
The Journey of a Psionic Champion(Rewrite/Continue in Late June 2024)

A young man suddenly gets pulled into the world of pokemon after a strange accident. He awakens in the body of a boy named Lucas in the region of Sinnoh. Born with the powers of psionics he is able to create a connection with the pokemon around him. With a mindset that leads him to constantly be working he will begin his journey through the world of pokemon. Traveling from region to region until he truly becomes a Champion.

BonAurevoir · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Announcement Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

Hello ya'll, long time no see. Your friendly neighborhood author here.

Remember that "Friend" whom I was helping write a story? Yeh, that was me. I lied, lol.

(Phantom_Voyage) with the story "Persona: The Phantom Masquerade."

Not so sneaky, eh? BonVoyage was my original name, so it felt wrong to leave it entirely behind. But the reason I lied was because I was feeling kind of down after not being able to finish this story. And I honestly didn't want to have another dead story under my name.

I was worried that I would lose motivation again, but it hasn't happened, and I honestly am so full of ideas that I know for a fact I will finish that story. I mean, I am almost at 200k words in the other story and by the time I am done it is probably going to be 400k. I still got a lot of juice in the tank.

Honestly, the reason for my struggle with motivation was work. I wasn't getting enough sleep, and it was taking a toll on my mental health. So the enjoyment was kinda beginning to sap, and then I stopped putting as much effort. Now, I am much happier and healthier and have a healthier work-life balance.

I know I promised I would come back to this story if I ever got the chance again, so here I am, making good on that promise. I want to rewrite it, now that I am better at writing.

It would still contain the heart of this original version, but it would be improved for a better reading experience. I will definitely change things. For example, I think I would make the Mc not be a reincarnator and he would just be a weird psychic kid.

I doubt many people will see this, but I will stay in touch with both this and my new main account. If I do decide to go forward with this rewrite I will probably start at around late June. So next month. 

Anyways, questions? Drop em, and I'll answer. Also, the upload schedule would not be daily since my main focus is still the Persona story.

Also, for anyone who read my Tensura story, I am also tempted to do a rewrite because of how freaking bad the second half is. It's the same deal as this one; I updated the last chapter to be the announcement if you want to check it out