lives. Things became more fun. We used to play together and study and do possibly everything together. We were so excited for our first day of high school. But things weren't as exciting when she started to push me far. She started being absent from my life. She wasn't there when I first got bullied. She wasn't there to hold me when I got trashed in the school bathroom. She wasn't there to console me when I walked home drenched and bruised. She was not there when I needed her to be. Sound selfish how I want her to be here for me but don't think that she might have something to deal with too at that moment. I did think that. That's why when she said she needed me I went running to her. I held her tight in my arms. I needed her to know I was there for her and I won't be leaving her, not when she needs me. Gehu was there at that time. She and Gehu was pretty close. I guess somehow that's when my doors got closed. She started fading away from me. She didn't even think of how much it would hurt me to see her fade. She didn't even think how much I loved her and how much I needed her. Maybe I hadn't tell her enough about her ocean blue eyes and how I'd learn swimming just to dive in them, her creamy soft hands and how I'd hold them always tight enough to not let her slip but not too tight so that she knows, she is always free to go. I never really think she will one day. I used to think she took my breath away. Now that I look back to those days, she was suffocating me. I guess that's what happens. You love someone so much that when they leave, the empty love turns into something it should not turn into, something that's called hate. But I don't necessarily hate her. I am just angry on her. I am tired trying to find where I went wrong. What mistakes I made to make her leave. I used to be so quiet those days. But Gehu has always been there for me. Even when Felicia left, Gehu was there for me. I wanted to run to him whenever I used to get sad, whenever there was any fight in my house or anything that makes me sad I'd go to him. Maybe he would have held me and let me know that he is there for me. He has always been there physically. But I see his eyes always searching for something. Something that I am not. Something that Felicia was. Mybe that's why I have never ran to him. Maybe sometimes he wishes I was Felicia. But I am not. And I can never be. And I won't even try to be. Or maybe it's me who sometimes wishes to be her. Because maybe that would be better for all of us. Right now I am begging myself to fall asleep before I fall apart now. It's getting harder to breath. The weight in the chest is getting heavier, my eyes are getting blurry. I hear my phone ringing on the bed as I come back to my senses. Gehu, six missed calls. I call him back. "Hey uhh I am sorry I fell asleep, didn't notice your calls. Its almost five in the morning why are you calling now?" I said as I picked up the call. He is panting on the phone I can hear his breaths like storms inside a spherical room. " I am outside your house. Come out from the back door." He said as he cut the call. He is out my house!! What is he doing here at this hour? Oh gosh is he even fine? I rush outside as sneakily and quietly I can. There he is Gehu, my stupid friend five in the morning standing out my house holding a box of pizza, two brownies and a boba drink. "What are you doing here?!!" I ask him both confused and furiously. " You've had a lot today chibi, here you can calm down now. I am right here." Saying this he sat down under the jasmine tree making space for me to be comfortable. I sat there beside him and we opened the pizza box and I put straw in the boba drink. We both giggled without any context. The sun has not risen yet. It's a little bit cold outside but the sudden chills with the passing air was something to enjoy at that time. My OCD self is lining the boxes perfectly until it looked good to look at. "Yah, looks nice now." I said excitedly as I look him and catch him stare at me. "Oh! Yah.. yah it looks much better." He stammered as if I caught him stealing something. We waited for like three seconds before shoving al the food in. we eating laughing and making fun of each other. He let me have the last slice of pizza. As we both realized the sun has risen. It's morning. He will need to go back home and I will need to go back inside. He stood up and brushed al the grass out of this jeans as he looked at me and said, "whenever you feel low again, just call me. There won't be a time when I won't pick up the call or will leave you stranded." I don't know why that felt like something I wanted to hear. "I know." I said with a big smile. "Alright chibi, see you at school." He brushed off my hair and left. I went back in the house, straight into my room. Everyone's still asleep. I laid down on my bed again staring at the ceiling but now the weight is not that heavy. It feels like he took a bit of weight with him so I wont have to carry it alone. Staring at the ceiling I really don't care if he wishes me to be Felicia or not, all I know is he is here for me even when I don't call him, even when my family might miss me out he will remember to count me it. Well, I hope so…

I quickly turn over and cover myself with the sheet as I hear my mom's foot step outside my door. She opened up my door came beside my bed and sat beside me. I pretended to be sleeping. She was brushing her hands on my head as she called for me to wake up. I turned over and pretended to wake up. I opened my eyes just to see her swollen face. She gave me the most innocent and sweetest yet the saddest smile ever. She said, "Get up honey, the breakfast is ready. Don't skip it today." I didn't know what to say I just laid there blank. She left my room leaving the door open behind her. There was a time I used to be so mad at her for not leaving dad and saying nothing to him. But now that I think about it, I feel like I was so stupid to blame her for the mistakes she never made. I got out of bed and got freshened up as I went to the breakfast table. Dad was already there eating breakfast. "Morning." I said loud enough for both mom and dad to hear it. Mom replied, "Morning honey." From the kitchen, dad didn't say anything. I wasn't expecting a reply from him either honestly but though I tried. He and I don't really talk that much. We used to once. Once I was the daddy's little princess but things took a turn very quickly. Swiftly enough for me to leave it unprocessed. But I must admit there definitely many good days with him. Days where I loved my dad more than my mom. Where I would have chosen him over anyone. But I don't recall the good days anymore. Because good days comes with bad memories. Anyway that's too much to think about. Lets just focus on this butter toast now. I ate one toast and I went back to my room to get ready for school. Mom yelled from downstairs, "Eat something more you've eaten nothing." "No mom I'm full." I replied. I am thinking what I should wear. I don't really care about my outlooks that much. I look myself at the mirror for a while and yah I can show up school wearing this, a plain white t shirt and a greay sweat pant. But I need to fix my hair…ughh. Or maybe a cap would work. I grab my bag and I said bye to mom before leaving for school. The bus is already there. I got up on the bus and said to myself 'It's a new day Doroha, don't let your darkness be shown on our face'. As we reach the school I jump out of the bus. Im walking towards my class as Gehu comes by to say hi. He is already late for his classes. I am just jumping my way to my class while Alyssa called me, "Doroha, girl where have you been. I was searching you yesterday." She said as she came running from behind. " Uh I was just enjoying detention. Nothing much." I said with a side smile. "What? Its your second detention of the week. Wait let me guess did you hack the computers again? Or put fish in Mr.Jackson's shoes? Please tell me you didn't beat off some other dude's ass again." "Calm down Alyssa, I just forgot to bring my homework. That's it. I'm not always a trouble." She sighed "Oh yes you are." We both laughed. While Jacob passed by us in a skate board. "Hey Jacob wait." I yelled. "What?" he came back. "Let me try." I said pointing at his board. "Oh yah sure go on." He handed me the board. "Um Doro.. have you ever rode a skate board before?" Alyssa said nervously as I got up on it ready to roll. "Well there's a first time for everything." I said as I pushed myself forward. Little did I forgot there is stairs just a few feet ahead of me. "Ahhhooohhhh side everyoneeeee." I said as I hysterically fell down the stairs still being on the skate board. I fell on a girl. I got up immediately. " I am so sorry are you hurt?" I asked her. She doesn't seem to be hurt anywhere as I landed on my hands but still on top of her. "NO I AM NOT." She shouted. " I am so sorry." I said again. "No this isn't fixing this you need to sit on your knees and apologies." She said with an audacity higher than she should have. "And what are you little pinky princess? I said I'm sorry. If you're hurt tell me how can I help and if not, then get your shit out of here." I replied. She grabbed my t shirt and attempted to pull me down as I twisted her hand and pulled her down. She instantly started crying as this big dude showed up in front of me. "Here comes the prince" I said quietly. He came close maybe he tried to grab my hair but before he could do anything I kicked him exactly where no body should kick a guy. He fell to the ground. I looked around the hall "Anybody else got anything to say?" I asked. i can see some people really be enjoying among the crowd. Alyssa and Jacob just stood in the corner staring at me with horror. I kind of find it funny. I pick my bag up and got out of there. This is how my daily school day is. Go went to my class, on the way maybe student cheered my name. I sat at the last seat beside the window. Everyone in the class stared at me for a while. Though this should be nothing new for them. Sitting here I'm thinking I already has two detentions this week I need to keep everything calm now or they might call my mom. I stared out the window as I wrote down in my diary,

"She may not be brave or strong but sue knows she is not scared. She knows, this road is chose her. And nobody else on this road walks faster than her. She will walk and race her way down to her destination and she won't stop. There maybe people bigger or better on this road but no other people can play her role better than she does. She is imperfect. But she knows how to fit in her imperfections perfectly. She is flawed but she know when light falls on your flaws they becomes full."

I was writing and then I started doodling without even realising. And soon it was the lunch break. I went to the benches beside the soccer field. I sat under a tree With my diary. "Boo!!" "Ahhh!!!! Oh Gehu you scared me." "So miss hulk is also scared of someone?" he said in a teasing voice. "Miss hulk?!" "Yah, that's what you are. You turn into a hulk when you are angry. But a cute chibi pink hulk." Did he just say a hulk who's cute and pink? Oh no, not even going to try to imagine that. "Here have these" he handed me a sub sandwich. "Nah you have it. I'm not hungry." "Come one eat a little." He saying opening up the wrapper. I took the sandwich and was taking small bites as a boy approached "Hey! Doroha, remember me?" he said as he came running through the field. I don't remember him. I don't think I ever even saw him. "Uhh yah...." I said quietly. "It's Alex." He replied. "I am in the literature class with you." He said trying to make me recall him. "Oh. Yah what'up?" I replied. I still don't remember him. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to prom with me maybe?" Shit I totally forgot the prom was in 2 weeks. "Oh the prom? I totally forgot about that.I'll let you know Alex?" "Sure." He said with a faint smile as he walked away. I picked up my sandwich and looked back at Gehu. He has this slightly angry look on his face. He looks dead at me and asked, "So you're gonna go prom with him?" "Well, no. Not sure. He's the first one to ask me and I'm not even sure if I'll go or not." He stared at me for a while "Yah ok." He said as he walked away. Did I do something to make him upset? Is there a feud between Alex and Gehu? I picked up my sandwich and walked to the library. That's where Gehu goes when he's in a bad mood. "Found you!" I sad. He was sitting under the fiction shelf. "Hmm" he said without even looking at me. "What happened Gee?" "Nothing." "If you want tell me how will I know?" "You don't have to know Doro" and he walked away again. Ughh..