
The Japanese Girlfriend of the Academic Ace

Airi Sakura, the Beautiful Japanese Exchange Student - under the arrangement of her father, she stayed as a lodger in my house, and I was honored to be appointed as her guide to life in China. While spending time together, I discovered numerous secrets about her… Getting lost whenever she goes out, curling up into a ball when sleeping, holding a cup with both hands when drinking water, having an insane passion for claw machines, and being determined to earn money to buy her own house…

Elshar · 現実
14 Chs

She's being mean to me again

After successfully debugging the program, Deny Aaron finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there were no bugs, today's work was done.

Looking at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Airi Sakura didn't go upstairs, but went to the yard to observe.

"What are you doing?" Deny Aaron asked curiously.

"I'm looking at the location, thinking about what flowers to plant," Airi Sakura replied. She didn't want the empty yard to look too dull.

Taking advantage of the free time, she also cleaned up the yard.

"Tomorrow will be September, and autumn will come to Southern China. Isn't it too late to plant flowers now?" Deny Aaron reminded.

"Oh, right!"

Only then did Airi Sakura realize that many beautiful flowers and plants were not suitable for sowing in this season.

She took out her phone and searched on Google for flowers and plants suitable for autumn. Finally, she decided to plant some marigolds and cosmos flowers.

"What do you think of these?" 

Airi Sakura ran to Deny Aaron's side and showed him the pictures on her phone.

Her phone had a pink case and a cute panda pendant.

Because she hadn't obtained a domestic phone card, she was still using international data, and the Google page was in Japanese, which Deny Aaron couldn't understand. But the pictures seemed fine to him.

"Not bad."

"Where can I buy the seeds here?"

"Taobao has everything you want."

"That's great, Deny Aaron-kun. Can you please take me to buy them?"

Airi Sakura clasped her hands in front of her chest, looking at Deny Aaron with anticipation.

Deny Aaron was much taller than her, so he looked down at her. Airi Sakura enjoyed this kind of oppressive feeling...

With a height of 165 cm, Airi Sakura was considered tall for a girl in Japan. Many boys were not as tall as her, so she didn't often experience this kind of oppressiveness.

"Please, pretty please..."

"I will get lost if I go by myself..."

The night sky was clear tonight, and the soft moonlight fell on her skin, giving it a powdery texture. Her face was small and slightly chubby, with a baby-like look. If he could pinch it, it would feel really good.

Deny Aaron had this kind of feeling right now. He suddenly had the urge to pinch her cheeks.

There is a peculiar phenomenon in psychology called "cute aggression." For example, when you see something extremely cute, even though you love it so much and your protective instincts are about to explode, you can't help but want to squish it.

This is a natural response of the brain to regulate emotions. In order to prevent a single emotion from becoming too intense and causing a loss of control, the brain automatically produces the opposite emotion to achieve balance and prevent being overwhelmed by cuteness.

Deny Aaron had always been emotionally stable, but now he was almost overwhelmed by Airi's cuteness. So he said with a straight face, "I'm busy!"

She's being mean to me again...

Airi Sakura shrank her neck, hesitating to bring it up again.

Deny Aaron continued, "Taobao is an app, and once you have your local bank card and mobile card, you can open an account and start shopping on it."

"I see..." 

Airi Sakura held her hands in front of her chest again, pouting and said, "I'm not really knowledgeable about this... Could you please take me to apply for the cards tomorrow, Deny Aaron-san?"

Lika was already prepared to be scolded by Deny Aaron again, but she didn't expect him to agree this time. Well, not exactly agree, he just said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow when we're not busy. If that's the case, I'll take you."

The day after tomorrow was the start of the school year, and the emotional calculation project was starting its long process of data learning according to the algorithm. As long as there were no bugs, Deny Aaron would temporarily have more free time.

After all, he had his dad's orders. If he didn't take care of Airi Sakura, given her intelligence, she would probably get lost after going out to apply for the cards tomorrow, and in the end, she would have to trouble herself to find the way back.

"That's great!"

Airi Sakura was very happy. Although she didn't get scolded, she felt a bit disappointed. But at least Deny Aaron promised to accompany her outside.

Huh, why am I feeling disappointed?

When someone is in an unfamiliar environment, they always yearn for a safe haven. Although Deny Aaron treats her harshly and seems indifferent, at least he's not a bad person.

"Have you packed everything?" Deny Aaron asked.

"You haven't told me which room I'll be staying in..." Airi Sakura whispered.

"...Won't you ask me?"

"I'm sorry!"

Airi Sakura was scolded again. This person is really annoying. Can't he speak more gently? Always being so stern, making her heart pound, no, be on guard.

Airi Sakura silently followed behind Deny Aaron and went upstairs. The luggage was still in the living room. There were three rooms on the second floor, and Deny Aaron slept in the master bedroom.

"There are two rooms left, you can choose one."

"Can I pick this one?" 

Airi Sakura chose the room next to Deny Aaron's, mainly because it had more space and its windows faced east. In the morning, the sunlight would shine directly onto the bed, which she liked.

"Do you want me to help you organize?" Deny Aaron looked at her suitcase and asked. It seemed like she didn't have a lot of stuff, probably just some clothes.

"No need to bother, Deny Aaron-san. I can handle it myself!" Airi Sakura politely declined.


Deny Aaron nodded and walked away without any courtesy.

Left behind, Lika pursed her lips and dragged her heavy luggage into the room to settle in.

Deny Aaron grabbed his shorts and short-sleeved shirt and went to the bathroom take a shower. When he came out, he used a towel to dry his hair. He slicked back his damp hair with his palm, making him look quite handsome.

The most handsome man is the one who just finished bathing. This statement is not false.

Bai Xiaomeng happily jumped into Deny Aaron's arms. Unlike Airi Sakura, Bai Xiaomeng is the rightful owner here and can openly cuddle with Deny Aaron.

As they passed by Airi Sakura's room, Deny Aaron noticed that she had also tidied up her things.

"I'm going to rest now."

This routine announcement had the implied meaning of not bothering me if there's nothing important.

"Um... Deny Aaron-kun, wait!" Airi Sakura called out to him.

"What's wrong?"

Airi Sakura helplessly pointed to the laptop on her desk, which was showing a blue screen.

"My computer broke. Can you help me fix it?"


Deny Aaron reluctantly walked into her room and sat down on a chair to help her with the computer issue.

Ever since people found out that he knew programming, relatives and friends always treated him as their computer repairman. Over time, he had learned how to fix things even if he didn't know initially.

Before Rika's things were moved in, Deny Aaron didn't pay much attention to this room when he entered it.

But after she moved in, this room immediately became a girl's room in name. He saw her bed, the skirts half-opened in the wardrobe, various small items on the table, cosmetics, and the faint fragrance that belonged to her in the air.

Ah, girls truly are the temptresses that disturb one's sanity!

After silently reciting "Slash, slash, slash," Deny Aaron regained his usual stoic expression. He swiftly typed on the keyboard without emotion, quickly resolving the issue and successfully logging in.

"It's done."

"You're amazing!"

Airi Sakura never held back her expressions. She exaggeratedly exclaimed, as if Deny Aaron had done something extraordinary.

In fact, most Japanese girls think boys who can code are super amazing.

Airi Sakura didn't know what project Deny Aaron was working on, but being able to fix her computer, which had left her helpless, was truly impressive.

"I'm going to rest now."

"Good night!"

Airi Sakura accompanied Deny Aaron to the door. Her things were also almost organized, so she closed her room door and began to change clothes in preparation for her bath.

Japanese people love cleanliness, especially bathing.

According to statistics, the Doraemon anime series had a total of 627 scenes where Nobita was caught peeking at Shizuka while she was bathing.

In other words, as long as Shizuka was at home and not in the bathtub, she would always be on her way to the bathroom...

After a busy day, Airi Sakura was also exhausted. She changed into a loose T-shirt and shorts, carrying her change of clothes to the bathroom, intending to relax with a hot bath.


Deny Aaron had just fallen asleep when he heard Airi Sakura knocking on the door.

"Deny Aaron-kun, are you asleep?"


Deny Aaron really wanted to knock on her head and see if there was a botamochi inside.

If I'm asleep, can I respond to you!

Helplessly, he got up to see what she was up to. Opening the door, he saw Rika wearing shorts and a T-shirt, revealing her long and fair legs. She held a few pieces of clothing and some bath products in her arms, looking a bit anxious.

Could it be that she wants me to give her a massage?

"What's wrong now?"

"Deny Aaron-kun! Why are there three goldfish in the bathtub?!"

When Airi Sakura saw this, she couldn't believe her eyes. The bathtub was meant for bathing, so why were there goldfish in it?

Deny Aaron, on the other hand, found it strange. "I'm the one who's raising them. What's wrong?"

"You, you're raising them?! Deny Aaron-kun, you have goldfish in your bathtub?!"

"Who uses the bathtub for bathing..."



Rika felt like fainting. What's going on with Deny Aaron's nonchalant attitude?

Isn't the bathtub meant for taking baths?